Texas A&M University Class of 2026

For Mays, try to be first in line - it’s that competitive! Good luck to your daughter!!

Thanks, I had no idea it matters u apply by 1st of August…I thought u start around August and so long as you get it in by late November, you are good,Do they follow some sort of First come first serve basis? Again apologies, my first child and i have not studied here in US, so this is all new to me!

For Mays, yes - first come, first serve - very competitive.

You definitely want to apply during the 1st week in August. Mays spots are limited, and when it’s full, it’s full. Hopefully she can get to Top Ten% by end of this year. But if not, SAT is excellent and will help!

Should we plan to complete the application by 1st of August? Or just finish the application part of it, and take time for things like recommendation letters, etc? Should we plan to finish the entire application package by 1st of August?

My daughters says General Studies 2022 Summer College Station. And oh so many tabs! Just changed today, the first movement since submitting on the first day eligible.


Complete application and all required documents first week in august. Rec letters are optional so don’t need to get that in as quickly unless it’s from someone outstanding.

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A&M application opens up August 1. Need to be prepared with resume, essay, reference letters etc ahead of time. Top Ten% or not, I’d shoot to have the full application submitted by the end of the 1st week in August.
A&M dorm deposit opens up when acceptance is given., and Housing selection is based off time stamp Housing deposit is paid.
It never pays to not jump on things, be first in line, with anything at A&M. Huge, mega competitive university.

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So excited for you guys! Congrats on Gateway! There’s another thread for you peeps to chat on as well.

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Congrats! Unfortunately, we’ve still not heard anything. And based on the stats that are being posted here for Gateway/recent admissions, it looks like we’re probably going to have to digest the more-than-likely reality of a rejection. Didn’t apply until December. 1190 SAT (and didn’t go test optional), 3.4 GPA. Have “great” ECs (varsity sports, 2 actual paying jobs, contracted fashion model, 60 hours of DC with 8 APs, countless “sincere” volunteer hours), I just don’t see that as enough to get in. But we can’t stop checking Howdy constantly! LOL.

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Wanting to get a little feedback on my chances of getting gateway or Blinn Team. I’ve kind of abandoned the idea of a full admission for the fall, but now want to be realistic about other admission pathways despite TAMU being my top choice.

  • OOS, applied early November
  • applied major: allied health
  • GPA: 3.85 UW/ 4.375 W
  • 1260 submitted SAT
  • School doesn’t rank but given 1st quarter by TAMU
  • 7 APs, 6 Honors
  • Multiple EC’s, work experience, and involvement/officer positions in student government
  • Essay about experience of being the director of a nonprofit event involving foster children
  • Received options in January and selected Waitlist and Team, no movement since

Well you won’t get gateway since you were offered the waitlist/team option.

Still have a chance at Team and waitlist. Your SAT isn’t great, but not bad. Your ECs look really solid as does your essay regarding topic (unique).

Best of luck!!!

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Plano Aggies here, getting into top 10% will be super helpful and relax early in October with acceptance, otherwise it will be like mine, wait until late Jan.
Plano West High is insane, 60-80 NM Finalists every year in one high school! I know Frisco is also crazy. Liberty High has more Ivies than UT or TAMU. Everyone takes 12 to 16 APs. Student ranking in tough schools may hurt the chance a bit because TAMU have to follow the rank first, but if your daughter gets in, she will easily be the 4.0 students.
Mays Business you really really really need to apply early, their web site stated “First come first serve”. Good Luck!


@J-Mo - don’t lose hope. I know of at least 3 students who got gateway offers who have between 1070-1220 SAT, 3.2-3.8 GPA , various # of APs and all 2nd qtr. Various ECs-some a lot, some just a few. I am not quite sure if admissions is looking at majors- or what else they are including in their decisions. I hope things all equal out in the end - keep your chin up! We’ll all have answers soon.

What quartile? In the same boat. 3.4 gpa non-ranking school, but was assigned 3rd quartile.

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Have OOS students been notified of Maroon Merit Scholarships already?

@Diana_LC I’ve seen several mention notification of Maroon Scholarship.

Gosh, I have no idea.

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Maroon normally gives out early, it is not stackable to NM so it may get changed or added for OOS later in March to April

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Thanks @AnnKiVe! Sending positive vibes your way. @GigemWhoop, TAMU assigned 2nd quartile (as did HS transcripts at time of application). Mid-semester grades raised GPA and HS class rank to 1st quartile, but TAMU apparently doesn’t accept mid-year transcripts. They were “uploaded” to AIS, but still sitting in 2nd quartile. Best of luck all!

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