Texas A&M University Class of 2026

She’s not 10%, but she’s got a 4.7 weighted GPA going into Kinesiology.

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Christi, what about Teab offers? I haven’t heard anything about that yet?

@Kaytray2026 what quarter did A&M give her, 1st or 2nd quarter? Did she submit test scores?

She did submit her test scores and 2nd quarter.

Unfortunately 2nd quarter won’t be in her favor.
@ChristiR93 might be able to shed some insight.

If her test scores are 1360 plus then there’s a chance for team or gateway.

What major? And what about ECs? Anything unique?

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There could be more Teab offers out there but probably very few at this point. Would probably be an option type deal offer.

Her SAT wasn’t near a 1360 and her major is kinesiology. She does have great extracurricular with her being her HS Varsity Cheer captain, competitive cheer and a cheer coach. Hoping that helps…

How do you find out what”quarter” A&M placed them? My son is very independent so I have to ask the right questions to find out or where to look. My son did the ACT and made 27, and submitted the score

And computer science. He has all 100s in his AP CS and digital forensic classes and mobile app classes.

On AIS main page. It’ll show ranking. I believe it’s with all the checked off things.

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Can someone shed some light on why 1st qtr ranking seems to be the driving factor in TAMU admissions? It definitely seems more important than GPA and SAT/ACT and I struggle to figure out why- because I can tell you in different schools I may have been been 10%, top 75%, top 30%. Academics and students are not equal in all schools. Just trying to understand why they focus on this.
I am also trying to understand why they can’t be more transparent about admissions at this point… like, “we have this # of applications to go and plan to release this # decisions every week for the next 3 weeks.” Or something like this… transparency is important.


just got my tabs + major change + ais update for blinn team this morning! applied for animal science 10/31, second quarter, 1380 sat, 31 act, 400+ volunteer hours, president of ffa (with lots of awards to go along w it), 4th degree black belt in taekwondo, summer camp counselor, 1 letter of recommendation. i’m so glad the wait is finally over!


^ btw i got the waitlist options a few weeks ago and chose both waitlist and team consideration!


@ansc2022 Congrats! Great test scores and ECs!


Congratulations! WHOOP!

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They rely on quarter ranking system for the very reason you stated. Not all schools are equal, but you are ranked equally amongst your peers. You have access to the same resources, classes, etc.

If you’re top quarter, you have more than likely shown your ability to handle the course rigor and do well gpa wise. The SAT allows them to compare apples to apples across the board for all students. Many kids don’t test well, so this actually hurts them. Then you have those super smart kiddos who get a 1500 plus on sat but 3rd quarter rankings… Could show laziness or inability to manage time and deadlines for assignements. etc. Then you have your ECs/Leadership. THis brings in the whole well roundedness (is that a word?.

So while yes, it appears quarter is super important, it’s just part of the puzzle admission puts together to predict success at TAMU or pathways. That ultimately is their goal. They want a high retention and 4 year grad rate.

AND OMG it would be fantastic if there was like a countdown of offers left. Sadly it’s never exact on how many they offer.


I appreciate this perspective but as a student I disagree with TAMU admissions if they believe this. A school near us is so competitive, they dropped rank below 10% because basically 80% of the kids in that school are super motivated -but many were top 60% even though they were pulling 3.8+ GPA and all AP classes in general. I also have a cousin in a school where he is top 10% but totally lacks motivation, would not do well at A&M and really has no desire to go to college-got a 1050 on his SAT because he doesn’t really care. The classes at his school are super easy (his words, and I’ve seen the work and believe him.)
I just think this is the reason so many high schools are doing away with rank… it isn’t fair across the board. If I am competing with my peers who are all motivated and brainiacs and am top 30%, but move to a school without as many motivated students and end up top 10%- how is this “fair?”
Also- if students are allowed “test optional” we should also be allowed “rank optional” - like you can pull out one or the other.

Sorry…I appreciate your response and am not angry with you—you are just the messenger! I am having one of those days, and this is just a rant, as I am beyond frustrated with A&M


@AnnKiVe , there are many students and parents that share your sentiments. I wish you the best and hope you hear from TAMU soon. Sadly, college admissions are not transparent so there is no telling who gets in and who does not. Don’t doubt yourself. Hang in there. :heart:


Your perspective is super valid (not that you needed me to validate it)…

Those schools that remove rank, will still be ranked by TAMU and they do look at the competitiveness and it does move the needle on the ranking (where you could be top half and tamu ranks you top quarter based on gpa and school demographics).

The cream will rise, those top 10% who had it easy, will either rise or won’t. TAMU didn’t put that into place, the state did. TAMU has zero choice. except in engineering where I’ve seen top 2% get TEAB because his SAT was so bad. Talk about an eye opener.

Hang in there. I hope you get a great offer and you crush it at TAMU!