Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Quota I assume. When they hit that magical number of offers, waitlist is closed. If team is full at that time the. Team is closed. Then it’s PSA.

I’m not saying I agree with this process. I’m just saying what’s happened the past few years when the. Brought back the waitlist option.

@IcyWolf88 , my daughter completed her application to Engineering Honors a few days before Christmas (so not much earlier than you), and she got her acceptance today. Hopefully, you’ll hear soon.


I actually just got in today as well! Congrats to your daughter!! If I may ask, what were her stats?


Congrats to you!

My daughter: Top 3%, 1510 SAT, 4.5 W GPA/3.9 UW GPA, NM Commended, lots of AP and STEM classes, good ECs, some leadership.

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My son received the ‘pick one’ option today (2/2). Galveston/Blinn/McAllen
Appling for Computer Science
4.26W GPA, 28ACT, 1280SAT, 1st Q, 100+ Vol Hours, NHS, Band 4 years
Very Strong Essays
CS Internship last summer and CS Internship lined up for this summer which gave him 2 very strong LORs.
All advanced classes but AP and DC this year only, senior year
He selected Blinn and we just happened to be there today for another tour. During our engineering tour when the guide started talking, he said, we can skip this part (TAEB/PSA) since you are all already admitted. He didn’t ask if the kids had been admitted so not sure if he looked it up as everyone walked in, or already knew this information from his list of kids scheduled to attend.
My son received the text just after 9am this morning and our Eng Building tour was at 1pm. AIS says Considered for Blinn now. No change of major and he does not have the 7 tabs yet.
He is very much on the fence. He really only has his heart set on CS, not another Engineering Degree. He has an offer to Tech (which he is not interested in) and has been accepted at UNT for CS. We tour UNT on Monday. He has wanted to be an Aggie for so long and his internship is with a former Aggie and current Aggie CS Students. I am not sure what other degree choice would allow him to get the degree he desires from TAMU if he doesn’t make it into the extremely competitive CS Program. That 3.75GPA is intimidating.
But MAN that Engineering Building is AMAZING!!!

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Very helpful, thank you


I’m a little confused and slow rolling today because of the weather so only on my first cup of coffee lol.

But if your son wants Tamu, then surely he knew that regardless of where you go (blinn/cs/Galveston) he still has to make that 3.75 to be guaranteed his first choice.

And Teab (blinn) is an amazing program. I don’t know the percentage of those that successfully complete it but I would say it’s extremely high. Takes one year and then they are full time on main campus.

I think 80% from all routes get their first choice major. Engineering dept should have this figure. It sounds way scarier than it is and I truly believe they want each student to get their desired major.

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@ChristiR93 this is great info! Thanks for the update!

Any word on which COLA majors are now full?

I believe Psyc is but I haven’t heard of any others. I have a few friends at Tamu… one being a psyc advisor. But no one in the other departments in cola.

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My daughter just got admission, last week we got 3 options, we selected only the waitlist option. This morning our status went back to just final review and a few minutes ago she got admitted into her first major, Biology at A&M (College Station) - full admission.


does A and M send an email letting you know to check your portal for a change in status, or did you just check on your own?

Whoop!!! That’s outstanding and ahead of schedule!!! Love it!!!


Did not get any email, I just checked on my own.

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Can you share stats?

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GPA (Weighted) - 3.92, Weighted - 5.22, 10 APs, SAT - 1300, involved in multiple clubs, and lot of volunteering hours.


Sorry, 3.92 UnWeighted

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Howdy! My son will be starting TAMU - College Station next Fall and is majoring in Engineering. He will be living on campus and is looking for a roommate. He’s hoping to live in either Hullaballoo or one of the modular dorms but would consider the LLC. Does anyone else have a son looking for a roommate? My son likes to watch and play sports and plans to get involved in one of the Christian organizations on campus. He is easy going, doesn’t drink, but likes to go out and have fun. However, he takes his studies seriously. If you have a son looking for a roommate, feel free to reach out and maybe we can connect them to see if they are a good fit.


@Larisa_Ann tell him to join Class of ‘26 social media pages, and fill out the Phase 3 roommate info really well.
Hullabaloo and Northside Modulars filled up in the 1st three days last year, so definitely have many options in place.

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He is on the social media pages, however, it seems to be mostly girls with very few guys posting. It seems easier for girls to meet each other over social media.


Congratulations! WHOOP!