Texas A&M University Class of 2026

He hasn’t heard anything from TAMU until this morning. No options were given. Just silence until his tabs changed in Howdy.

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OK, thanks. This whole process is such a mystery to me. Do you mind sharing his stats?

Same thing as you. Summer 2022 but Blinn TEAM, I am also not sure what to make of it. Just going to wait until AIS updates.

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GPA 97 4a school
4 year band -section leader
Didn’t share SAT
4 AP classes
Volunteer and work hours
Hope this helps. Thanks


Congratulations on all Gateway offers! Yes that’s the new Gateway with Team. Students still stay on TAMU dorms. TAMU web site will update Gateway pathways shortly. The new pathway and class registration will get sort out during NSC. Many Blinn Team get transferred to main campus through change of majors (if there is no fix contract) in less than two years.

Students will still receive their banner packet in the snail mail.


@FriscoDad , do you think students that did not get any offer should pretty much have no hope unless they are waiting on PSA?

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Does this mean he will do Gateway in the summer AND Blinn TEAM in the fall? Are summer classes at Blinn? Is this new for this year? AIS has not updated yet. Thank you for your help!

Summer session II at College Station, with 2 assign classes (6 credit hours) and 2 learning classes (0 credit hours). Fall will be at both College Station and Blinn Rellis campus. There are free shuttles between College Station and Blinn Rellis campus and the ride is only about 10-15 minutes with stops.


TAMU is still releasing decisions daily all the way to the end of this month. There are students applying small majors getting full acceptance this week.


You’re the BEST! You’re able to tell us more info than the admissions office! Thank you! I had no idea this was even a pathway.


If you can go to Aggieland Saturday (tomorrow), there will be a Blinn Session. If you cannot go, connect with other parents in FB, ask those who will go there to relay some of your questions. The top priority will be register for housing now if the Housing button is unlocked.


This is great to hear! I would love to get your insight on where my daughter stands in this process. She is a nervous wreck over this waiting. Her stats: 19%, 30 ACT, 10 APs (with AP Scholar award for scores of 3-5 on exams), 3.6/4.9, 4 year varsity athlete, NEHS and Interact, job, volunteer hours, various awards in her sport. She got the options a couple weeks ago and chose Waitlist+TEAM. Any idea what to expect at this point?

Just curious, when you say this is a new gateway offer…sounds like blended gateway (summer session) and then Blinn team in fall. Is there no longer a straight Gateway offer to do the 5/6 weeks of Gateway in summer then be a full admit in Fall?


With that stat and AP scholar, full admission is possible but may have to wait longer.

If you attend Blinn Team NSC session, you may wish you get Blinn because it saves over $6K in two years. Blinn Team Biology contract is very easy and most students can get higher GPA than those fully admitted students (due to Blinn allow retaking plus more affordable when retaking).

This year UT sends a lot of top 6% students to COLA, causing record breaking number of students applying for Biology and BIMs in TAMU. Your daughter will do great. It is best to retaking the science classes to boost GPA instead of claiming them with AP especially AP Chemistry. Many students find it hard to connect directly to CHEM227 (Organic Chemistry I) even if they get 5s in AP Chem test.


It is “kind of” new but not many changes. Blinn students attend a class in a building 15 minutes from main campus (with cheaper tuition). Blinn Team even back a decade ago, was considered in TAMU admitted total count.

There will still be some Gateway full admit to College Station offer. Even those offered Blinn may got changed to College Station when enrollment numbers finalized in mid August.


So there is slim possibility to move to full admit off Blinn TEAM acceptance? I asked the regional recruitment advisor and she said if you choose TEAM (we chose consideration for TEAM only instead of any waitlist when we got the options), you get TEAM and they wouldn’t go back to consider full admit offer even if they had capacity. Interesting that it may still be a possibility…although rare.

Thank you! This is great advice and will make her feel better for sure. She is concerned that by choosing both Waitlist and TEAM, they may run out of TEAM spots while she is on the waitlist and be left with nothing. Do you think she can count on at least getting a TEAM spot? We are worried she made a mistake by choosing “both”.

The waiting is tough but compared to those in the past few years, mid-Feb is still kind of early (for waitlist). Some do get earlier response by end of Feb. If one chooses “waitlist only” will likely wait the longest.

Biology is the largest major in College of Science (still largest even after the soon to be merged College of Arts and Science) so “filling up” will be hard to imagine.

Having Plan B and C in place will help ease the wait. If your daughter already have some colleges offer in place then that’s great! If TAMU is the ultimate goal transfer to Biology is not difficult (at least for now).


For Team only, very small chance but happened to a few students in last few years. Likely after all NSC registrations finalized (close to enrollment total).

I was referring to the Gateway-Blinn Team offer that after the summer II session, there will be chances to get College Station instead of the Blinn Team. Note that for majors with low barrier (GPA 2.5-3.2) Blinn Team is actually the preferred choices of many students as tuition is lower, class size is smaller, and Blinn GPA can be higher.


FYI…By around 2:30 pm yesterday the Congratulations message appeared, after seeing movement in the morning on AIS and Howdy! Those who get movement may see their message change by the afternoon, so keep checking! :two_hearts::blush: