Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@GpPsych since 2019, when my Aggie was auto accepted, -/+ September 19 has been the 1st day acceptances have gone out (not beginning of September).
Housing Portal hasn’t opened up yet, which is the sure sign of acceptance.


This is a recruiting event. It isn’t new. They have a variety of recruiting events for different groups: out of state, athletes, national scholars, underrepresented student populations (hispanic, indigenous, african american, rural). It is a good opportunity to visit the school and can help inform decision of if this is the school your D wants to attend. I don’t think it is to just generate more applications. I think it is to generate more applications and enrollments of targeted students. They do these events to increase applications and also to increase enrollment after accepted by students they have identified that they potentially want to apply and enroll.


I can’t imagine A&M shelling out money and invitations to events to students they won’t admit. It appears your students are being recruited. (Congrats!!! That’s wonderful!!)

I think admission is a slam dunk, and possibly scholarships, too. Back in the day, I was invited to the “Honors Invitational”. A year later, sure enough, I saw a lot of them again and I think they all had scholarships. So, not to get your hopes up about money, but I can’t fathom them not getting in.


I guess my question would be, in your experience, were there any students that attended that were not accepted to the university? Can we hope to think we may hear in an earlier set of holistic reviews as OOS candidates they have targeted for this special weekend? Don’t want my daughter to get her hopes up only to have them dashed by 7 month wait for PSA…

No guarantees. But participating in the recruiting events is the best way to increase odds of admission and scholarships. I don’t know if there were any students that attended that were not accepted. It’s possible but odds are they were invited for a reason. They actually don’t usually spell out the reason but one can usually figure it out pretty quickly at the event.

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Awesome! Thank you! Your personal experience with similar events is very helpful and I appreciate it so much! We are both looking forward to the weekend and seeing what different opportunities will be provided compared to our campus tour in April. We will put on our investigator hats and see if we can find any obvious similarities. It may be as simple as OOS students that have shown a lot of interest in attending. Who knows? Thanks again!


Tip: Stay to the end! If they are giving out scholarships (and they don’t at all events, so no guarantees). It is a drawing and they do it at the end.

Parent Program Event: 12 students, 2 $500 scholarships given. D received one.
LEAD Summit: 80 students, 10 $2500 scholarships given. D received one.
Send off Dinner: 12 students 1 $500 scholarship given. D did not receive it.

The other events didn’t give out scholarships but did give out swag. They all give out swag.
Each time they randomly drew numbers and if the person wasn’t there they put their number back and drew another number.
P.S. These scholarships are stackable with other scholarships.


@martinezcs you have such great insight & tips!
I’m with you-definitely don’t think they’re trying to increase overall applications (they have PLENTY), but do feel they are targeting specific groups/perhaps under-represented areas/ethnic/demographics etc.

Now that I think back, my Aggie was invited to a regional Mays dinner in 2018. Invitation only, RSVP required, 1-2 parents could also attend. It was a catered meal in Houston, basic swag was given (Mays T-shirt) and there was a $500 scholarship drawing at the end (had to be present to win). Everyone who was invited had already been admitted to Mays.

That’s the only type of ‘invitation’ event we were invited to (outside of Business Honors). Very glad we went, it was informative.

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Once the letters/emails/portals start going out – do students find out if they are accepted to their specific college/major (Mays, Engineering) at the same time? Or are the department-specific decisions on a different schedule? For example - auto admit to the university who is applying to Mays.

@rcc Howdy Portal will show exactly what major the student has been accepted to.
BUAD is the code for Mays (Business Administration); you won’t see Finance, Accounting, etc. All Mays students start out BUAD.
Accepted Engineering students all start out as General Engineering.

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Only admissions reviews applications for admittance. You’re placed in major based on availability. The only one that is different is engineering goes through another review, also by admissions office only.

When you’re accepted, you’ll know your major. For those, like mays, that have sub majors, you get that upon completing courses outlined in each degree plan. You apply to upper level courses. There is no gpa requirement to my knowledge. But May have some grade requirements for certain classes (like no lower than a C!).

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WOW! That would be pretty amazing to actually have a chance at a scholarship at this event. She’s checking her test schedule for school right now, but is hoping to attend.

Cautiously optimistic it might indicate good chances at acceptance down the road, but she understands not to expect anything until she gets an official notification of yay/nay.

Thanks much for the information.

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Anyone’s student get invited to the Aggie for a day event Monday Sept 19th? Transportation and meals included- from Austin. My D23 doesn’t want to do it since she did some 3-day Aggieland program in April.

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Out of curiosity, how do they notify for these events? Howdy portal? Email?

All of my daughters information has come from the regional recruiter and admissions office via email.

Email from regional recruiter here too

@dawn3 we received regular mail-postcard and letters-for Mays related events.

Do you have to accept admission offer and pay enrollment deposit in order to submit housing deposit?

@Engineermom27 no. But in order to pay Housing deposit, you must have an official acceptance (Housing portal won’t open unless student has been accepted). For sure pay non-refundable $75 Housing deposit, even if student is on the fence where they’ll go to school…housing selection isn’t until the spring, but it’s based on time stamp deposit was paid. Those that pay earlier get best dorm selection time.
Paying the $75 housing fee is NOT committing student to A&M. Students have until May 1 to cancel housing contract.


Invites to events come via email.