Texas A&M Spring 23 Urban Planning transfer question

Hello- Just submitted my transfer application 1 week ago so I know not to expect a decision yet but curious on thoughts on my chances.

Urban and regional planning-school of Architecture
31 hours complete as of end of Summer
3.38 gpa with all required courses complete

@ChristiR93 and @FriscoDad might be able to give their input.

You have an excellent shot at this degree. Good number of hours but not too many since you’ll have 3 full years at Tamu to complete degree plan. Solid gpa as well.

If your math and science is part of those 31 credits, exhale. You should get your desired decision! Keep us posted please!!


Which track did you apply? (Design track or Policy track)
Where are you transferring from?
Besides GPA figure, critical classes will need to/better be “A”. That includes 4 classes Math 1324/1325, ARCH 1302, ECON 2301. SOCI 1301 and ENGL1302 prefers to be B or above. The rest will be “C” or better. Refer to the transfer sheet you have on hand. Design track is more difficult to get in. If your transcript is similar to grades mentioned above, you will have good chance. Your SOP has to be convincing as it will be reviewed by department.

TAMU admits around 40 transfers every year to Landscape and Urban Planning, and school of Architecture is “enrollment controlled”, it depends on how many open spots left.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get in at Spring. Apply again for Fall. You may find it a little tough to register TAMU classes coming in at Spring (due to late registration and you have 31 hours). Decisions should come before winter break but sometimes early January (you only have 2 weeks to relocate, register classes and get familiar with campus).


Both (policy and design) minimums are well below 3.0 for transfer. And only requires 2 courses (one math one science). If the rest of their 31 credits follows along basic core courses, they should be just fine with what they’ve given us here.

Agree that essay should speak to the why this major as do most.


Thank you all very much. I’ll let you know how it turns out :grinning:

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Hello! I just saw your post and I hope you got in! I’m also a Spring 2023 transfer Urban Planning Major, do you know what nsc session you’re taking yet?

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