Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Daughter accepted this morning - YAY!
But… major changed from Viz to Communication. sigh
Any advice on options? What is possibility/process to get it changed back? I am guessing at this point is was full… IDK… Do we just keep trying until a spot opens up, and hope we are next in line?

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Congrats to all that woke up to 7 tabs this morning!!

My son has not heard yet :(. Any review admits heard for Biology yet?

His stats are top quartile. 1310 SAT. Asian male. Lots of ECs. 4.24weighted GPA. 8 AP courses. What are his chances?

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Anyone accepted to Mays today? I was accepted to Biology but that was my second choice.
Thank you.

What do you mean keep trying?

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Anyone in engineering still waiting? If we haven’t heard, does this mean Blinn Engineering or a denial?

What quarter is he ranked?

Girl… no it does not mean that at all. If early decision, then he could get deferred. If that happens then he’ll hear in January. Could be full admit, teab, Galveston or waitlist.

Hang in there.

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Hi ashill77. Has your son heard yet?

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No, unfortunately. He is still looking for any change on Howdy as a sign of hope, but still 3 tabs and still “Under Review.”

I still think your son will be admitted. His stats are solid.

Are you out of state too? My daughter won’t even tell me how many tabs. This is her #1 choice and I’ve decided just not to talk to her about it because she puts enough pressure on herself. Fingers crossed for everyone. (Luckily she got into her # 2 choice so if this doesn’t work out the fall has a little cushion). Good luck!

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Our eldest got got his 7 tabs today and his AIS switched to Admitted! (Says his Howdy changed to General Engineering yesterday.). Very excited (and relieved as he only applied to TAMU).

He applied to Electrical Engineering 10/10. He is unranked (homeschooled) with 1490 SAT.


We are college of Ag too, still waiting! Top quarter applicant applied 8/1.

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One of my twins was admitted today! First choice Mays, 2nd choice Agribusiness. Admitted to Agribusiness
Stats: in state, white male, top 17% at a huge suburban HS, SAT 1390, applied 8/2, Eagle Scout, hundreds of documented community service hours, tons of activities in school, AP/DC classes and a job.
His twin still waiting but not ranked as high and SAT is a little lower. He is also an Eagle Scout, hundreds of community service hours and a job senior year. He was accepted to Texas Tech, Texas State and TAMU Galveston quickly. Just waiting on main campus now……


Thank you @ChristiR93, I really appreciate that. I sure hope so. I keep wondering if his Ecs are holding him back. They are pretty hodge-podge-ish. I have told him for years he should try sticking with something for longer than 1 year, but he’s just a kid trying to figure out what he likes, I guess. He tried to use his Essay A to address the hodge-podge ECs and even spin it into a positive. It sounded pretty good to me. But maybe the AO was like, meh, not impressed. idk.

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Hey newly accepted peeps… I know you’re waiting til it’s official. But after it is and you jump up and down and do a cartwheel (then ice the pulled muslcle) please go to the after you’ve been accepted thread and update stats. This will help many who will go through this next cycle. It’ll be here before we know it! Really appreciate y’all.

Cheers, whoop and welcome to Aggieland.


They do like to see a student stick with something and grow into leadership roles but it’s not the end of the world. Glad he explained in essay.

No, we are in state in Plano (north of Dallas). Yes, A&M is his #1 by far, but it sure helps having a #2 in place. And I must say, OU sure is showing the love with what seems like daily emails and making him feel really wanted there. I’m like, hey, A&M really wants you too; they just have a funny way of showing it with their insensitive Instagram posts and all (jk, I’m over it now, I promise).

For those newly accepted, there are 2 main Aggie pages for Parents.

*Aggie Parents Aggie Parents | Facebook
*Aggie Mom/Dad of Current Students
Aggie Moms & Dads of Current Or New Texas A&M Students -College Station-Q&A | Facebook
*For Mays parents, there’s Aggie Moms/Dads of Mays Business school (Mays only, no TEAM, Econ planning to transfer, etc) Aggie Moms/Dads of Mays Business School Students at Texas A&M - Q&A | Facebook
*There’s also a fab Engineering page, Aggie Parents of Engineering (again, only admitted to Eng, not those who want to try & transfer in, but TEAB and the various Engineering pathways are welcome) Aggie Parents of Engineering Students | Facebook

You do have to have an A&M acceptance to request joining all pages. No straight Blinn parents, no one waiting for acceptance. Be sure to use the :mag_right: tool first, before posting or asking questions, as pretty much every topic has been asked before. Strictly parents/guardians, no students allowed on any of the parent pages.
There is also a page for BIMS parents (sorry, don’t have the link for that one), and a Blinn TEAM parent page. The college/major specific pages can be a huge wealth of info!

Congrats to so many who got offers today!


@ChristiR93 By “keep trying” I mean that when we look in the “change major pull-down list” under “manage applications” her desired choice of Viz is not listed - I assume that is because it is full. If a few kids decline offer of admission, one would think spots would open up and therefore it may become listed - if you can jump on it before someone else does.