Texas A&M University Class of 2026

I am crossing my fingers for all of you still waiting! My daughter, who has not received any decision from TAMU at this point, talked to an admissions counselor at a smaller, private school (Trinity) and was struck by how personal everything was. The counselor even complimented her on her essay and said it was among her favorites- citing some things from it. Anyway, it really lifted her spirits and she realized she may prefer a smaller and more personal school after all. And they gave her a very nice scholarship. She probably would not accept an A&M offer even if given the opportunity now. SOOOO…the point is, even if you aren’t among the selected, keep trying and visiting other schools! You are brilliant! And there is life beyond UT and TAMU! Good luck, all!!


Well reality is also there are only so many TEAM spots available (my friend on a tour was told only 1000 spots for TEAM) but i have seen up to 2000 posted on here/or maybe reddit. Either way, once TEAM is full with people who “snatch it up” and waitlist is offered to the few spots that open up, it makes sense that there would still be some that choose both that have waited so long that neither is left.

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Yes, but supposedly if students pick both, and if they want to change their mind, they can call AO to see if it can be changed to Blinn Only (instead of sitting there and wait)

The options sound tricky but it helps AO to see how badly the student wants to be in TAMU. Those picking “Blinn Only” almost 100% immediately sign up for NSC. Those picking waitlist may look more like they have other college options. (because they can wait?)

Finally PSA offer may hurt students’ egos. But in reality TAMU PSA program is a very solid and in certain sense, a sincere offer. It has high percentage of academic success. Some PSA students in the past, after qualified to transfer to TAMU, chose to stay in the PSA campus to finish their degree with high GPA. Compared to UT Austin’s CAP program, which has less than 30% success rate, and UT systems schools like UTSA/UTA are in the talks of pulling out of the program. UT’s CAP program (although designed similar to TAMU PSA program) is not a sincere offer that paves any form of pathway for the students.


@Mullybirds , I am so happy for your daughter. She will thrive wherever she goes. We are first time college parents ( we did not go to college in this country ) so we knew very little about all the process. Knowing what we know now, we would have done things differently for our son. I wish the process was more transparent so kids did not have to go through weeks and months just waiting anxiously and doubting their self worth.


@Mullybirds I’m a UT grad but live in SA. Trinity is a wonderful school. My son is likely to choose outside of UT and TAMU as well. There are so many great options out there.


@ALN. Thank you! Your son will thrive too! The college process is so different than when I was younger. My husband got into Vanderbilt years ago with comparable stats to my daughter!! UT and TAMU were much easier to get into 30 years ago. It’s crazy how much things change. I, too, would have done things differently (one instance, a high school that is “easier” to obtain a good rank!!) It irks me that colleges still look at rank! -but that’s a rant for another day ;). Good luck to your family during this stressful process!!!


@cardiqueen. Thank you! Have heard great things! Good luck to your son!!!

My son told me a little bit ago (today) that a friend of his that applied for Engineering did NOT get the options and had heard nothing from TAMU until about 9:54 am today telling him his status had changed. He logged in and got TEAM Engineering. So it sounds like some TEAM admits are still going out to those that didn’t receive the option email. That alone still gives me some hope.


I did call and asked it to be changed and they said no… very firmly that the choice once made cannot be changed.

If that’s the case I suppose they automated the “Blinn Only” acceptance.

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For Liberal Arts, Trinity is better and at times harder to get in than UT Austin. They have very low Faculty to Student ratio and admit fewer students than Rice. Along with scholarship it is really a no brainer decision.


I agree. Very misleading especially since they used the term “consideration” for both.

We are holding firm and trying to remain patient since my son picked both waitlist and TEAM consideration, hoping for the best.

My friend’s daughter goes to Trinity and loves it!


We just called and spoke to AO. Daughter cannot change her selection (she had picked waitlist/team). Tried to give AO the UIN number but AO said did not need it to answer our questions. AO initially said yes spots for Team may fill up. But then changed it and said picking Waitlist/Team option will not hurt chances of getting into Team…. ??
AO said they are also waiting for students who decline A&M (full admit and/or Team) to open up more spots to both options. Not all students have been notified of acceptance yet and it could still be awhile before decisions are made (I mentioned March but it seemed like she referred to sometime in February) and usually movement happens during the middle to end of week. Stay positive :crossed_fingers:t3:


I wonder who you spoke to, because I promise you, they don’t wait for people to decline their offer. They admit 30k plus to yield their desired enrollment number (which can change year to year). They do not wait for Sally Sue to say, Nope I’m going to UT and then go to a list and say, awesome, Johnny is in. It just doesn’t work like that and you probably spoke to a student worker.


We asked her in so many different ways if picking Waitlist/Team would hurt her chances of getting into Team and she said no…… She sounded like a grown adult (not student), but who knows.


This is very similar to the experiences I had talking to Admission, where they said 1. My son should pick Waitlist and TEAM for more options and 2. In no way does it hurt your chances of getting TEAM if you don’t choose ‘TEAM ONLY’ and I specifically said that people on college confidential and reddit have said choosing TEAM ONLY is more of a guarantee and that many who choose WAITLIST + TEAM get passed over and end up only getting PSA and they said ‘that isn’t true.’ Although I tend to believe Christina here… and I tend to believe Admissions wasn’t really being truthful with me.

Looking at the past few years and what has happened this year so far, I’m thinking maybe we need to judge the TAMU AO by their actions and not their words. I’m sure they mean well but I wonder if the bottom doesn’t know what the top is doing and vice versa?


Yes- it’s what I am thinking also. For me, I am not angry enough to quit trying for A&M but I have additional kids who are in younger high school grades. And the sooner I can figure this all out the better off positioned they will be to get a path to attending. Extended family, grandparents, aunts, uncles… all say that TAMU is nothing like what it once was. Although they all have wanted my kids to go there since they were born, it might not happen. Hopefully it still does… but this process seems like it’s full of traps and tricks.


Also - my kids are all making far better grades / scores than their aunts, uncles and grandparents did! So yeah the extended family is all shocked about this wait list / BlinnTEAM stuff and how hard it is to get a spot. A&M I think is trying to go the same direction as UT Austin. One more thing… I am not complaining about high scores/ grades required to get into A&M but more the difficulty of understanding the correct things to do, to avoid falling into a trap set by unclear admissions stuff. Such as ‘test optional’ (No it’s really not optional) and ‘holistic review’ (yes sort of but also not really), and ‘consideration for Waitlist and TEAM’, PSA etc. Other schools we’ve applied to are so much more transparent and deadline oriented.