Texas A&M University Class of 2026

For those who chose Waitlist + TEAM, will the TEAM offers come out later than they do for those who chose TEAM only? If so, wouldn’t there be a lot fewer TEAM spots left, giving those applicants who chose “both” much lower odds of getting an offer at all? Has anyone who chose “both” received a TEAM offer yet?

Hi! I have a question, so I just got 7 tabs this morning and my AIS officially changed to this:

However, at the top in the drop down menu it shows I’m still gonna be located in CSTAT but my location is in Galveston correct?

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Yep… Galveston location. Not sure why AIS still shows CStat but I know it takes a beat for all the apps to talk to each other and match up.

congrats again. I love the Galveston campus. It’s a fun place, small campus, but lots to do.

This is exactly right. Those that chose TEAM only will get team. Those that choose both, may not get anything.

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do you mind sharing your son’s stats! thanks :slight_smile:

@D_B2 congrats on Galveston! A Galveston yell leader spoke at our Aggie Mom club recently…they’ve got a lot going at that campus! Kids carpool to the football games in the fall, small classes, dorms are much newer than CS campus & they overlook the water! Everyone we know who started out in Galveston LOVES it! There’s always a % that like it so much they stay & graduate from there.


Have you attended the Brown Day tour yet? We go on Monday!

Each major set a target admission total at the beginning of the cycle (August), that added to total in a college, then grand total of the university. With so many applicants some major overcommit while some undercommit. University total is not accurate. Students with Gateway offer probably already marked in their system but not released yet. With high graduation rate of past Gateway students, some majors spots are for the Gateway students when they reach sophomore year. Some majors like construction science enrolls more transfer applicants than freshmen. In short, it depends on how you ask AO, the definition of “full” can be tricky.

This year undergraduate freshmen application may reach 45K, adding transfer (estimate 6500), MS and Doctor the grand total may surpass 65K.


Alright and thank you so much, I really appreciate it and all the help throughout this process!!

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That is a very harsh thing to say here. If that is true, then it makes me angry at TAMU admissions department for telling me and others who called that we should pick both, and that there was no benefit in picking BLINN TEAM only. Specifically I told them I had read Blinn TEAM only would get you accepted to Blinn quicker, and they said it wasn’t true.


Aww yay that’s so exciting to hear thank you so much and thanks for all the help during this process!!

@misterhemmings there have MULTIPLE comments by MANY people, saying exactly what @ChristiR93 said. The trend has been the past few years that those who selected TEAM only heard back much sooner. Nothing harsh, simply what we’ve seen. And it isn’t a given that those who selected TEAM only will get offered it. The people commenting on this forum are a sliver of a % of those that applied.


“heard back much sooner” – that is not what I was reacting to. I was reacting to this sentence: " Those that choose both, may not get anything." I would not have replied if she had said ‘heard back much sooner.’ Also I am not even ‘mad’ about what Christi is saying if that’s true-- what I was expressing frustration about is that Admissions point blank told me that the ‘may not get anything’ part was false.

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I struggled with talking my daughter through the decision to go with Team only. I know she didn’t want to take full admit off the table if it was possible but honestly we had the fear of dragging this out and reality of getting PSA at the end. Nothing about this yr has been typical in so many ways but we took a chance on the Team only option and she got tabs yesterday to secure a spot so she can start planning and weighing college options. I do wonder if I guided her incorrectly by taking waitlist and potential full admit off the table but in the long run if goal was to get to TAMU, she can still have that. I dislike the way this process unfolded and the choices given to second guess impact of our decisions, leaving us to wonder if we helped or hurt. That’s been frustrating.


My daughter and I both called admissions, we each spoke to someone different. Both people said there is no difference in your chances at a TEAM offer based on which of those two selections you make. They said it’s the same pool, if your application meets the requirements for a TEAM offer, you will get it either way. The timing of the notification is the difference. They said they were all told to clarify this because of the confusion out there. People perceive it as better odds because of earlier notification. Hope that is true because if there are different odds, they should have said that when we were asked to make a choice…


Hey there, I’m sorry if that came across harsh. If you’ve seen my posts for the past 5 years, you’ll know I’m anything but harsh. Sometimes tho, stating the facts will come across not as intended. TAMU also said you (the applicant) may not get anything but PSA. That’s the “nothing” I was referring to.

In the past 2 or 3 cycles where this was a thing, we have seen time and time again that those who chose Team only, got it within a week or two. I have not heard of anyone on here or my students I work with, who chose team only and didn’t get it. Might be a sliver but I’m talking 100% truth on what I’ve seen.

Those that choose both, have to wait and wait and wait. Some get full (small percentage) and some get Team. Some will get PSA.

Gateway is still coming but those will be offered to the ones that didn’t the options. I do not know if any full admits are out there aside from the waitlist.

As always, I hope the best for each student. My mission is to inform peeps on the reality, which is why I stated from the beginning of these offers coming out that if you’re good with TEAM, to snatch it up immediately.


I hear what you’re saying, but if it’s the same pool, then why did some just get the offer of TEAM without getting the options to choose. If you’re good enough for TEAM, give them team, if good enough for full, then give them full admit.

By good enough I mean that in the most basic way of admissions eyes, nothing more.

I know you are just relaying what “they” told you, but those would be my questions to them.


I would think that people who got the Waitlist and TEAM options have applications scoring high enough to have some chance at the Waitlist working out for them, those offered TEAM only would be out of that range, but still in range for a chance at TEAM. This is pure speculation if what those admissions people told us is true. Who knows.

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Yes that makes sense. I think those whom admission advised to pick ‘BOTH’ get PSA but they could’ve gotten Blinn TEAM if they had chosen TEAM, then that amounts to a ‘trap’ or a ‘trick question’ IMO.


Oh totally have a chance at full admit when given the option.

I meant the same pool of applicants. Made me really sad last year when some that chose both, got PSA after waiting so long. It was a gut punch.