Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@ChristiR93 “I think full admits may be over at this point aside from waitlist.”

Ugh. So disappointing/discouraging. Are Gateway offers still an option?

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senior here! I still haven’t gotten any moment on my application. My major is statistics. 3.9 unweighted 4.99 weighted and top 25%. I have over 100 volunteer hours and worked part time yet I feel it wasn’t enough. Hopefully I here back soon

I haven’t heard of any gateway offers yet so I think that wave is still to come. Typically 600 kiddos.

I hope I’m wrong and there are more full admits. Every year they say most hear in January/feb. Full admits are usually done in January aside from those that chose waitlist (they’ll hear possibly in March).

It’s not over til it’s over. So many ways to get to Tamu if that’s the only goal. Psa/pta/straight transfer. If anyone gets to this point and needs help with degree plans let me know. I do it all the time (for free). It’s great to work with advisors of course but never hurts to have an extra set of eyes on the courses and the path.


This whole process is so stressful! My kid is is top 12% of her class out of 760 students , she received 4 and 5 on AP tests, community hours, sports just an overall really good student. And we still haven’t seen any movement. I just don’t get it. We were hoping for at least Blinn Team. I’m really trying to be hopeful and she is convinced she will at least get Blinn Team. Fingers crossed!


Thank you for all you do!

That is frustrating. Top 12% is amazing. Test optional??

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My son got Blinn Team today and he did not get the “choice” notice from last week. He’s AgBus, 2Q, 29 ACT, 6A HS, Eagle Scout, solid HS resume. He is delighted and we are relieved. For all of you that haven’t heard yet – there is clearly more to come…good luck.


Thank you so much for the information! That really helps so many understand where things are and what’s what.

Congrats and whoop!!!


Couple of things we found out by talking to our regional recruiter from TAMU. She asked us if we were interested in the alternatives that were offered. I mentioned that I didn’t choose BLINN in my goapplytexas app, as I didn’t know much about it then. But, I would be interested in it, if offered. She said that’s not a problem and we did get BLINN as one of the choices as others here. She also asked us to click on it as soon as we see it, as space is limited and first come first served, so I followed her advice accordingly. The other thing she mentioned is that they are planning to wrap up the alternative choices by Spring break. This means that there could be BLINN and other decisions till March 11, so please stay tight and try to talk to your recruiter. Best of luck!


Did you submit scores? (SAT/ACT) Very good candidate for Gateway.

I think it’s more of a stab to the student’s self confidence than “I have to go to TAMU”- to my daughter at least. She has other options and wasn’t sure A&M was for her anyway- but like I said, it hurts the confidence. To me, that’s the shame of it all. Having gone thru junior year online and the anxiety and depression this pandemic has brought to so many…… a rejection when there was a lot of hope is going to hurt many.

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My son is also still waiting with no communication yet from TAMU. I agree with the others that it’s super frustrating and that it would be better if they would set firm dates for decisions.
Top 16%, 3.8 GPA, excellent ECs, Eagle Scout with Leadership, NHS, summer work experience, volunteer hours. 1st choice Business, 2nd choice Agribusiness.


Did you talk to any of the TAMU recruiters? They told me that my situation was borderline for main campus admission and I would need to choose one of the alternatives to proceed.

He has not been offered any of the alternatives yet.

@ChristiR93 if my son doesn’t make it in as a Freshman I will definitely reach out to you for some help. I have looked at what is needed for transfer credits and compared what he would take at his Plan B college. Never hurts to have a 2nd or 3rd set of eyes.

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@Mullybirds -100%

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@cachill44 , recruiters as in outside consultant?

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I meant Regional Advisors actually. I’m a CA resident and found the 2 reps by searching for “Connect with an Advisor” and then further navigating to “Find advisors for Out-of-state and International”. Sorry, link posting doesn’t work…

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Hallelujah! 7 sweet tabs this morning after waiting since August 20th!!! My son got the 3 choices last week, and he chose TEAM only. He had Mays as first choice, and Economics as second choice. AIS now says Major=Blinn TEAM, College=GC, Degree=BAC.

We are hoping he can register for the Mays pathway at the NSC. I singed up for housing and his best friend got admitted early, so they are hoping for Hullaballoo.

(On a side note, does anyone want my son’s spot at the Callaway House? I jumped the gun on that one!!)

We are feeling such RELIEF today. My heart goes out to everyone who is still waiting… I really hope ya’ll get an answer soon!!!


@cachill44 , oh ok. Make sense to have someone for out of state. We are in state and my son’s parents are his unpaid consultants :slight_smile: