Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thanks… daughter emailed nationalscholar@tamu.edu. Hopefully, we will hear back soon.

Super happy to report my D has her 7 tabs today as well!

OOS - California
ACT - 35
NM Commended

She hasn’t heard officially, and not from Engineering.


Auto-admit rule actually include other conditions besides being top 10%, one of them is “Complete the new foundation plan with the Distinguished Level of Achievement.”

There is no change of the rule, every year there are about 100-250 (out of 3800) auto-admit engineering students don’t have enough math or science high school credits that will be offered TEAB. Many students are not aware that computer science (CS principle and CSA) in high school are not treated as science or maths credit in Texas. These TEAB applicants are counted as full admit data so it is hard to sort them out.

Some ISDs with better counselors will be able to catch that, or some high schools require all students take 5 science and 5 math credits so students won’t get into this kind of trouble.

Right, I knew about the other requirements, but I’m saying that they were denied based on SAT scores or Act. They were told this specifically.

If they were auto, they didn’t even need to submit scores so that’s kind of bad decisions in the process. Since TEAB counted towards full acceptance numbers they were not exactly denied.
There were a few cases discussed in NSC that some top 10% took PreCal in 11th grade, but chose not to take Calculus AB/BC in 12th grade, also got TEAB offers. There was also discussion if next cycle auto admit may reduce to top 9%.

I found this by googling the Tx House Bill ….

You also have to:


  • Earn

    • a score on the ACT that at least meets the ACT’s College Readiness Benchmarks, or

    • a minimum score of 480 on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) test and a minimum score of 530 on the mathematics test (no combined score) if the SAT was administered on or after March 5, 2016.

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Good point! True but really can’t imagine auto can get scores this low even un-prepared. (and still submit during optional year…)

Is it too late to apply to Texas A and M and hope to be admitted to Mays? We are out of state. Thanks

@Bluesky432 eek! What are the student stats?
Rank/gpa/test scores?
Not too late to apply, but unless stats are really solid, Mays could be a reach (considering MANY applied in early August).

7 tabs!!
Texas Resident
Top 13% (competitive school)
31 ACT
4.7 gpa

Shocked really! He will be so excited. What are the chances he will get into engineering with those stats after the review?


They had to submit scores for engineering, even top 10%. My closest friend was top 2%. Took all the maths. Given Teab.

This one was class of 2021 though so several years ago. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Before pandemic, scores were required, and only if below the TSI requirement school wouldn’t decline auto-admit.
During pandemic (including this year), scores are optional. It was mentioned in the NSC about a quarter engineering applicant didn’t submit scores during application. Some eventually did and some went ahead took the TSI test on campus. Some might misinterpreted that engineering “require” scores.

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Just checked. Now the status changed from “Engineering Review” to “General Engineering” in Howdy portal. Still AIS hasn’t updated yet. My son is Auto Admit.


This is what my D’s says now as well. She isn’t auto admit (OOS) and only got the 7 tabs this morning. How long has your son had the 7 tabs? Or been outright accepted?

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I don’t know when exactly he got the 7 tabs. Since 09/21, I noticed he had 7 tabs and he has been auto-admitted on 09/22.

Also, I see the update in AIS today morning that he has been admitted to General Engineering.


Just got 7 tabs this morning at Galveston for my daughter. She will be thrilled-it was her number one choice!


S23 is asking since he has 7 tabs to GV - will CSTAT still make a decision? This separate application but same HOWDY for docs and such is confusing.

I guess good news is he is an Aggie!:+1:t3: Still hoping for main campus for Ag Major and Corps of Cadets.


I think so. It is weird-two different applications but one portal. I’m sure it is because Galveston is a part of TAMU main campus.


If they didn’t get an invite they should contact the national scholar program for an invite. There was a summer event and will be a fall event and a spring event.

From TAMU regarding the Fall National Scholar Day:
Please join us for National Scholar Day!

This is an event designed for prospective National Scholar students. During this event, students will learn more about academic opportunities at Texas A&M, student life and so much more. Gear up to also interact with some current National Scholars attending Texas A&M!

This program is invitation only. If you are a high school senior who has been recognized as a National Merit Semifinalist and did not receive an invitation to this event, please email nationalscholar@tamu.edu to inquire.


TAMU considers all NMSF National Merit Semifinalists, NMSF National Merit Finalists, and CBNRP National Recognition Scholars as “National Scholars” and are invited to the national scholar events/days. Each of the three types of national scholars receive a different scholarship package but all are invited to the national scholar days. NMSF Finalists receive the largest scholarship package, then CBNRP Scholars, then NMSF Semifinalists.

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My daughter is currently sitting with 7 tabs (as of yesterday), but in review on AIS. She got emails this morning from TAMU Health Science Center with a username and password to set up an “employee” account. Is this normal? She has applied as an Allied Health major, but she said she didn’t try to open any sort of account with the HSC.