Texas A&M University Class of 2026

We’d love to know too. Other than that one reference to a facebook post where someone was already awarded it, I haven’t heard of anyone else being contacted or having interviews.

@Aimeen i truly don’t believe that person was correct, not even sure interviews have started.
The Brown process is quite lengthy and involved.

I mean I wonder about that too. It doesn’t seem to follow the normal timeline of what I’ve read. But that’s the only reference I’ve heard and he does have an official looking letter. My son was contacted before Thanksgiving about submitting letters of reference, but we haven’t heard anything since. Of course, the website says if you aren’t selected for an interview, you won’t hear anything. So we are assuming he wasn’t selected at this point.

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I’m not sure what you mean about it not being a criteria. The A&M website states that being a National Merit Semifinalist IS an eligibility criterion for being selected for an interview for Brown. Not all NMSF will receive the Brown, but all the Brown Scholars are NMSF.

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Sorry I meant not the only criteria.


Happy New Year Everyone!

DS still waiting. I heard TAMU asked staff to work from home this week so may be more waiting…


@PlanoAggies that is correct. However, I’m assuming most have their laptops at home, and can communicate easily.


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My S has applied for TAMU fall 2022 freshman COE as early Action.

In state
Not an auto admit … my S would have been academic admit under the recently retired policy :expressionless:
Non ranking HS ; 6A school
3.7 NW GPA
1440 SAT
4 yrs band, 2 instruments, section leader of 20person section
6 APs including AP CS, AP Physics I+II, AP Chem
100+ hours community service

His AIS displays a message “your EA has been deferred to normal decision timeframe”

I am looking through this thread and it seems doubtful for him to obtain acceptance into COE in College Station. Rather it seems the realistic outcome will be TAMU extends either co-enrollment @ Blinn CS … or McAllen … or Corpus.

The problem is that he checked the box “I will not consider co-enrollment / McAllen / Corpus”

Is it possible to have TAMU admissions remove that selection from his application ?

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@T_Parker you definitely want @ChristiR93 to weigh in…she’s the guru!
Galveston could be an option, did you select you’d take an offer from there? Corpus Christi would only be a PSA option, and I believe Engineering doesn’t participate in PSA.
A 1440 SAT is solid.

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I’d think you’d get admitted to CSTAT with a 1440 and top quarter weighting from admissions. My nephew is doing Galveston but is delayed a semester due to the math entrance exam. He had to retake pre-calc and is taking calculus in the spring.

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Great SAT, is AIS showing your son in 1st quarter? Is Calculus AB/BC one of the APs?

Is your first choice still Computer Science? or Electrical Engineering?

Assuming your son applied before 10/15 (since having the EA deferred message), depends on your assigned rank, if 1st quarter and no “C” in maths class, and first choice is EE instead of CS, your son still have good chance of full admission to College Station.

If offered Blinn TEAB, it is still a good alternative as all engineering students will go through the same ETAM process regardless they are TEAB or College Station. A 4.0 freshmen GPA likely required for admission to Computer Science major as first quartile of all freshmen engineering students are 4.0.


There were 2 informational meetings offered to finalists in December. Interviews were being offered in December - I am not sure if they are still interviewing at this point.


Does it really matter what type of engineering they apply to at this point? Since they will go through ETAM, I thought they just got admitted to the COE. Or do they really look at their current stated choice? So many of them will change their mind by the time ETAM rolls around. Just curious how it all works or if anyone even knows. Thanks!

It really doesn’t matter during application.
All engineering freshmen will pick their 3 choices of majors in Feb after knowing their Freshmen Fall GPA.


Thank you! We will keep waiting (like we have a choice :joy:). I want to do something about it, but there is nothing to do but wait. I have control issues I guess :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thanks for the update. It’s been very quiet online about Brown Scholars this year, and it seems their timeline was earlier than their website indicated. Assuming your son was selected, Congrats!

As others have mentioned, thats a great SAT score and should help him is gaining acceptance. As friscodad also asked … did he take AP Calc? If so, I’m guessing he’ll get offered admission soon. Last year, there were quite a few review engineering applicants receiving admission to cstat in jan/feb from our highschool - some even test optional.

Your question about alternate locations has been asked in previous years, and I believe the consensus was that Tamu may ask these questions only to gage overall interest in these programs but it doesn’t mean that Tamu wont offer someone admittance to Galveston, even though they said they weren’t interested in Galveston, if that makes sense. @ChristiR93

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My brother is applying to the college of engineering, however, if he is denied he is still planning on coming to college station and either enrolling at Blinn or at Rellis and trying to transfer to Texas A&M later. Does anyone have any insight on which would be a better option? Blinn Bryan campus or Rellis?

If he is not offered the engineering academy at Blinn Bryan, it would be best to enroll in the engineering academy at Blinn Brehnam, or some other tamu engineering academy at a community college. He cant chose to take first year engineering classes at Blinn Bryan, it can only be offered. I am not familiar with how Rellis fits but I see it has numerous degree offerings

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Agreed. Sorry I should have answered publicly. T_Parket messaged me privately and we discussed in detail. Thanks for putting this out there.

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