Texas A&M University Class of 2026

My son got 7 tabs this morning and a Congratulations you have been admitted to Engineering at Galveston on AIS this afternoon. The first sign of movement was yesterday, when Galveston showed up on Howdy. Quicker than we thought after all of the waiting. Just curious, how do they choose who gets assigned a campus versus those who get to choose? From what I’ve read, this is a great option.


Congrats to all getting good news today! Seems like just engineering is hearing things lately? Anyone getting notified with other majors?

Same here. My son applied CS major and got offered at Galveston

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Congrats to all those who got news today or in the last few days!! :partying_face:


Hi everyone.
I have received some acceptances and now trying to decide where to go for college. I love cybersecurity. I like Engineering and Liberal arts equally but want to have ample job opportunities when I graduate.
If Tuition money and location was not an issue and purely from a jobs outlook standpoint, which college would you choose?

  1. Arizona State university for Cyber Security.
  2. UT Austin CAP (means need to go other local colleges for first year and get good grades and then transfer to UT Austin.
  3. TAMU Engineering at BLINN
  4. Perdue for liberal arts
    5 SMU Computer Science
    6 UT Dallas for computer engineering
    7 UT Arlington computer engineering
    8 Texas Tech computer engineering
    9 Uni of Arizona Engineering
    10 UT San Antonio Engineering
  5. Austin College Computer science
    12 Texas State Uni Engineering


Pending decision
Stevens computer science
Georgia tech
New york Uni.


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Apparently, TAMUG now has a Department of Computer Science & Eng starting Fall 2022

I guess those getting admission into Galveston may just stay there for whole 4 years

With those choices, I would pick SMU first, and then either TAMU Blinn or UTD.

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@CCagain I’d choose UT-Dallas.

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Just some articles that may help some of us get thru these next couple of months :slightly_smiling_face:


If you are wanting to do a Cybersecurity track within Computer Science, then UTSA…one of the best programs in the country for Cybersecurity. One of 11th grade twins is heavily considering Cybersecurity and most people we’ve talked to have said UTSA. We did Mavericks Day at UTA 2 weeks ago, also very impressive for CompSci with a Cybersecurity certificate, and no ETAM at either of these schools. Great internship and Co-Op opportunities at UTA. My son did a one week engineering camp at SMU and loved it, but the vibe/culture at SMU can be a tricky fit. We’re Dallas locals, so know it well…if money wasn’t an issue, he’s still not sure he’d fit in at SMU. Lastly, UTD is the gold standard…you’ll be solid there. If you want a rah-rah, typical college campus with all the big sports etc then UTD is not that, but great school.

Forget UT Austin if you’ve been CAP’d and want CompSci…next to impossible to transfer in.


@CCagain Agree about UT, once you’re CAP’d that’s it…almost no way out of CoLA. And spot on about the vibe & fitting in at SMU. Wouldn’t do A&M either, isn’t CyberSecurity in another department, or maybe just a minor? Even if it isn’t, if CompSci is your goal, I’d go to other schools where you’ve already been admitted directly into that program.l-you’ve got some great choices!

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@Momof3B , so right. UTD is a great STEM school. Our son last night sat us down to talk about his college choice. For us, TAMU would be close to home and we love the campus but he had a point, he said , I will be less distracted in UTD and focus more on academics and getting my certifications and possibly finishing graduate school by taking advantage of their fast track program.


So anyone with 6 tabs this morning? We still have three.:slightly_frowning_face:


Your son has his head on straight… good for him. While UTD is considered a commuter school, it’s one of the best. If he doesn’t need rah rah/traditional campus vibe, then UTD or UTSA is best bet!!! Exciting choices for sure!


Thank You for your insight, my ds doesn’t quite have the stats for his first choice UTA but is very talented with computer science, we are trying to find some suitable options for him (in-state)

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@ahicks NOTHING. This is beyond frustrating and demoralizing.

Same here, no movement.

@CCagain UTSA’s cyber security program is nationally top-ranked and an interdisciplanary approach that spans College of Business, College of Engineering and College of Sciences. Grads are being heavily recruited to great jobs. Once considered a commuter school, UTSA now offers full campus living experience (and a good football team!). They’ve broken ground on a new National Security Collaboration Center in downtown SA, part of the downtown campus expansion. Center UTSA holds virtual groundbreaking for School of Data Science and National Security Collaboration Center | UTSA Today | UTSA | The University of Texas at San Antonio


Nadda. Nothin’. :upside_down_face: Typical for A&M Review applicants apparently. We ran into friends last night at dinner who said two years ago their son was admitted to Blinn Team at the end of February. He’s one of those success stories who worked super hard, got that 3.8 and was recently admitted into Mays! :smiley: They are both Aggies and said they were both super frustrated with the Admissions Office and would call every week to see what was going on and would ask friends on campus to try to help, but that’s just how A&M Admissions rolls. They said they are happy NOW with how things have played out since their son has been there.


I’m so sorry to hear that, keep your head up, everything will turn out as it should but I know how hard the waiting game can be. Regardless of what happens you are capable of amazing things, don’t let this discourage you, don’t forget results are still coming, especially pathways!