Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@kcoug26 , see the above reply :arrow_up:

@martinezcs thanks for your input. I knew your girl had attended several things.
Crazy how they pick to ‘roll out the red carpet’ and ‘woo’ some, but definitely not most. :woman_shrugging:t2:
Trust your girl is loving TAMU?!


@kcoug26 @52AG82 Yes. It is going well. She went to a bunch of Howdy activities. She went to midnight yell and the game. Her VIZ program is good but very challenging. She was in the lab for 5 hours yesterday and has been there all day today. She loves her dorm. Davis-Gary single! It’s perfect. The sink was completely clogged and filled with standing water at move in. But she put in a ticket and they came that same day and had to do some serious plumbing. It wasn’t just at her sink level it was deeper, but they handled it. She ended up getting enough merit scholarship money to cover full tuition for freshman year and so far 1/2 the tuition for rest of the years. :tada: The national scholar scholarship, two at recruiting events, a department scholarship, and an outside scholarship from her high school and Coca Cola. They rolled in over the course of the past year.


@martinezcs FANTASTIC update!!
We have a friend who lived in D-G for 3 years, just moved off campus this year for her senior year. Great location, gets Hullabaloo perks (Starbucks, Aggie Express, Campus Mail) but cheaper. D-G is one of my favorites-old school, classic architecture. Doesn’t surprise me, at all, about the sink :nauseated_face: Might be wise to keep a couple Draino bottles on hand-for sink and shower.
Viz is no joke. That’s why it’s so small & competitive, not every kid can handle the rigor.
Truly remarkable about the scholarship $$!
So happy she’s loving Aggieland!

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We play Arkansas in Dallas every year. Just fyi.

Oops replied before reading through the thread lol. Sorry.

Pulled the trigger for Discover Aggieland. It sounds like an experience that will definitely be worth the expense. We appreciate very much all of the valuable information shared! Thank you!


What are the seven tabs? My D23 has three tabs I think.

My D23 has three tabs too. She applied Mays on 8/7. She is top 12%, SAT 1540, NMSF and 13 AP. Her school is super competitive.

In Howdy, across the top.


Pretty sure there will not be any trouble for your kiddo getting into Mays early round.

Your daughter sounds very much like mine and her high school is extremely competitive too. We are in Austin :slight_smile:
This year auto admits started getting the 7 tabs amost 2 weeks earlier than last year. I believe there is a chance for very high stat review admits who applied in early August to see updates on Howdy as soon as second half of Seprember, but only time will tell :wink:

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We are in Houston. Some schools are very competitive here. It is very common to see kids have 15+ AP and almost perfect SAT. My daughter’s classmates have 1550 and 1580 just retook SAT last month to aim perfect SAT score. Their ranks are outside of top 10%.

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@TexasMom88 my daughter’s quantitative profile is very similar to what you mentioned. We have applied for Mays. Fingers crossed for now.

That’s unreal. Congratulations to them all on those high scores, but how crazy that they’re not top 10%! I’m sure your daughter won’t have any issues.


I feel the pain! Many kids at my daughter’s school take 15+ APs to have a chance to be in the top 10%. My daughter will have 8 AP classes by the end of her senior year. Last year she had her only B ever; now she isn’t close to even the top 20%! She is a NMSF and has perfect ACT. Almost 10% of her class are NMSFs. Isn’t that crazy? It’s a big public school. I know my daughter has all it takes to be in the top 6% but that would have required sacrificing her sports and debate competitions - the price we didn’t want to pay. That is why this 10% thing doesn’t seem right to me. At some schools like my daughter’s, there are too many extremely bright kids who rank very high nationally and could have been at the very top of their class almost anywhere but at their own school. I believe those kids absolutely deserve automatic admission to state colleges.


I totally agree with you. It creates so much stress for these high performing kids as they go through high school, worrying about college for years. It just wasn’t this way for us (at least for me!). It’s just gotten so difficult to get in. I was in the top quarter of my class in high school and only needed a 1100 on the SAT for automatic admission to UT. I have no idea how it was to get into A&M at that time.


My D also got an invite to Discover Aggieland, with the accommodations and meals for a parent. But she hasn’t been accepted yet?? She is really confused, and hopeful, but I don’t want to go visit and then get a rejection later. She’s OOS engineering btw. Is the purpose of this program to generate more applications, or does is suggest she’s likely to eventually be admitted??

Wrong Thread

Ditto! Would love to know thoughts on if the invitation indicates strong liklihood of admission!


The program looks really good. This seems maybe new this year with the invites? I guess we will find out, one way or another!

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Has anyone who is automatic gotten accepted yet? All of my family and friends who are currently at TAMU and were automatic got accepted during the beginning of September.