Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Still 3 tabs for my DS, but I am excited to see so many with positive news today. Congrats to all! Any movement is good b/c it means the AO is getting closer, right? I must admit it is a bit of a gut punch to see others with similar stats getting good news, but not hitting the panic button until February or so. Although, the panic button is out of the drawer after this morning and is sitting on the table next to me now.


I’m right there with you. Top quarter, 1380 SAT and nothing. Engineering. Happy for others but feeling very discouraged


I just posted about an hour ago that I don’t go into my kids portal because I want her to see it first. She just texted from school that she has her tabs. !! She is beyond excited.
Question tho- if she is planning the Corps and rotc (they have their own dorms) should she fill out dorm information just in case? FYI college of liberal arts.


Of all the thread I subscribe here, this is the most active one.


I know, right?! Our son’s seven other universities combined aren’t as active as this one.


@Mel22 you are raising her right! She will be successful and independent at college, because you haven’t hovered or done things for her.
Is she :100: certain she’ll go into the Corps? If so, they do have their own Housing. If there’s even a shadow of doubt she might not, be safe and pay the non-refundable $75 Housing fee…as a safety net.

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Y’all are adorbs. So happy for you all.

Pathways do not come out until January and February at the earliest. But to confirm for yourself, look under manage application and it will say location (as does AIS). You’ll need to wait til the “You’ve been admitted” notice to be sure.


It’s been happening pretty quickly recently. Some within the same day, some the next.

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Yes, she’s probably 101%. She also applied to West Point (still waiting).


My son. Changed from Mays to Econ and he was admitted to Econ right before thanksgiving. We are OOS.


Totally understand your emotions. Please don’t be too down! @KeetsMom, too! Sending good, maroon juju your ways!


My daughter woke up to 7 tabs this morning! She is a psychology major.


Hope my youngest gets good news cause I have no access to his Howdy. I have parent access due to my oldest one class of 2020. My son got everything done with his school counselor my only involvement was providing credit card numbers… :roll_eyes:

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Got moved to Liberal Arts/Philosophy this AM from Mays…and got The Tabs!!!

Originally applied in late Sept for Mays (#1) and Philosophy (#2). White, male, private high school with no class ranking but assigned as a Top 25% applicant with a 3.7 UW GPA. 31 ACT. 1330 SAT. Four year two sport Varsity athlete with statewide honors. Interested in the Corp.


Great to know someone applied in September got movement.

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7 tabs in Howdy for our son this morning.
Animal Science
Would have been admitted under old automatic academic admit rules.
13% class rank; great SAT
This is our 3rd kid, but the only one we had to wait on for TAMU admissions. He applied 8/1.
Oldest son is Mechanical Engineering major and will graduate in May. His twin sister was also auto admit under top 10% to BIMS, but chose another university that fit her better and she will graduate with 2 bachelors degrees next week. So 3 seniors this year - 2 college and 1 high school.
Current kid has some great offers to other schools and not for sure if he’ll accept one of those or choose A&M. We love A&M as my husband and I are both Aggies and met there 30 years ago. But each young person has to choose the school that is best for him/her. TAMU has grown so huge and the size and infrastructure aren’t for everyone. There is a lot of self teaching for undergraduates as many professors are more concerned with their own research and publishing than teaching undergraduate classes. You have to have a personality that doesn’t mind “competing” for everything - from grades, to face time with profs, to extra-curricular organizations, etc. Our oldest son has done well and has already accepted one of his job offers for when he graduates in May. For those on this thread with incoming engineering majors, just know that the ETAM process is different for everyone. For our son it was a positive experience. Freshman year gave him the opportunity to explore and he ended up choosing a different major than what he thought and he was auto admit to his 1st choice. Join the FB parent groups, but take everything with a grain of salt and remember that posts are often on both extremes- both positive and negative.

Our youngest son has goals for vet school and we have 2 new vet schools where we live (VERO at WTAMU - part of the A&M Vet School and Texas Tech Vet School). He is currently doing an internship with a local vet, shows pigs with 4H, and works as a Wrangler at a summer camp. CASNR at other schools are much more generous to incoming freshmen with scholarships. Texas Tech gives gives more money automatically based on test scores and class rank. Not that money is everything as it usually all ends up working out and A&M does tend to give more scholarships to current students than incoming freshman. Anyway, just glad the 3rd kid has choices and we will support him no matter where he chooses to go.

GIG 'EM to everyone and good luck to those who continue to wait! Just remember that while Aggieland is great, other schools are too and your kids will end up where they’re meant to be.


I’m the same way! This is our daughter’s journey and we want her to find out first. My Mom opened my acceptance way back in '91 so I never got that excitement. My husband and I are Aggies and are so hopeful she’ll get in to the Wildlife Fisheries major.


What are the parent FB groups?

Aggie Parents is a good general one for all majors. Then the admins of that group have several major specific groups as well. Aggie Parent of Engineering Students, Aggies Parent of BIMS, Aggie Parents of Mays Students, etc. etc. I prefer these groups as the admins are a little more laid back.

The other major parent page is more strict and charges to make certain posts. I believe it’s called Aggie Moms and Dads of Current and New Texas A&M Students.

Also, look up the Aggie Moms group in your area. They are a great way to make connections with local families. Also, if you live in an area with a local A&M Club, look up those too. Both of these groups usually have scholarships for incoming freshmen.

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Has anyone received decisions for BIMS?