Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Yeah, same here albeit OOS. No paid consultants… :slight_smile:

@Lavalocks19 Congrats!!! Are talking about the 7 tabs below in howdy?


It now reads; Home, Applicant, Dashboard, My Record, My Finances, Student Life, My Howdy :slight_smile:


Cool! Same here. The portal was always cluttered with so many different icons that it hardly shows any differently now than ever before :slight_smile:

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Do the changes to the Howdy portal (7 tabs instead of 3) only happen at a certain time in the morning or do you see the changes get added throughout the day? Just wondering if we need to keep checking all day long or whether if we don’t see it around 8-9 am that we know there will be no news that day.

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So frustrating the way A&M does this. Maybe it’s on purpose psychologically to create some exclusivity and demand. I’m a die-hard Aggie that was very involved (student-athlete all four years), but this whole process has left a bad taste in my mouth, honestly. My daughter has been accepted to an OOS school and awaiting news on the other OOS that at least gives you an exact date. She has heard nothing from TAMU admissions, and most of her friends have, and I’m trying to keep her calm. No rhyme or reason why they accept/offer certain things to kids and not to others.


@RBT26 It’s usually around 7:30am is what we’ve been told. Hope that helps!

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Not sure about the change in tabs as I am not the one logging into the portal but my son got notified re: Blinn when he checked at lunch today (and he has been checking regularly all day, every day…)


Same here! So frustrating! My husband and I are both diehard Ags and this whole process has left me feeling extremely bitter! Our daughter just wants to fulfill her lifetime dream of being a Zookeeper and A&M has always been part of that goal.


It happens around 7 am

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Hey there. What are her stats?

@Shanetchlewis I’m with you. Sour describes it. Especially since their acceptance rates do not at all match what is happening here (ie…50,000 apps for 10,000 spots.)


Can someone tell me why it is important to pay the $75 housing app fee right away? What is advantage of doing that early? Sorry if I missed comments explaining it in the thread.

@1stCollegeRodeo Housing deposit is a time stamp that gives you a spot in line to pick dorms. Everything is first come, first pick.


I think their acceptance rates are extremely misleading. The “63% acceptance rate” posted online seems incredibly high and is not reflected at all from everything we are learning and seeing…it makes sense that this number would include direct admit, gateway (general studies ONLY) and teams? but does this also include PSA offers as well? (side note: TEAMS seems like an excellent path UNLESS you want business then its a stressful path of near perfection requiring a 3.8 after 60hrs where only 10 students a year make it into MAYS?? and popular freshmen business pre-req classes give less than 24% A’s…do your research!)


They don’t offer 10,000 spots. They offer more like 28k - 30k spots to yield an enrollment of 10-14k ish. That number has been going up and I’m sure @friscodad has the exact figures from years past. TAMU has been getting near 50k apps the past few cycles. When they did away with Academic Admit, it opened up the door to more holistic review but put more time and pressure on admissions team to sort through it all. Then add onto that Covid and test optional.

It does include all but PSA/Galveston/McAllen (to my knowledge).

Gateway is coming. hang on peeps.


Hey! Right now I just had an update in my manage applications which shows this in manage application:

Application Status: Under Review
Level: Undergraduate
Major: ENGE - General Engineering
Program: BAC-ENGE-GV
Location: Galveston

Previously it showed college station and aerospace as that is what I applied in.

I applied for engineering, what does this mean? Is it what I think it means? I hope so


Whoop! You’re off to Galveston for year 1!!!


Ahh yay thank you so much!!


Yes, test optional :woman_facepalming:t2: Her HS counselor has been telling all the kids they didn’t need to submit test scores, unless they were exceptional. Hers was 1260 but not exceptional.