Texas A&M transfer, can I save my academic career?

I currently go to Sam Houston State University and am in a sorority and have partied my life away for 2.5 years. I’ve dropped 5 classes and only have one drop left but this semester I’ve gotten my crap together. I’m pulling my GPA up to a 2.5 after I take a Maymester at Blinn. I really need to get out of this town and I have always wanted to go to Texas A&M because I want to be a professor there. I just never thought I’d get in. Well life is too short to not take chances. Can someone tell me if I can get into TAMU with only one drop left and a 2.5 GPA? Thanks!

Sorry to say but A&M requires at least a 2.5 to be eligible to apply. That does not mean you will be admitted. As for pursuing a career in academia, grad school is very competitive to get in. To become a professor at A&M, you will need at least a PhD. PhD admissions are also very competitive. First they look for a solid GPA. Somewhere around 3.5+. But the thing is to not give up and chase your dreams. My suggestion is to go to another university, work hard and get a PhD. You can still end up being a professor at A&M. Just get your life together, find your passion, and chase it.

I understand. But would it be possible to be admitted with a 2.5 and 1 drop remaining?

Most likely, not. You must have a 2.5 to apply but the likelihood of getting in with that is not very high. That said, you never know unless you try. The worst they can say is no.

Its NEVER TOO LATE… but it will be extremely difficult. Maybe take some summer classes at blinn to boost your GPA?

Lets see, if you’ve spent 2.5 years on starnadrd full time (12 hr) you’ve spent hours 60 earning a 2.5. that means if you make all As (94 or better) during your Maymeter and all As again (94 or better) for 21 attempted hours of (transferable work) then you will bring your GPA up to a 2.875 provided you makes As for 20 attempted hours. If you want a 3.1 you need to attempt way more (maybe 26hr)

Maymester = 1 class (3hr each)
Summer 1 = 3 classes (6hr each)
Summer 2 = 3 classes (6hr each)

That is EXTREMELY HARD and ALOT of work for a 2.9 ish, but if you have turned your self around enough to do it it won’t be impossible to into interdisciplinary studies or university studies though the departments of education or liberal arts. They are easier to get into as a transfer. Also since your GPA will reset here since a lot of your classes may or may not be used in your degree. And if you do great here, this will be the most important GPA you will have when you apply to grad school. Just make sure you have a great essay and some AMAZING EC to help compensate for the Low GPA. Maybe retake the SAT/ACT if you want.

Now that you know its possible… you will likly spend extra time in college (probably a year or two) for undergrad, won’t likly get many internships your first year, and you won’t have any special professor who wants you to help them as a Teaching Assistant, or a research assistant. But as you said, life is too short, so take the risk if you like.