Texas A&M Fall 2017 Transfer

Has anyone heard back from the college of engineering yet?

@lovepink002 My stats are: 3.61 gpa with 31 credit hours. I am still taking this summer Business Legal Environment and then Accounting. What courses remain for you? What is your stats?

@mudboat Congrats, what classes do you have remaining to take?

@tamutransfer Congrats!

@Tudevoid My stats are 2.8 gpa ( i know its bad :frowning: ) With 44 hours. And I have to take one more math class, but it wasn’t required for admission.

Also, I got financial aid letters in the mail/email and I’m in the directory… Idk if this means if i’m admitted or not because my howdy still says “in review” and I have no tabs yet. I tried to look it up on other threads but I can’t find anything. PLEASE help!!

The wait is killllllling meeee. lol

I got my tabs on Friday of last week. I thought that my AIS would be updated today if I got accepted, but it still says in review. Is this happening to anyone else?

@Someandnothing44 yep, I’m in the same boat as you. I wonder why this is…

@litcriterally same thing is happening to me too

@litcriterally @alevan97 the wait is killing me!

@Someandnothing44 @litcriterally @alevan97 same with me!

@98mrk2020 @litcriterally @alevan97 what majors did y’all apply for? Maybe there’s a pattern in our majors on why we haven’t been fully accepted yet

@98mrk2020 @litcriterally @alevan97 interdisciplinary studies in the College of Education and Human Development… i might call admissions later today/tomorrow

I was originally interdisciplinary studies then I got switched to my second choice major which was university studies. From what I’ve heard the 7 tabs means you’re in but I don’t want to get my hope so up.

@Tudevoid thanks, Congrats to you too! Do you mean courses on the transfer course sheet or lower level courses?
for the transfer course sheet, I have ACCT and Tech Writing, but for lower level, I have about 6 more classes to take. When we visited the COSC department, the advisor said transfer students will be put into a fast track program to catch up on the COSC courses, did you hear that as well?

@Someandnothing44 i have seen that 7 means you’re in too but do not want to get my hopes up/say anything until it is official as well

When my S got his tabs on a Friday, his AIS didn’t update until the following Tuesday. So, hold on Aggies and get ready to celebrate!

@Someandnothing44 @alevan97 @98mrk2020 It’s making me anxious since it’s already June 12th… I wasn’t anticipating the wait to be this long, but I wish everyone the best!! And I applied for English!

@mudboat No, I didn’t hear about fast track. I shouldn’t really need it. I can take the 4 lower-level cosc courses separated between two semesters. 2 in the fall and then 2 in the spring. I only have public speaking, creative art, tech writing, and economics left.

@lovepink002 Hey, what will your major be in the College of Architecture? I think Construction Science they want a 3.2 GPA. It used to be a 2.9 I believe for the major. Taking any courses this summer? I would recommend that you do, and make an A in the class to boost up the GPA. What courses have you taken. What courses made your GPA a 2.8?

@lovepink002 Keep your head up!