Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes, worst case he’ll get PSA.

There is still time, is she NMSF?

The process may require first review to thoroughly look at the entire applications if Naviance shows normally students with that scores have ranks closer to top 10% especially when some top 10% students of the same school tank their scores may throw the curve in early wave mainly filter by computer, but I think chances still very good.

First review is for all, after winter break, second round will be between January and early March.

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My son has the 7 tabs today and “admitted” in the Dashboard. Unable to get into housing yet, will keep trying! Top 25%, 1480 SAT, applied 8/5, green checks on 8/11, 4 yr varsity athlete, 3 AP, 1 dual credit, average community service, average participation in clubs, great/unique/honest essay. Got into Mays! Ol’ Ag parents are VERY excited!


That’s amazing. Congrats and thank you for all the stats!!

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I mean worst case you’d get total rejection but I think my son’s GPA and course load is good enough to get at least system admit. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

The only total rejection is for those that don’t complete app or don’t have the required high school courses complete. The majority that aren’t admitted in some pathway will get PSA. Most consider it A soft rejection.

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Can you or anyone else tell me if Nutrition is one of the majors that fills up quickly?

There are roughly 500 undergraduate students. I honestly haven’t heard in the past of any student not getting this major when it was their first choice. It is a great program with different areas of focus.


ugh I hate the waiting game!!! this is my #3 child and ALL my kids ONLY apply to one school. :scream: since both #1 and #2 got into A&M and joined the corps (as did their dad) it would be devastating for #3 if he doesn’t get in…


Still waiting on TAMU CStat Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Aquaculture and Fisheries. Daughter got accepted to Galveston mid October-Marine Fisheries. Good stats 1320 SAT, top 25% in large 6a competitive school, 4 years FFA raising pigs and other participation, 4 years Key Club, lots of community service, AP and dual credit classes, etc etc. The waiting is so hard!


I have a senior who has a 4.0 unweighted and a 4.8 weighted GPA. He has a 25 ACT. He’s not top 10%, missed it by 4 students😳. He’s applied. I know we probably won’t hear anything until at least December. What are the odds of him getting a merit scholarship? He will be a communications major. Is it a pipe dream🤣

@Debbie_Bricker did he submit ACT?
I’d say chances of getting a merit scholarship are low, at least as an incoming freshman. Every year, MANY parents of valedictorians comment on parent pages, their students never got anything while at A&M (minus the mandatory state {true} valedictorian $, which is from the state, not university).
Merit scholarships seem to be given to very high achieving auto admit students (high gpa/rank/test scores +) OR need/low income/geographically based.
Wouldn’t count on getting a scholarship, unless you live in one of the targeted, identified Century Scholar schools.

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He did submit his scores. He has 39 dual credit hours, but I know that won’t help. I know of kids who are high stat, auto admit who received no merit aid😢

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@Debbie_Bricker if he submitted the 25, I’d say chances are slim-to-none, to get a merit scholarship as an incoming freshman (again, unless he’s graduating from one of the targeted Century Scholar schools).
Entering with 39 DC hours can be favorable…or not. It’ll make it difficult for him to switch majors (if he decides to later) and he really won’t have any room for electives. But it may be okay for Comm majors, and he might graduate a semester early. DC applies automatically, AP is selected as the student decides.

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Public universities are not inclined to give merit aid. Most of the time is need based. NMSF/NMF are the only main merit aid in TAMU, the others are scholarship which require more than just academic excellence.
If not very far from College Station, any chance of taking residual ACT? Improving to 28/29 at times are just a few multiple choices per section.

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In your opinion, would it be wise for my daughter to take the residual ACT? She called and talked to AO about her ACT scores; she asked their opinion about taking the residual ACT. They said not to worry - that her scores were higher than most of the holistic scores they’ve seen this year. But… crickets in the Howdy Portal… no sign of the 7 tabs. She applied for Chemical Engineering the first week of August.

Her scores:
31 in one sitting on the ACT with a 34 in Math, 31 in Science/English, and 28 in Reading

Her stats:

  • Right outside the top 10%
  • 5.225 weighted GPA
  • 3.664 unweighted GPA
  • 17 AP classes including Calc BC, 4 Physics (1, 2, C, E&M), Chemistry, Super Chem, and 2 AP Comp Sci classes
  • Good extra curriculars and solid resume including part-time jobs

We both sincerely appreciate your help. Starting to worry. :frowning:

Do you think she has a chance of at least being offered a pathway? If so, in which round of notifications do you think she might be?

She hasn’t done very much test prep. We’re trying to decide if she should cram in some test prep before the Engineering Review deadline in October. She and I were debating whether or not it would be worthwhile to take the residual ACT test on campus at TAMU.

Oops. Cut-and-pasted her stats from a previous post. Please ignore the last two paragraphs. They are out-of-date.


In your case, I agree with AO, your daughter’s ACT is already above average, even for engineering. She will be ideal for Engineering. There are still 5 weeks for EA notification.

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