Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Hallelujah, Blinn TEAM appeared on Howdy and AIS this morning! :+1:t2::tada::fist_left:t2::cowboy_hat_face:



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Congrats! We are still waiting! What major?


Congratulations!! What is your major?

Where you waitlist & Team or Team only?

He was business. and only got offer of team today.

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So he wasn’t one of the people having to choose waitlist option? Ugh we are. Was hoping they were working on our group.

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Such great news!!! Congrats and WHOOP!!

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Correct… they were holding their breath waiting on some movement. This was their first sign of anything. NO options.

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My son chose both the waitlist and TEAM option, too. Still patiently waiting . . . .

Looking forward to attending Aggieland Saturday. So many wonderful sessions to choose from despite not knowing his path yet.


You are correct about Bio not being accepted by PSA. My niece received PSA last year and wanted biology. She ended up declining because she was going to be at a college she didn’t want to be at and in a major she wasn’t excited about. Be sure to ask a lot of questions and make sure you can get in the major you want. We talked to several advisors and they all discouraged from choosing a major and then changing when she got to College Station.
Good Luck!


okay good to know. I was wondering about Chemistry, though at Corpus for PSA – that seems like it would be an easy major to switch to Biology at College Station from. I wonder if ya’ll considered that. Classes are similar.

Also - thank you! Someone finally answered my direct question. (Instead of telling me ‘it’s all on the website’… and it actually isn’t in this case)

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Her situation is a little unique as she is already “core complete” with 43 dual credit hours. She did not have a lot of wiggle room for classes that weren’t in her major. The concern was not being able to transfer from chemistry to biology and she did not want to be a chemistry major. We talked to an advisor in the college of science directly and then decided that the best route was to go with her second choice and apply for transfer. She is currently an honors student at University of Houston and has applied for transfer to TAMU biology.

We also had a lot of trouble finding direct information on PSA when making her decision because it all sounded good, but in the end wasn’t the best choice for her.

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Did you have trouble transferring the core complete classes?

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Thank you for answering my ?’s.

Congratulations!! @KleinCajun


In Texas, the public universities have to accept the core complete credits. Now, what we have learned is that they don’t have to accept them class for class. All 43 hours will go towards her degree plan, but the specific college gets to decide how. It can be very confusing and you have to find the right advisor to help you.

For example, as part of the core complete, she took college algebra. If for her degree they decide she needs a different math, they will apply the college algebra as a different course. This is where they can get very creative with the credits.

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They do get creative. My daughter too ag econ at OSU and tamu gave her credit for acct. 209 lol. Thank goodness, cause that would have killed her!

My son took biochemistry PSA route at Corpus, he was originally BIMS applicant given PSA. Since then he has changed majors 3 times…guess TAMU saw that coming. -_-

Sorry for the late reply! I was busy completing Housing Phase 1 for him since he is in class right now. (I also had to drive an hour away to bring my dog to his radiation treatment #4 of 18!).

My son wasn’t given any of the possible options to choose from previously, but did select them on his application, which he completed on August 1st!

1st choice Business, 2nd choice Agribusiness

Stats: Top 16% at 6A Texas high school
3.8 UW GPA
3 AP - World History, Stats, Econ - and 2 Dual Credit - English and US History
Business classes all 4 years
1200 SAT - did send his scores, he felt test-optional was too risky
Eagle Scout
Varsity Golf 4 years - Regional awards
Wind Ensemble Band 4 years - Region Band 2xs, Solo - Excellent awards, YouTube channel videos
Strong Essay

I’m praying for those still waiting to get an answer soon! :pray:
This has been a nail-biter! I still can’t believe this is real yet, but the housing payment went through! Eek! :smiley: