Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Yes, I am not saying those autos will get 1100 or 1200 in SAT, they may get 1300s and 1400s but they are capable to get 1500s.

It makes a lot of difference in scores if a student gear up taking 5 to 10 practice SATs 2 weeks before the test, as compared to doing nothing just show up like a fire drill.


It makes a lot of difference to be National Merit Commended/Semi/Finalist! Shame kids don’t put forth more effort, but you are probably on to something.


Great course strength, I assume most are AP science subjects. 3.6 UW may be a tiny bit below TAMU average, a good chance for Biology first choice. If Biology is the second choice then that may be the cause little delay.
You have an auto-admit nephew you mentioned in the thread in August I supposed is also in Biology or Biomedical engineering.

With your son’s course strength even if your son get Blinn TEAM (BIOL) pathway, he can easily transitioned to TAMU Biology and it is a blessing saving $2K+ tuition in two years.


@tristatecoog you are correct! SAT matters big time for Business Honors and Academic scholarships at A&M, helps greatly getting into Mays and Engineering if applying holistically, too.


Yes, I was a little disappointed on my youngest not preparing for his school SAT test in March this year. But I couldn’t complain much as he was loaded with AP classes at 11th grade. He got nearly full score in PSAT in early 11th grade and his SAT scores actually lower than his PSAT.

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The national merit and national recognition programs are simply based on the PSAT so not much incentive to more than necessary on the SAT after the PSAT-depending on where one is applying to school.

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Does anyone know when Engineering Honors acceptances may start showing up? Also, if accepted in Engineering Honors, do they automatically get placed in that LLC dorm regardless of when they completed Phase 1?


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They told us this summer Engineering Honors had rolling admissions. We’re hoping they start rolling soon!

@martinezcs true about PSAT a being the score for NM (my Aggie is NMcommended). But if a student isn’t Top 10%, and they’re wanting admission to UT, A&M, a 1400+ is going to go a lot further than a 1250.
But that’s easy for parents to say, and a battle many aren’t willing to fight, to get them to study/prep, give up a Saturday to take ACT & SAT again.

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@kcmodad my Aggie’s best friend/next dorm roomie is Engineering Honors, as were many on their hall freshman year in Hullabaloo. They definitely didn’t want to live in any honors or LLC dorms. Being in Eng Honors doesn’t require living in LLC, isn’t automatic to LLC, you have to apply.

My son was accepted Friday and did not get first choice of Mays. I called Admissions and was told that Mays is full.


Thanks for the update. We are still hoping to hear back, and Mays was my son’s first choice. He has been offered honors business at OU and just got into Baylor business as well…this makes things more difficult now. I now wonder what he will want to do~ Economics is his second choice at A&M. Congrats to your son!!! May I ask what major he got into?


Were they able to access the same tutoring and extra available help that is offered via the LLC?

@Pamg no, because they chose Hullabaloo over Commons LLC. You can only utilize LLC stuff if you’re an LLC resident/participant.
Half their freshman hall were Engineering Honors students, they specifically didn’t want to live with an entire dorm of the same major. LLC isn’t for everyone.

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Same for my son - 1st Choice Mays 2nd Choice Agribusiness - He was accepted into Agribusiness – He is disappointed about Mays but thrilled to be accepted!! His twin brother was accepted into Engineering on Friday. We have a very happy family here!


@fouraggies Agribusiness is a cool degree, very popular! They take some Mays classes (not watered down business minor classes).
I just read this today, which I had no idea-

An agreement between the College of Agriculture and Life Science and Mays Business School limits the total number of undergraduates enrolled in Agribusiness to 400. Students in the BS Agribusiness degree program will take selected coursework in the Mays Business School.



Is anyone else still waiting to hear back from engineering? Assuming there is still a ways to go, but just curious. I need some waiting buddies :slight_smile:


Don’t worry I am too! The wait has definitely been the hardest part for me :sweat_smile:

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Yes agribusiness has access to the Mays courses vs like you said… watered down like university studies and business minors. It’s a pretty cool major for sure. Thanks for sharing the link!


He’s going to love it! I’m an agribusiness major (using my mom’s account so ignore the username) and I love having access to agriculture courses. Since he has that agriculture background with his major he may have more career opportunities than regular business majors. I chose the major because I want to stay in Texas and agriculture is my best chance in staying here. If he wants to stay in Texas as well then he should look at the major that way. My little brother is wanting agribusiness as well, so if he needs any help feel free to reach out to me since my brother will most likely be in courses with him.