Transfer Fall 2015 Looking for thoughts.

So I graduated high school 2010. Graduated after summer school, on minimum plan, with TERRIBLE grades. Almost dropped out, but got it together right towards the end. Went to college the following spring, and failed. Went in the fall, and failed. Couldn’t get loans anymore, so I dropped out. Started school again may of 2014. I withdrew from 2 classes last semester; one for schedule conflict the other because the class I was in is basically worthless at TAMU.

*-denotes repeated course

us hist 2-F
wrld civ 2-D
tx gov-F

us hist 1-B
wrld civ 1-A
tx gov-F*
fed gov-F

tx gov-A*

fed gov-F* (for some reason I couldn’t access course while I was away in Budapest, and missed the final. auto failed)

comp 1-B
fed gov-A*
us hist 2-B*


MAJOR: Classics / History (Made it very clear I’d be applying to a dual major asap)
GPA: 2.72~ (with replaced grades & no repeated/withdraw courses computed)


botany- *
wrld civ 2- *
art history-
comp 2-
busin and tech writing-

SUMMER- I wrote on my application that I planned to take 19 hours over the summer; which I fully intend on doing.

I also wrote, in my opinion, a really good statement of purpose (essay A) about the hardships and ups and downs i’ve had, how i’ve now overcome them and am motivated to pursue a degree I’m passionate about.

So my question is 1. which repeated grades will be used? and 2. what are my chances? Is there any hope for a spring grades request?

I’m only applying last minute just to see. I’ll be in College station regardless, even if I’m at Blinn. So figured why not. My was submitted February 19 and the documents postmarked express, so everything should get there on time.
Also, not sure it matters but my EFC is 0.

Thanks, & Gig’em

Yes, TAMU includes all repeated courses when looking at your GPA. So if you don’t have at least a 2.5 with ALL courses computed in your GPA you will automatically be denied admission. however, they will typically ask for your spring grades and review your application then if your GPA is brought up above a 2.5. Although, I’m pretty sure the college of liberal arts will just consider the higher grades out of the repeated courses when looking at your application. Work hard this semester and best of luck to you :slight_smile:

Also, I would go speak to an advisor in the department and keep in touch with the people of that department! They’re the ones who make the decisions.

Thanks for the answers! I wanted to visit with an adviser but it’s basically impossible for me to get a day free to drive to college station with work and my current school schedule. My application is submitted and all the documents have been received. Now just to wait. Any idea when I may expect to hear something back? Thanks again Emily, for taking time out of your day to give me some information!

Check if there is a prospective student center near you and make an appointment there. Talking to an advisor there is as good as talking to an advisor in College Station.

Honestly, that is a mess. You need to do well this semester, and at least have a years worth of decent grades in course work. So you are probably looking at another summer session and/or Fall session before you might be able to feel comfortable having someone even criticize your academic history. Where are you taking all of these credits?

If you can afford to finish a class once you take it, you need to finish it regardless of it A&M takes it or not. You have way too many F’s to be adding withdrawals to your course resume. If your results continue to be a mix of F’s and W’s with maybe a few B’s and A’s in there, I would be upset if A&M gave you a look (lucky you,I know they will give looks to a lot of students with similar history). I understand and do sympathize with the personal issues and difficult times you probably had during all of this. But at the end of the day, its an academic institution and you have to show you are academically capable to succeed here and you have to keep that in mind when you make decisions like withdrawals. Advisers don’t know you, they don’t see you in your personal life, and most won’t care for your personal story. At the end of the day they see the letters of your grades and a formula to determine if you are going to succeed. That is what you need to prioritize.

What the others say is especially true though, go see an adviser. Get into contact with one and/or make an appointment if you can.

You also need to figure out what you are doing with your life before you go down this path. What is your career choice? It is alarming you want to dual major when you haven’t had a successful track record in one major yet. Classics nor History are known to be gold mine degrees for careers. It sounds like you are going to go in a lot of debt for these degrees, you need to be a 100% of what you are doing before you kill yourself for this.

I applaud you for wanting to get back and get a college degree. Keep up the hard work, the A’s and B’s look great compared to your past. You are getting somewhere for sure, but you need to be smart from here on out. This post isn’t meant to degrade you, its meant to be real with you. You need to be sure of these things moving forward.