Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@misterhemmings I have said to myself several times today, hindsight… Makes me upset with myself that I didn’t know about the guidance @ChristiR93 could provide. I so wish I could back up and do this all over again. My DS is down since he hasn’t heard anything and possibly something in the application could have helped us if we had known. The only way I found this forum was because his Math teacher told him about it at school and she is also a former Aggie. If he doesn’t make the cut and he isn’t too jaded by this experience and wants to transfer we will definitely be asking for guidance.


I’m starting to wonder if perhaps in past years there was an advantage to picking TEAM only and the university changed their process this year to eliminate that. I can’t imagine that so many staff in AO are poorly trained or that they are purposely trying to deceive people. The people we spoke to in AO seemed like they REALLY wanted us to understand that the odds were exactly the same, if your application is strong enough for a TEAM offer, you will get it regardless of which combination you chose. You may just may not hear about it as soon. We asked several different ways and really questioned them, they were both very consistent in their answer.


That’s great to hear! Trinity is a great school!

As much as my daughter’s dad and I would love to have another Aggie in the family….she’s pretty much decided on Baylor. She was accepted last fall and got a nice scholarship/financial aid package. We too have heard nothing from TAMU and I think she’s pretty much decided to move on after seeing how other colleges have appreciated her (Including Northeastern). Makes me a bit sad, but it is what it is. Good luck to you daughter!


OMG y’all… go grab an afternoon cup of coffee or wait til 5 and get an adult beverage and read the thread from the Class of 2025 regular decision. It’s like I’m reading this current thread. Nothing different at all.

I’ll recap what I read (please don’t hold me to being precise):

End of feb. more offers to choose waitlist/team came out
Beginning of March: Gateway and Team came out
March 4th: Full admit came out (small number, but still)
March 5th: Full admit from waitlist
March 8th: PSA for many
April: PSA for those that chose waitlist/Blinn team option that had not heard back in March.

That’s a rough recap. I was looking through it on my phone, so could have missed a wave or even two. But literally reading it, it is no different than what y’all are saying right now (or me for that matter-Aggiemomhelp was my name). From frustrations to what the AO is saying, to the amazing stats the students have… to my awesome advice, just kidding… but @52AG82 is also on there with some great wisdom.

So when we tell you what we have seen, it is so not to dishearten you in any way, it’s to prepare you.

and @college-2026 you are so sweet. Thank you. Happy to help any way I can.


Thank you so much for this information and guidance. Don’t know what I would do without this forum during the waiting game.

College admissions have changed so much and each year has been different for our kids. Daughter got full admit in 2018, son received PSA in 2020 but went Blinn Bryan route and is now a TAMU student. Third time is a charm with our youngest and hoping he gets admitted one way or another!

Thank you again!


Looks like we got Galveston Engineering, didn’t realize there was a TEAM option for Engineering. I know it’s a full offer, but Galveston is disappointing for my Senior (my kid is not fan of beach). Thankful we have other school options… we will probably go visit Galveston next week to check it out

Dang you have a ton of experience now. That Blinn transfer (straight) route is looked over way too often. TAMU loves Blinn kids!

Good Luck to #3!

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So he wasn’t offered the options, just got Galveston? Truly isn’t a bad deal. Smaller campus for sure and pretty little town… and while I’m not a beachy gal, I do love to look at water as a landscape, so maybe that’ll be the case with him.

Keep us posted on what you decide. And congrats on the offer! = )

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Just Galveston only

Interesting. It really is a great offer. Not in cstat for first year, but they road trip up for games all the time. They are full time Aggies so it’s just a location thing. And that first year flies by. AND… if he doesn’t want to stay in engineering, he can do a change of major later and just move up here when he meets change of major requirements.


Several kids at our high school have received gateway offers last week. I am not sure exactly the date when but it seems they have started communicating those offers already for some.


Really? That’s so weird. I’m glad some have come out and that falls in line with last year’s timing… but I asked my inside person and they said on Monday, that Gateway offers are coming. So that led me to believe that none had been offered. And really surprising noone on here has received that offer yet.


Gateway…This coming Monday or this past Monday?

I just spoke to my friend to check in on her son’s app status and she told me some of the boys on the school soccer team and the name of another boy that were offered gateway last week so I was surprised to hear that too.

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I don’t think Gateway has come out yet. Blinn Team is always first. Next Monday, they should drop. (1st Monday of Feb is a guide)

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Aggie Corps 2026 has no mention of Gateway either, just Blinn Team. They usually make a mention of Gateway when that drops so everyone knows what it means.

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@H2OTexas Agree, Gateway being offered in January is pretty much unheard of.

@1stCollegeRodeo not doubting you, but have you seen their acceptance? Does it say AGS (Aggie Gateway) and/or GEST (General Studies)? Super unusual for it to be offered in January, and normally not offered to a bunch from the same school.


Short answer, no but I’ll reach out to one of the moms I know and snoop around if her son really got gateway or if there is confusion about it. It does seem odd that a small offer like that would hit a cluster at the same school.


I understand what you are saying, but then what is the waitlist for? What causes someone to come off the waitlist for an acceptance?