Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Just a fun update. My son who got the options and was admitted to TEAM February 1st, got the ultimate Valentine in the mail yesterday… Official You Got In Banner!!! Lots of excitement and selfies going on at our house :slight_smile:

Hang in there… I hope more are to come!


Super happy for you and your son! Congrats!!

As a parent, I do sense your frustration. I really do. I hope that you get an offer at some point, whether it’s a&m or some place else. And I do hope that you are preparing with other options. Just in case. My current Aggie did not start at a&m and followed a different path. There has to be a plan b.


Definitely there are Plan Bs…LOTS- I applied to 20 colleges…lol. Accepted into every public Texas college (except cap’d at UT- of course.) University of Tulsa is throwing a lot of money at me lately, so it’s a nice feeling. If they can throw a few more thousand I think I can swing it! The campus is gorgeous. A&M was nice because of the public univ cost and proximately to home, and of course it’s a great school…but there are private colleges I actually like a lot more -it’s just a matter of money. I’m still waiting on some college acceptances, but they have specific release dates in March so I am not checking every 5 minutes (hint hint TAMU! :joy:)


Just a heads up but I think someone is logging into your account…… A couple of days ago someone with this ID was talking about their kid and not them as the student….


At least that’s what I thought I read

Lol… my mom has my password so we both check in! Thanks though!!!


Very unimpressed with Aggieland. Many tables unmanned, second Blinn presentation never had a presenter. We asked two different volunteers for directions to the library from MSC and neither one knew where the library was. We understand that the internet is the new library but if you are going to have volunteers to help direct people at least make sure they know where the main buildings on campus are.

Aggieland is great for Juniors in high school and possibly admitted students but felt it was a waste for those still waiting on decisions.


Just wanted to share, after being on pins and needles since Jan 26th, we just found out that our son was offered TEAM Blinn. So there is still hope for those of you waiting!

His stats:
Out of state (Virginia)
GPA: 3.99
SAT: 1300
Chosen major: Technology Management (small major in the College of Education)


Congrats! Thanks for sharing those stats.

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No offense to anyone personally but it sounds like your schools were naive and dumb about cheating. My school put safety nets in place, for example, offering tests in which EVERYONE gets to use notes (assuming remote kids would try to use them); when I had to do oral presentations in Spanish I had to record myself and if my eyes veered away from the camera for ONE SECOND, she would dock points…you’d get a zero if you did it a couple of times. They were harsh! Plus lots of reports, projects, labs etc that have to be original. I think they did well.
But at the end of the day, the kids at the very top of the class usually don’t need to cheat. Cheating only gets you so far. It can’t really get you to the very top. That’s my opinion. I’m 99% sure the top ten of my Class don’t cheat. (They’re all my friends so I feel that I know them well) They trust their own intellect (plus it’s too devastating if you get caught!) Moral of my long story: if you’re smart enough, you don’t have to cheat. Cheating doesn’t really pay, kiddies! :joy:


Congrats. So you were given the option for team and waitlist and you chose both, correct?

Thanks for sharing!

Yes, we chose both Team and Waitlist. A couple of weeks ago during a conversation, an admissions person agreed with the notion that those that chose Team got decisions earlier. I wish I had found this board prior to choosing his options. Maybe it would have saved us a couple of weeks of waiting.


I’m in a Corps Facebook page and the man that is the admin said that more Gateway offers will be coming out the end of this week. I hope that gives everyone a little bit of hope and something to look forward to.
My son’s AIS and Howdy changed last Friday morning. Wishing the best for all of you waiting!


Technology Management is a very good major, it is in the process of reorganization and will be in College of Engineering in the future admission cycles. Current students are not subject to ETAM. But it is good to ask if there is any potential changes during your NSC.

Hi, what do you mean his Howdy changed? What changed exactly? I’m new to all this!

I’m learning too. A whole bunch of new tabs showed up on Howdy. It will look completely different.

Here’s a phone view of what it looks like when Howdy “changes.” You will notice a lot more maroon menu selections appear and the number of menu tabs will increase to 7. If you notice these changes it is likely you will see a Congratulations message in AIS soon! :blush:


Thank you so much! This is helpful.

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Is this always at 7:30AM, like some others have said? (In other words - is there any point to checking Howdy/ AIS after around 8AM in a day or should we just wait)