Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Yeah still no change on Howdy or AIS for us.


Very solid SAT and GPA, not reasonable to have your son wait this long but it is a strange year.


Son had an interview two weeks ago and received Brown Scholarship for full ride (tuition plus dorms etc - $100K) plus other perks!


Probably because your daughter applied Mays late. McCombs is way more difficult to get in rejecting over 250 top 6% auto-admit students last year.


While transferring from Econ to Mays is one of the paths. One has to weigh the chances now vs just a few years past, and what major your student really wants.

TAMU Liberal Arts is small but last few years saw significant increase in student quality and grades. This past Fall over 25% students maintained 4.0 GPA. Transfer to Mays may no longer be 3.5 like in the past few years. And if your student set his/her sight on a particular area in Business such as Accounting/CPA, going to a college guaranteeing the major is far more important than being in a particular college.


@sarahefritz my son also is Bio first choice major - applied in August and hasn’t heard a peep.

Yes, this is a concern I have for my son. He has been offered honors Business and scholarships at OU, Arkansas and Baylor~ and Mays is full. His second choice is Economics which we are now waiting on.
He doesn’t fall into the category of knowing his exact path yet, but I don’t him shut out of Business at A&M either… or needing to get a 4.0~yikes!
He wants to be an Aggie, but we might have some big decisions soon!


To be sure… you’re talking about change of major not transfer. I don’t want people getting confused on here.

For change of major make sure those interested follow a freshman degree plan that sets them up for successful transfer and just in case they don’t get it, that they don’t lose any credits towards originals major. Econ to Mays or ag bus to mays is a great pathway

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Change of major. But note that in TAMU going from one college to another internally is coded as transfer.

Econs to Mays has been a great path for years, (so as TEAB to engineering), note that starting 2020, the requirements have been upgraded. A 3.5 may be normal in 2018 but one may need to plan for 4.0 this coming year.

After new building in 2024 (assuming finished on time for Fall 2024), and if Mays expand immediately with enough staff, it may lower the barrier a bit but students should not count on that (and that’s for Class of 2027/8).


I’ll split hairs simply because I think it matters for these incoming freshmen. At a minimum we should say internal transfer


Currently enrolled students at Texas A&M may change their major to Mays on a limited basis. The requirements are specific and the number admitted is small.

And Teab is only for engineering. So it has to be a good pathway. My point with Econ is they require many of the same freshman year courses and you can take acct 229 at blinn to get that under your belt or other mays only student classes.

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Congratulations to your son.

TEAB to engineering is guaranteed (if you make like a 2.5 GPA) I don’t think Econ to Mays is guaranteed. Comparing those two is apples and oranges.

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You may mix up with Blinn Team GPA sheet. The requirements depends on majors are lower.
TEAB goes through the same ETAM process as regular engineering students only 3.75+ GPA gets first choice.
Same situation as Business, this past Fall, first quartile of all engineering students had 4.0 cumulative GPA. This means TEAB path to hot engineering areas like CS, Aerospace, Biomedical and Mechanical is very very tough.


Correct. I am sure you can see my point is, before advocating students and parents of Econ to Mays path, it is important to know that now a 4.0 is likely required for first year, not 3.5 in just a few years ago.

This goes the same as those offered TEAB. If a student wants to study CS but offered TEAB, the student needs to be prepared to have 4.0 in first year. Especially that student may likely get CS from other colleges before choosing TEAB.


Hello all! It has been a while. My housemate is one of the lucky COCs to Mays, she is 4.0. Most COCs are 4.0 coz getting a B drops to 3.81 and there are way too many students want to change to Mays. I guess if you are doing great in APs and IBs in high school this is doable.


Just to clarify for ETAM…IF a student has a 3.75 or better, they are guaranteed their first choice major. If a student has below a 3.75, they can still get their first choice major - it just depends on the seats available and popularity.

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If a freshman engineer want to study CS, whether they are TEAB, Cstat, or Galveston, latest ETAM stats showed that CS was filled with only the students meeting the auto (3.5 at the time) GPA. It doesn’t matter what location freshman engineers are taking classes. Now the auto admit is 3.75.


Your general point is valid. Getting into popular majors is competitive and tough. However, for some people on this forum that don’t understand TEAB the finer points are worth noting. Students that are in TEAB and at CS are in basically the same exact boat. They are in the Texas A&M college of engineering and they are guaranteed a seat in an engineering major at College Station. They both have to go through basically the same ETAM process to get into the major they desire. It is competitive. Very. TEAB does not have a higher hurdle. It is basically the same. ECON which is not in the Business School does not have a guaranteed pathway to Mays. It can be done, but it is very competitive and not guaranteed. The ECON to Mays path is high risk no doubt. The TEAB vs Reg Admit risk for getting the desired major is equal risk. TEAB risk for acceptance into the Engineering School is zero risk because they are already admitted.


Good point. My son had a 3.8 when he did CoC but that was spring of 20

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Yes. As I mentioned many times they all go through the same ETAM process.
But achieving 3.75 (3.8?) is not that easy for TEAB or Galveston. I think @OKCpatho can share some of her experience as an ETAM candidate.