Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@AnnKiVe , nothing here :frowning:

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No change for us either

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Nothing here


Nothing here…

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Congratulations on Blinn Team acceptance!

In AIS, besides registering for NSC, you will need to scroll down to do the tasks in maroon color table, further down the white table there is Blinn email activation, go activate both TAMU and Blinn email and you will get more information.

Blinn Rellis is only about 10-15 minutes highway rides (halfway you may see the nice Health science and nursing building) and Rellis is pretty new with 3-4 buildings (more being built). You won’t find special orientation because TAMU NSC is enough to cover it. Blinn Team students are regular TAMU students. Because of the shuttle ride, advisors will normally recommend students taking all Blinn classes the same days (e.g. MWF TAMU, TTH Blinn) to avoid rushing between campuses. Student with TAMU parking permit can park in Rellis front lot but routine parking will require a separate Blinn permit (may change if Rellis expands in the future…)

So basically you can consider Blinn is just class with a longer shuttle ride, with smaller class size, lower tuition, and easier (Blinn so far allows class retake without impact on GPA but not sure how long this will hold).


Looks like many (or all) of us have not heard updates… potentially that’s good, right? Tomorrow is our big day :crossed_fingers:


@AnnKiVe , exactly. It is not over until it’s over :slight_smile: Hang in there.

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Nothing here either

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Nothing here




not one word of any kind

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still no movement from me. apparently a lot of people at my school got some sort of decision today

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Nothing here! Getting carpal tunnel from checking.


I applied to Univ of Florida also (I know there’s even less of a chance to get in- but mom went so I had to!) anyway- I got this nice email from them… I think all universities should follow suit!
They listed all pathways in their guide and also added at the end, “If you are denied admission to the University of Florida , take the weekend to do something you enjoy with positive company. We know how disappointing this can be, but our office is still rooting for your success.”

Way to class it up, UF!

By the way, this isn’t to criticize UT or A&M or the hundreds of other universities keeping students waiting- I just appreciated this a whole lot and personally think it shows respect to their applicants.


@sammy_parras curious what kind of decisions people at your school got today?

mostly gateway offers!

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DS finally got a decision yesterday after applying last August. Top 10% of his HS but rank information released late. He was admitted to Gateway.


Yes, my kid got tied up in this too. Military and stationed in TX. His HS wouldn’t rank him until after the fall semester. Top 10% but too late to be considered by TAMU admission. He did get Gateway yesterday.


No change on AIS / Howdy this morning for my son, Biology major who is Waitlisted and TEAM consideration. Just a notification that the university is closed because of weather.

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