Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Hi everyone - my middle child is still waiting to hear something. However I do want to add to the conversation about Team changing to full admit. In addition to my senior, I have a current freshman at A&M. He got into Blinn Team for engineering. While we were at the orientation in July he happened to look at the email he used for college admissions (he rarely uses any email) and had an email from May that offered him full admission if he preferred, but needed to respond within I think it was a day. Obviously it was too late at that point! I told him to try calling admissions and explaining to see if there was still a chance, but by then he had already drunk the Blinn Kool-aid, so to speak. And had done class selection. He stuck with Blinn Team where he is now and loves it. Great program - he is still in A&M clubs, takes half his classes there and half at the beautiful and new Blinn building that is a ten-minute drive from A&M. He still says he wouldn’t change it even if he had bothered to pay attention to email. My takeaway for you: the opportunity to get full admit does exist- my son is proof! And second, Blinn Team is pretty awesome.


@Mom2ThreeTX good info! We also know someone who almost missed getting bumped up from Lechner Scholarship to Presidents Endowed. He happened to look at FinAid tab on Howdy in late July and saw where he was offered PES…and the deadline to accept was the next day. A&M takes those offers & deadlines VERY seriously.

Your students need to check email & Howdy daily
(Students, NOT parents…)

Also make sure student phone number in Howdy is correct as AO may also call.


Congrats to all getting offers!!

Still no movement for me…wondering if it’s like waiting for a pot of water to boil. BUT I can’t ignore. Checking about 7 times daily!! Should I laugh or cry?!! (I’m not laughing…but working on it!)


So hard to get my kids to pay full attention to their email! Such a foreign concept to them.

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@cardiqueen get them in the habit NOW, they will miss out on a ton if they don’t check TAMU email & Howdy daily, especially this spring & leading up to NSC. All communication goes to them.

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When did you apply?
Waiting is tough, English is a very small major so it is possible decisions come out late but mid-Feb is not very late if you check the last few years.

Just check once every morning will be good enough. If TAMU is your goal English is a very transferrable major. Focus your effort on Plan B or C you may feel better and get a nice surprise in the next 3 weeks. Good Luck!

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There has never been a gateway program to Blinn Team… ever. So this is either new or it’s a glitch and those that have summer session showing as start date, will get gateway and then transition to full time tamu student.

I have a IM to a person in admissions to see if this is a new program they are starting. But nowhere on the website does it show any different than years past.


Agree @ChristiR93 i looked up both TEAM and Gateway websites and they are current…two totally separate programs, neither morphs into the other.
Must be a coding glitch?

On the Aggieland schedule for Saturday, the TAMU Blinn session is listed as “Summer/Fall 2022” so perhaps this new version will be covered in that session.

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Please keep us posted on this new version. It’s strange, but maybe they can offer more gateways this way.

Edited to say: I looked at schedule. I don’t think this is gateway at all. I think it’s Blinn Team only and you start in summer vs. fall. 2 different offer types, but not gateway. As in I don’t think the summer start students will have to qualify for team in the fall like they qualify for full admit to tamu under gateway.


My son was able to register for fall housing and pay the $75 fee even though AIS still says “complete and in review.” Being able to register for the housing makes me feel a little bit better.

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Regarding any new programs, I tend to believe that the websites are a little slow to be up-to-date.

For example: According to direct email communications with ResLife, the Engineering Village LLC consists of three subunits: General Engineering, Engineering Honors, and Women in Engineering. However the website only talks about the first two (omitting Women in Engineering). It’d be nice if they explained it on the website.

So if they’re starting a new Gateway-to-Blinn TEAM or Summer Blinn TEAM path, I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t gotten around to rewriting the website copy to update it. They’ve been busy with stuff like, y’know, going through the huge stack of applications.


Has there been any movement on review admits for College of Ag & Life Sciences? I’ve seen a lot of other majors on here getting Blinn Team or the options in AIS for waitlist or Blinn Team. Wondering if anyone on here has an Ag major and is still waiting and heard nothing…

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My daughter attended Discover Aggieland last September. She applied August 10 and we are still waiting. I attended with her and thought it was a great experience. She had done a tour last April. At Discover Aggieland, they fed us lunch at Kyle Field, dinner in the wellness center, my daughter attended a mock lecture while I attended a session with admissions, and there were many other sessions we attended. Discover Aggieland IMO was a better overview of the whole A&M experience than just the tour.

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My daughter is a review admit and still waiting on College of Ag. I’ve heard very little from other Ag majors except Animal Science. My D is Wildlife & Fisheries.

Still waiting here, applied 10/1. Attended a tour, spent a week with the Dance Program in the summer.

Does anyone know if any of the Aggieland Saturday presentations will be available to watch later, like maybe on YouTube or at the TAMU website? My son has a prior commitment to play in a varsity golf tournament.

@NDTA96 if they were overhauling TEAM and Gateway, it would definitely be updated on the website. LLC changes some year to year-locations and groups-so that doesn’t surprise me. They also never know how many to expect (some years may have more applicants then others).

@KleinCajun besides missing TEAM session, everything else will be mentioned at NSC. And even then, you’ll learn all about TEAM at NSC. He’ll be fine missing Aggieland Saturday. You could always go without him, if you’re able, it’s a super laid back, fun atmosphere.

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