Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Sure! It’s a great page, super helpful. Be sure to answer all the questions when requesting to join.

Lol your sons stats made it easy to predict. I trusted in tamu to truly review the app. So happy for your fam.

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Did your daughter hear anything yet? My son hasn’t, and does all his classed though the local CC, where he has a 4.0, is in several clubs and honor awards. Applied for History program.

Happy almost 2022! This year flew by. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that 2022 brings so much fun and joy into your families lives. Spring semester Senior year is CRAZY busy, so enjoy it all.

Cheers to you and for those waiting on a decision… hang in there, it’s the home stretch.


Well, I am having a moment! I went over my son’s application and realized he had put Regular Decision instead of EARLY even thought he submitted it in August!!! Does this mean they didn’t even review it when he sent it in? I can’t believe this…

No such thing as Early Decision for Non Engineering majors… so he did it correctly. Now exhale!!!

They review them all. I’m sure they’ve looked at every single app by now at least once. Then, they will do it again and rescore. There’s a whole splatter point graph they use that will then rank the student. No one sees the entire application. It is broken out and scored independently.

Oh, thank you!!! That makes us feel a lot better :slight_smile:

This whole process is maddening!

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Wishing everyone here a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It has been very nice to gather so many tips here from those of you who generously share your time and experiences with the rest of us. I have an only child so this is my first time going through the college admissions process and this forum has been super helpful, especially since the A&M process is unlike any of the others! I just wanted to say thank you and that I’m grateful! Mid to late January decisions can’t get here soon enough!


Hope you did as well and thanks for all the help throughout this crazy process!!

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas for those that celebrate and in advance Happy New Year and Happy Holidays!!!

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@Jennifer_Herman_VanH, we did hear back the first week of December. She was accepted into General Engineering one day after she submitted her application to Tech as a safety (because I was getting so nervous). She’s coming from homeschool/hybrid model private school with significant dual enrollment hours and 4.0 unweighted GPA, 1390 SAT. Had I known then what I know now, I would have made her retake the SAT because I think even 10-20 points would have gotten her accepted sooner. There are several other students I know who applied Test Optional and have not heard yet. Hope your student hears something early January. I know the wait is brutal for us parents.

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My ds is homeschooled so doesn’t have the resources a traditional schooled student might have. He just had me. We are also Texas transplants (15 years so not new) and aren’t “in the know” for TAMU info. However, it was a simple process to get on mailing lists which provided a lot of information. TAMU also has a bunch of ZOOM briefings and local in-person meetings tailored to students’ circumstances. In these communications, it was very clear to my ds that he needed to apply early. One email from admissions told him to apply no later than October 1st for his best chances and an email from the Corps recruiter said earlier the better. Because of that, he got his app in on Aug 16 and was accepted in September. The information is plentiful and out there.

Ds has applied to 11 schools (including 2 service academies) and each one has such different admissions processes, he knew he had to research to figure them out. It didn’t take much of his time.


@TD1999 - my daughter applied 1st week of August as well, but didn’t hear back until Dec. 3. Your DS must have had excellent test scores to receive acceptance so early. Without academic admissions the past two years, homeschool and private school kids really need to have great standardized test scores plus great ECs to compete with top ten public school students. My DD would have most likely fallen in the top 10 if she had continued with public school and she ranked 1st in her small private school. She’s remained close to her ps friends, several had lower scores yet qualified for top 10% and we’re accepted to TAMU early. We celebrated their success with them and as we kept waiting for her acceptance. Texas is a very homeschool friendly state, but when it comes to college admissions, families need to be prepared for the holistic review process and a bit more waiting if you don’t have exceptional test scores.

His test scores are good but not exceptional. 1390 SAT/31 ACT in one sitting. Better superscore but TAMU doesn’t care about that. We expected to wait until Dec so Sept was a nice surprise. We were more worried about not getting accepted at all if he waited too long to apply. This is our first graduate so we wanted to give him the best chance possible.

He does have great ECs so that could have made a difference.

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@TD1999 looks like acceptance was late October, not September? Still early, considering not Auto, but I don’t think anyone got September acceptance that wasn’t Top Ten%.

Is the Facebook group for enrolled students?

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@Mha6514 Fb page is for parents of admitted and:or enrolled Mays students. Must be admitted/accepted.
Be sure to answer the questions-will be denied if you don’t.

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You are right!! Totally got those months confused!


I am curious whether all Brown Scholarship invitations have been sent? Thanks. Happy New Year to all.

Normally invitation ends around mid January. TAMU sends around 600 - 700 (mostly NMSF) admitted students to Brown Family and they will pick out 90 - 100 for interview. Interviews happen between December and January. Around 50 will be awarded.

Edit: I have to clarify that NMSF is not the only criteria for being selected. More than 150 NM Finalists (Scholars) enroll at TAMU every year, more than the number of Brown Scholarships awarded.