Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Is biomedical science a large major? This thread makes me so nervous! My son has SAT 1410, unweighted GPA 3.8, weighted 4.69 but he is only top 19% because his high school is so competitive! He applied on 8/31 and linked SRAR on 9/9 (seems too late for non auto admit) and we are still waiting… does he have any chance to get in?:disappointed:

@RachelMTAMU94 --I hope you hear soon. Your daughter sounds like exactly who TAMU should want in the system! We are waiting to hear if DS got accepted into the BHP at Mays. It’s so frustrating because you are totally helpless

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Thank you for saying that. I agree. :heart:

Good luck to you too!!

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For admission, it doesn’t matter. After second review in Spring, if applicants qualifies but major is full, a major will be offered.


Biomedical science is a very large major.

Do you think he has chance to get in?

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My daughter goes to a very large school, non-IB, and has great credentials, better than my son who got into Mays last year in November test-optional non-auto admit but was IB. Not sure she will get in, but she no longer wanted to spend the time IB requires. So many great students in this wonderful state. The IB acceptance rate is super high, but confident she will find a great match, even if not A+M. And by the way, my son has been blown away by Mays. I can’t imagine a better school exists for business undergrad. Fantastic culture.

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@RachelMTAMU94 no idea what a scattergram is (I’m old :joy:) ,but you should look up the A&M post from last year, to see the stats that didn’t get in. Many just shy of Top Ten%, varied degrees. On CC, I don’t recall seeing any in 30% that got in, definitely not straight acceptance.
Not trying to scare you, but trying to be realistic.
Blinn TEAM is a fantastic offer, if offered (you asked about it) but that won’t come until February at the earliest.
Hang in there!

@Piknight --I love hearing the good things about Mays. Thank you for your post. I have no points of reference for Mays personally, so these make me feel so much more informed. I know my son is really hoping for Honors, but it sounds like it is a great educational either way. I have read multiple posts about applicants being accepted to the BHP lat year with lower test scores and references to “test optional.” My son has strong creds in every aspect, but didn’t do great on the ACT/SAT. But even though this year is also technically test optional, he submitted anyway. If he isn’t accepted, I think we will always wonder if submitting them was a mistake.

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A scattergram is a tool in Navience that you can use to see where kids from your kid’s high school were accepted, where they enrolled, and how your kid compares to the kids from their school who applied to that school. For my daughter - at her high school - she lands within a million green check marks on the graph. Literally all similarly situated kids from her school over the past several years have been accepted to A&M. An absolute lock. Not one kid with her credentials was not accepted by A&M. So naturally I am surprised and terrified reading all of these stories about kids with much better resumes than my daughter’s who are getting rejected.

Trying to get my head right. She’s a third generation Aggie with two very active Aggie grad parents. And she is a well qualified student. It will break every heart in this family if she doesn’t get in.

I had also hoped that with covid applicant congestion working it’s way through the program, lots of girls not wanting to live in Texas b/c of recent political developments, and the fact that my daughter wants a typically male major — that she might have an easier time getting in this year. But nothing I’ve seen on this board is encouraging. It sounds like if she gets in, she won’t hear until the Spring and may be Blinn or not at all.

I will also say that it has been a stressful and disappointing experience as an A&M Former Student to see the difference in how other schools are going after her and how A&M is radio silent. I’d think they would want die hard Aggies who are committed to giving to the school and bleeding maroon. Instead she may end up a Sooner. On scholarship. In OU’s honors program. Unbelievable. SMH. Just doesn’t seem right.

I also find the acceptance rate data confusing. The data shows that over 60% of applicants are accepted. So how on earth are all these super smart, well rounded kids getting rejected? If the primary explanation is the top 10% rule, A&M should consider moving to the top 6% rule like Texas does. Would open it up for more qualified kids while still allowing diversity and opportunity that the auto-admit program provides.

I may have to get off this board. Bad for my mental health to obsess like this. But I do appreciate the insights and the community. Good luck to everyone and gig em!!


Also - to clarify - my daughter’s high school doesn’t rank. So we’ve been able to deduce that UT and A&M dip beyond the top 30% by looking at the credentials of her high school classmates who have been accepted in years past. My daughter is well above the 30% mark - was just using it as an illustration of how the flagship universities have viewed her high school in the past. They seem historically to have appreciated that it is a difficult school and accepts more kids as a result. I am sure for other high schools A&M does not admit as many kids below the top 10%.

FWIW - my niece goes to a tiny school in East Texas and was auto admit to A&M. Her school doesn’t offer Calculus, over half the class won’t go to college at all, the sports and clubs are not competitive, her school is not academically rigorous, and she got 200+ points lower on the SAT than my daughter. Her parents are affluent and both have graduate degrees, so hers is not a situation where she needs a leg up over privileged kids. Yet, she’s in and sounds like my kid may get left out. That just doesn’t seem like the right answer for A&M or the kids.

Hopefully I’m worried for nothing and she will get in and all will be right with the world, but it is good to know other folks are in the same boat and that if she is rejected, she’s not unique.


@RachelMTAMU94 i am not an Aggie, but my daughter is 3rd Gen Aggie, with 15 current family members Former Students…so I get where you are coming from! A&M definitely isn’t the TAMU it was in the 80s or even 90s…they don’t have to ‘woo’ top students, and legacy is out the door (that’s at many schools, not just A&M). It is definitely frustrating.

Blinn TEAM and Gateway are outstanding pathways into TAMU, full acceptance! Hang on. If she’s not offered traditional acceptance, hopefully she’ll get offered TEAM or Gateway.

Pray, pray more, keep the faith, and hang in there!


Good chance and good luck!


@TAMUMAMA i agree :100: with @Piknight …Mays is just awesome! Small enough to make a huge school like A&M feel ‘personal’. So excited for current freshman and incoming future Mays students, who will get to enjoy the new BEC Mays facilities!
There are soooo many Mays orgs to join, competition teams, certificates to earn, fantastic study abroad program, Mays only Career Fair, loads of professional development, MaysFest fun days, and so much more!
BH (*never BHP) or not, Mays is truly #aMaysing!:blush:
If y’all haven’t joined yet, there’s a great Mays FB page for parents-super informative, helpful. Must be admitted to Mays (not applied to, hoping to get in), must answer ALL questions to join. Feel free to pass along to other newly admitted to Mays friends (parents only, no students).


2nd quarter isn’t a lock at all, not even for team unless super high scorer.

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Many high stats non top 10% students have already been admitted since around October 10. I know waiting is hard. Don’t panic, focus on the bigger picture. :grinning: Your daughter is a strong student, sounds like she is well prepared for college. She will be fine!

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Right. Perhaps I wasn’t clear. My daughter is not in the second quarter. Her school doesn’t rank and her AIS rank is top 25%. My point was that historically A&M has taken kids from her high school who appear to be top third of the high school class (based on Navience and anecdotal evidence).

Every other kid with her credentials from her high school has been admitted to A&M for the past several years.

So given that track record based on the kids from her high school, I had been very confident. Now I’m scared for her, which is bananas to me. Because she belongs at A&M.

Yay! Thank you.

Anyone know how big the Chemistry Department is and if it’s hard to get into? My daughter is thinking of switching her major and I don’t know if that will mess up her application. She applied 8/3 for meteorology and is in holistic review.

Chemistry is much smaller than Biology but larger than Meteorology.
Right now is about the time for first round of review, it may not be good idea to switch major at this time.