Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Here. It looks like he is admitted. Major still under review. :slight_smile:



Note that engineering has ETAM freshmen year for really determining students’ future majors.

The “engineering review” is more of a formal process checking if applicants have enough science and math high school credits. Some top 10% students may only have Texas Foundation High School Diploma, TAMU engineering required Texas Distinguished Level High School Diploma which requires 1 extra math and 1 extra science high school credit. Those top 10% shorting 1 math or 1 science will not get rejected, but may get offer to catch up in coming summer (or enroll CC in spring)

Comp Science (AP CS and/or AP CSP) in Texas is not considered as science or maths high school credits so you will be amazed many found out they are short in 12th grade.

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Is there ETAM data from last 2 years regarding percent of students not receiving their 1st 2 choices of engineering major? Or how many do not even get 3rd-5th choice? It seems that the data reported in engineering sessions may be based on 2020 ETAM from reading threads from prior years.

I messaged you the data separately.

Note that the data is NOT accurate. Because the first-second-third…choice are ETAM application choices, not applying-freshmen choices.

TAMU claimed 90% got their first and second choice and 82.3% got their first choice, that’s ETAM application during March of freshmen year. So for instance if a student got a B or lower in Math151, that student likely won’t apply CS or Aero as ETAM first choice.

That means the major applied during engineering freshmen application is not really important.

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So, historically, what day of the week has the first round of acceptances been released (I know it’s always been mid September). Are we thinking it might be in the next day or two or next week? Son applied August 1, is top 10% and has had 7 tabs on Howdy for weeks!

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My guess Sept 19 :grinning:


Thank you—that was incredibly helpful!

It seems strange that the 7 tabs came so early this year since prior posts say it was just a day/few days lag between tabs and change in AIS. Had hoped maybe everything would happen earlier this year!

We should start a betting pool… I say this Friday, 9/16. :rofl:


I hope you’re right about first admissions being releases on Friday lol! I submitted my application on August 2nd, and got my seven tabs about a week later. I’m top 10% and planning on majoring in psychology so I’ve been waiting very impatiently for the AIS to change.

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@FriscoDad, have you seen the Spring '22 ETAM data posted on reddit? I’m curious if it’s authentic.

@LaFinalista i wouldn’t count on a Friday release. ResLife people have to be available/on call, in case Housing link isn’t working, they don’t work on weekends, doubt they’d stay late on a Friday. Can’t see A&M releasing acceptances for one day, then not again until Monday.
In 2018, it was Sept 19, which was a Wednesday.
I could be wrong, this year has already been so different from the past several years, but I really wouldn’t count on the 1st wave being a Friday.

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It’s a hypothetical betting pool. Getting my “hopes up” appropriately.
And it’s heartening to hear you think ResLife people want to be available. In my experience with government work, we’d have no problems sending a bunch of stuff out on Friday at 4 and then going home early. Love to hear that TAMU puts customer service first. :+1:

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My D23 is in your same boat. I sort of wish we hadn’t known about the tabs so the wait would be a little less excruciating. Fortunately, other colleges are distracting her with calls and invites and recruiting while A&M is being A&M. :woman_shrugging:

Honestly for our '25 daughter we did not even tell her about the tabs. We told her it might be January or February and no reason to worry about on a daily basis. On the other hand I did all the worry for her as I checked it daily :slight_smile:

That method worked out for us because we were going on her “official” trip the next weekend. When we didn’t get the official letter and Loudest and Proudest sign in the mail before we were to leave, we found a creative way to tell her she had been accepted. We felt it was better for her to sit in her academic meetings and treat the entire trip not as “This sounds good but I hope I get in but may not,” but rather “I am going to school here so pay attention and be excited!” Totally different mindset.

Just something for other parents to think about if they haven’t discussed the tabs yet because the stress of checking everyday takes a toll. Good look to all!

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Yes, it was released through the public information Texas Government Code chapter 552

Last year, the top 10% for all majors received the “whoop you’ve been admitted” news on 09/23. BUT the tabs appeared on 09/17. Since tabs appeared so much earlier this year, it’ll be interesting to see when official word will hit!

Also note that last year once the tabs hit, then housing opened up as well. That hasn’t happened. HOWEVER, if you have the 7 tabs, I’d check daily on the housing site.


Tabs are definitely part of the process of setting up admitted students. The relatively new tab “My Dashboard” will be used for the rest of the college years for weekly schedule, financial aid status list and degree plans evaluations. One won’t see it (or need it) if not admitted.

Tried not to show here earlier as it does add some anxiety to freshmen applicants.

Raising the bar on GPA for auto-ETAM forces more holistic review but total number is not affected. There are some glaring warning for freshmen applicants. Competitive major like BMEN decline 35 first choice holistic so that is 67.9%. CS is far lower at around 25% holistic.

So engineering freshmen applicants need to gauge their readiness for ETAM before deciding to commit. It is a good process for TAMU to tackle the issues of auto-admit law.