Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@52AG82 , while I know my example was apples-to-oranges, my main point is that people with their head down working hard to meet deadlines often don’t have website updates a top priority.

If it’s something new, it’ll eventually be added. Just don’t expect it in black and white right this minute.

IMHO, I don’t think it’s an “overhaul” but more of a tweak as @FriscoDad implied. Overall, it sounds like a good thing, offering more opportunities for people.


My DS is review admit and still waiting on Collage of Ag / Agribusiness.

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My son is still waiting too. I hope and I pray every day to hear something. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy for all those that got their acceptance, but with every acceptance I get a little more down that we still haven’t heard anything.


Is your son on the WAITLIST/ BLINN TEAM Consideration? Or just hasn’t heard? Either way I think there’s definitely hope. (Also, my son is WAITLIST/ TEAM and hasn’t heard)


@NDTA96 one thing about A&M, they’re steeped in tradition, and if anything changes they make a BIG deal about it. Even the slightest thing, they post about it, add links. Gateway and Blinn TEAM are well known pathways, and it would be a HUGE DEAL to change them, especially without at least a years worth of notice (slight exaggeration, but not really). They started mentioning going to Top Ten%/everyone else Holistic 1.5 years prior.
I think it’s just a glitch in the system, those getting Gateway it was just labeled incorrectly (TEAM instead of AGS). The two programs have always been separate, I really think it’s a typo glitch.
Hopefully someone can answer the big question!:woman_shrugging:t2:


My son was accepted into engineering at Galveston. He can’t make it tomorrow because of a golf tournament, should we just schedule a visit to Galveston instead? If tomorrow is valuable to newly accepted students, I could go. It’s a 3 hour drive.We have visited the campus before.

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@Alison_Bryant1 if he’s going to Galveston, he needs to attend Galveston specific things. I’d hop on their website & Instagram page, join Galveston Parents FB page and find out if they have a spring open house (their version of Aggieland Saturday).

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For those who have been offered Blinn TEAM, join the Blinn TEAM Parent FB page (must be offered TEAM, not just interested, and be sure to answer the questions to join).
As far as I know, there isn’t a Gateway Parent Page (but Gateway is so short, cut & dry, not really a need).


Thank you!

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No, we didn’t get the offer y’all got in the last couple weeks. Not heard a peep. I still hope but get a little deflated every day that goes by.


Sending you good vibes. Things will work out.

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FYI… it is gateway not blinn team for those that got summer session today. It will be corrected.


Quick question: so far, has ANYONE who was offered the choices 15-16 days ago of ‘Waitlist and TEAM’, ‘TEAM ONLY’ or ‘WAITLIST ONLY’ been admitted? I believe I saw some who selected ‘TEAM ONLY’ did, but am wondering about the ‘Waitlist and TEAM’ or ‘WAITLIST Only’ categories. Thank you… if anyone here knows.

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Is it true that if you receive Gateway, you won’t receive any potential scholarships for the fall until you pass the Summer II term? I’m mostly talking about Corps of Cadets Scholarships, but also in general.

Crazy how long the process is….


My daughter chose waitlist/Team. No word yet :crossed_fingers:t3:

My son is agbusiness 1st and ageco 2nd and we haven’t heard anything yet. We didn’t get the email to choose waitlist or team so I’m not very encouraged right now.

@T3D911 where did you hear/see that? It could be true, but who knows? Scholarships can come at any time, even after school starts…but not sure many ‘big ones’ are given out that late.
I know nothing about Corps scholarships. But the big academic scholarships (PES, Lechner, McFadden) are given to those with high test scores/gpa/rank/leadership/resume, many with some form of NM, etc. I’d look and see what the requirements and qualifications are for the Corps scholarships:

So is Gateway usually given in one big sweep— or still offers to come?

My son also offered freshman general engineering at Galveston. Over there the Aggie Saturday is set for Mar 5 instead
