Texas A&M Out of State

TAMU is one of my top schools at the moment. However, I’m coming from out of state, and I know the school is only 5% OOS, which is making me nervous. What is it like coming from OOS? Is it easy to meet people, or do most people stick with their high school friends? What is it like at the new student conferences when you know no one? I loved the school when I visited, but I’m just worried about going there knowing no one.

@luckyem7 My son is an OOS engineering freshman form Arizona. He loves it at TAMU! I recommend going to Fish Camp in the summer. It was a bit rah-rah, but my son ended up making several friends there. I wouldn’t expect to meet too many people at the NSC; it’s quite tightly scheduled. My son has joined several clubs and has met a ton of people that way. Finally, the Honors Dorms have quite a few social events, so these provide more opportunities to meet people.

One thing you need to remember the freshman class is roughly 10,000 students, 5% of that is 500. So you aren’t as ‘alone’ as you might think. Although the OOS count is up for debate lately (admissions says it is higher), even at 5% there are plenty of other OOS students here… that’s 2000 over 4 years of students. This topic comes up each year, so a search will give you some more opinions from the past but bottom line is that students here are very welcoming - no need to worry! The best advice is to enroll in Fish Camp (as beaudreau suggested as well), to meet some people prior to school starting & get a jump start on A&M traditions. It will also hook you up with a couple of upper classmen to ask questions of and help guide you your first few weeks at school.

My kids went to NSC knowing no one - several Texans also end up at NSC not knowing anyone because there are various sections and/or their school friends might not go to A&M. NSC is for parents & students so you will initially be with your parent then they break out into parents & students groups and they do a good job dealing with the factor that you might not know anyone. Even for the parents they organize the parent only meal so that you don’t sit alone if you know no one (like me since my husband didn’t attend either time), so don’t fret.

My kids love/loved the school (one just graduated) and although the transition is smoother for instate students, they had no significant problems and happily have been able to participate, make friends, gain leadership positions and generally have a great time while at school there :slight_smile: It is a family atmosphere at many of the events so be prepared to be ‘adopted’ by your new Aggie friends parents too. The line between instate and OOS is quickly blurred by the trumping factor of everyone being Aggies. Good luck with your decision!

My son is an in state sophomore student and knows people from high school, but now one of his best friends is an international student from Nigeria! I think it’s easy to meet all kinds of friendly people at TAMU.

Thanks everyone who responded- this made me feel a lot better about going here. :slight_smile:

My S (in-state) is going to A&M in the fall, and a very good friend from HS has decided to attend as well. They thought about trying to be roommates, but they both concluded that they’d meet more people if they didn’t…their rationale is if they are both in a suite situation (one roommate, sharing a bathroom with two others), that’s instantly 6 new guys they’ll both get to know right away. I think you will make a lot of friends, both Texans and otherwise…no sweat!

My S is an OOS Freshman in engineering - he loves TAMU! He would tell you:

  • Go to Fish Camp - the camp introduced him to many of the traditions. The friends he made there helped make the first weeks of school much easier. They got together for dinner, went to events together and the football games too. His counselors there have been a great resource for him as well.
  • Live in the Engineering LLC if you are in Engineering. It is easy to meet people that are in the same classes and form study groups.
  • Join a Fraternity - although it takes a lot of time, it is a good break from the rigors of school and is a great way to meet people.
  • Work out/join a team - take advantage of the Rec Center pick up games and the organized sports. Or - take one of the physical education classes - another great way to meet people.
  • Join a club with others from your major or area of interest. He didn’t do that until this semester but has really enjoyed it.
  • Overall, students/faculty/administrators are friendly, kind and willing to help you - it is just a welcoming place!
    Good luck…

Definitely do fish camp. It will give you a group of friends and a social safety net. When you make new friends, most people hang with their fish camp friends until they find their own social circles and then it just drops off. Typically fish camp groups do things together for the first half/whole year. After that, any close friends you made you stick with, typically become roommates with. Otherwise you’ve made friends elsewhere. There are also plenty of social and interest based student organizations to join. branch out, sign up for a ton of them your first semester and pick and choose the ones you want to stick with.

just DONT sit in your dorm/apartment all day expecting to make friends in class. Thats where most people go wrong here.