Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Hi ChristiR93 — for Blinn TEAM, so in other words you can take 2 classes at TAMU maximum per semester (3 hours + 3 hours)? Just asking as I am trying to understand this. One of the ladies on the Zoom last week said ‘You take one class at A&M and the rest at Blinn’ … I wrote that down

You can take up to 6 per semester. I don’t think they’ll cap you at 15 but I will double check. If a 2 year program for team, that’s 4 semesters. Doing one course a semester at Tamu would only give you 12 credits. That’s why I think it’s a minimum.

Also, you have to have 6 credits at Tamu to do most clubs and club sports.

And, many students don’t complete the team requirement. Most go apply straight transfer after first or second semester. Especially those that don’t have a guaranteed pathway agreement.

@misterhemmings check out this link. It will direct you to all change of major requirements and maximum total hours for credit. For instance Econ is 60 max at time of app for change of major (with team it too is a chance of major, you just go through a TAP advisor)


Six classes? You mean six hours, right? And each class is three hours. So… two classes per semester at TAMU? Sorry I need it spelled out for me.

Continuing the discussion from Texas A&M University Class of 2026:

I attended the Blinn Team 9:30 session with my daughter. Very informative. 1/3 of Team students leave after 2 semesters, 1/3 after 3 semesters and remainder after the 2 years.
Major classes taken at Tamu and freshman classes ie: math, science taken at Rellis.
Blinn team is offered to qualified students who meet all requirements but there is just not enough space at Tamu for the freshman classes. 1100-1500 Team offers average 500 accept. 200 offers went out yesterday. 90% of people Transition to full time Tamu.


This is great info. Thank you so much! Stay warm!!

Lol yes I mean credits. Everything is discussed in credits because courses are assigned different credit values. While most are 3 credit hours, there are some 4 and 2 and 1 credit hours as well.

You will take most of gibe classes at blinn. You can take up to 6 credits at Tamu per semester. It doesn’t appear they cap you but majors might in regards to change of majors once you complete team requirements of 45 blinn and 15 Tamu.

@Gillian28 Very helpful and specific info- nice! So…200 offers sent out yesterday - that means more to follow? Did they say when those would come? Any news about Gateway and if more Gateway offers are coming? Thank you!!!

Underneath Manage Application on Howdy


Our sons portal did switch over from TEAM to General Studies for Summer 2022. We do not have a “next steps” button and his AIS still says “complete and in review.” It doesn’t say Gateway anywhere and he’s not able to select an offer yet. Any ideas on when this might change? We are hoping soon.

Thank you for sharing! He just found it.:raised_hands:t2:


So all good?

And congrats. Love gateway!!!

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Congrats to all your kids getting accepted! I’m getting soo frustrated lol
My daughter missed auto admit by 1.2%
She’s 11.2 % out of 6a HS. 4’s on AP, tons of extra curricular, tons of volunteer, her teacher is using her essay as an example of what an amazing college essay should look like. All A’s in all AP classes and we still have hear ZERO from ATM. Still In review is getting old.
I don’t understand.
I get it, all our kids are “the best” :joy: but I’m going on her numbers.


Her weighted GPA 4.8
Unweighted 3.8

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Test optional?

And zero movement? Like no offers/choices?

My brother applied August 1st as well and is still stuck in review. He applied test-optional which seems to be hurting his application. Have any test-optional applicants heard anything yet?

Me too. We’re still waiting. It breaks my heart. One day he’s excited, the next he’s down. But Aggie he wants to be. My daughter graduated A&M 2020 so he knows A&M. He wants to be an Aggie. Fingers crossed every day and praying.


There have been test optional students with admission decisions. I do they test optional slows down the process. Wondering if this will be offered next year.

Daughter received the offer as many did Friday but didn’t know if it was Blinn or Gateway. This afternoon her AIS updated and she got Gateway.


Whoop. Congrats. Still need to go to housing for the fall and pay deposit assuming she wants to live on campus in the fall.

For gateway they will tell you how to secure that housing. They’ll all be together. Fall is like all other freshman students. Let the hunger games begin.