Texas A&M University Class of 2026

No movement, no offers
Her HS counselor told her not to send in her SAT scores

What was her score… if you don’t mind me asking? Forgive me if you’ve already shared and I missed it or forgot!

Nvm I found it. 1260 isn’t bad at all. Especially with her high rank and ECs. I think she looks really strong. Hoping for team as worse case scenario. Hang in there.

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My son and I attended the College of Architecture sessions this morning. We spoke with an advisor in construction science. He mentioned that admissions still has over 15,000 applications they have to review. He said admissions focuses on engineering and business first because of sheer numbers and then move to everyone else to “back fill” the numbers for other departments. He said the construction science department is taking around 100 freshmen and he had heard they were full or close to being full but did not have “confirmation” yet.


'He mentioned that admissions still has over 15,000 applications they have to review." That is crazy! I don’t know how they’ll get that done by mid-March. If you call the admissions office they’ll tell you if a major is full or not. Viz is full.

Yes, I thought it sounded crazy that they still had that many students to make decisions about this late in the game…and I’m assuming construction science is full.

My daughter and I attended Aggieland Saturday and I was able to speak with an admissions counselor. She stated a very small number of Gateway was released last week and more to come. There is still room for Blinn team and full acceptance offers as well. She could not give a date on those, just the standard ‘mid March’.

Also, as of the fall 2022, BIMS will no longer be part of the Veterinary School. It will be part of an arts and sciences program. According to the BIMS advisor we spoke with, they’re still getting all the details lined out.

Good Luck to everyone still waiting. We have been waiting since August, and it’s a grueling process.


My son is still on the waitlist for viz. We are not hopeful. If it is truly full I wonder when his portal will change so we can move on.

Thank you for this promising update! I had a dream last night that I got a gateway offer…I woke up and quick checked… Maybe next week??? :grinning:


We went to the VIZ presentation yesterday at Aggieland. It is full. They get about 500 freshman applicants and accept 80. They said every year they get about 40-60 applications for transfer or change of major and accept 20. Portfolio required for transfer or Change of major. Also viz is an 8 semester program with sequential studio labs every semester. They admit in fall only. So if a student enters as a different major or transfer student and switches they will start the 8 semester program after they transfer or switch regardless of how many credits they have already. Hate to be discouraging but it is important info to be aware of so you can make decision on how to proceed.


Happy glorious Sunday everyone. This week, last year, was pretty big on offers. I KNOW NOTHING but I am hopeful.

While we wait for super bowl parties to start, check out the 2025 thread. You can “jump” to feb 12th date and go from there.

Cheers and blessings.


Thanks for this. My son has a full year’s worth of college credits between DC and APs so it doesn’t make sense to got to TEAM and “try” to transfer in after a year and still have four more years, with a slim chance at that. That would be two extra years! UT Dallas here we come. Good luck to all in the next few weeks.


Would you mind sharing the number please to whom you reached out at college station.

UTD is a great school too! We really enjoyed our tour there and my daughter seriously considered going there. Great dorms too!


Thank you! Really appreciate the info! We haven’t seen a schedule or agenda yet.

My son still has under review. All of his friends have been accepted so it’s been hard. my son is the only one with computer science major. We are still hoping with fingers, toes crossed and with lots of prayers!!

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Check after 7:30am! That’s when we saw it change and I had checked at 7 with nothing there! I’m thinking about all of you parents and kids still waiting! There has been a lot of movement lately and we are at the mid-February point this week so I’m betting there will be lots going on the next two to three weeks! Praying you get the answers you want! :pray:


Hang in there, as when we spoke to Admissions office last Monday they told us that they still had spaces in Comp Sci. My son got offered on Tuesday for general engineering at Galveston campus…assuming they are using these satellite campuses, I believe they would still be offering more full admissions.

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@Lahoreia that can’t be possible (“spaces available in CompSci”) as every incoming freshman enters as General Engineering, then goes thru ETAM process.

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It could be the way I interpreted it as I was asking them about my son’s major