Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@93txag Last year, once one was accepted, there was a list of things to do in AIS. One of those items was info on the MPE. Last year, the engineers had to sign up for a proctored online MPE (in the spring) well before their NSC. Other majors, for example Agriculture, took their online MPE also before NSC, but not proctored.

Yes, it is good to prepare for this and pass it the first time since it determines math and chem courses first semester. If you search “tamu mpe”, should see practice questions and practice tests. for most, it is just brushing up on stuff they learned a few years ago.

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That is great! Congrats again!

Curious to know your stats as our daughter had chosen these two majors as well. Thanks.

My son is in the same boat. He was getting discouraged waiting for a decision from A&M so he asked me yesterday to pay the enrollment deposit at another school that he is also very excited about attending and is a great fit for him. It’s just that it’s out of state and with an out of state price tag. He needs time to find a roommate there so we had to move forward. He is not going to go the PSA route but would consider a future transfer to A&M if he decides later that is what he wants at that time. We will see what happens with A&M, but I can respect that my son wanted to start making some decisions.


@93txag be sure to join the 2 Aggie Parent FB pages, and also join Parents of Engineering FB page-they will be a wealth of information! Always use the :mag_right: to look up topics, as most have already been asked.
Your kid has months before needing to worry about MPE.

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We haven’t heard anything yet. Holistic review. Son is Construction science 1st choice and Agribusiness 2nd choice. A friend, who is Finance just received TEAM. Finance was going to be my sons 1st choice. Is Finance easier than Construction Science to get admitted? Should we change his 1st choice Finance?

OOS (Rhode Island)
3.826/4.0 unweighted
school doesnt report weighted
no sat submitted
32/238 rank
a lot of leadership positions in clubs
100+ community service hours
treasurer of class exec board
Shift Lead at Target

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@Kate_Sherwood_Doolen Finance is a major within Mays, students don’t declare their majors until junior year; there is no TEAM Finance. Perhaps he was offered TEAM BUAD (Business Admin-which is all Mays incoming freshman) or just General Studies? Mays is extremely competitive, do not change majors at this point !

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Would you mind sharing his stats?

I’ve been reading all the helpful posts thank you. I have a question: my son applied August, was deferred, then sent the “College Station is not possible, choose only 1 Blinn/Galveston/McAllen for consideration of admission” email on Friday 1/28. He originally marked chemical engineering and College Station as choice. His stats 4.1 weighted, 3.9 unweighted, 30 ACT, out of state private school doesn’t rank but he was assigned top quarter, several AP science classes, advanced math track with Calculus, NHS, job as licensed pharmacy tech in our state, good ECs that he’s kept all 4 years. After reflecting, he chose Galveston and is now in consideration. A&M is his first choice. I wonder how long before he might get a yes or no, and with his stats is he likely to get admitted to Galveston? It’s been emotional and just hoping for an answer soon. The other schools he’s applied to or been accepted to are great but his heart is with A&M.


Just saw that u posted them

@Tyler_Ogni which major were you admitted under, for TEAM? Congrats and welcome to Texas!

@KleinCajun , good luck to your son. I wish colleges were more transparent with their approach in decision making process. The blanket reply to any admission question is " we have until March to make a decision" , well that definitely does not apply to every student since most of them have had some options given to them.


Curious if any non-auto admit Education majors have heard anything? Full admit, BIinn Team, or email to choose an option to be considered for.

@ALN YES! Since most decisions have been made, I’m a little curious why they need until March to make the rest of the decisions. At least we found out from UT last week. And again, the other colleges we are awaiting decisions give us exact dates they will release to everyone- so there is no obsessive checking every day. Instead of rolling admissions, I would love to see A&M change to ED, EA, RD like many colleges. This would eliminate some frustration felt by these kids. It is especially hard this year with most colleges receiving a record number of applications and a difficult junior year due to pandemic challenges.


@Mullybirds , I just called AO and spoke to a nice lady. She said this year we have received over 50K applications for 10K spots and TAMU is a very very competitive school in Texas but tell your son to hang in there, decisions should come out anytime between “now and March”.


Whoop, yes, you have TEAM guaranteed!

We are in the same boat. :weary:

He should hear pretty soon about Galveston. He’ll get it. No worries.

Would someone mind posting a screen shot of what the 6 or 7 “tabs” look like? Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

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