Texas A&M University Class of 2026

No change for my daughter either, BIO major, waitlisted/TEAM. I wonder if they are able to work from home, or if this means we won’t hear any new decisions until next week

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I have a son at TAMU, the closure was at the Fort Worth Law Campus.


Still nothing here. Waitlist/Team consideration.
Maybe tomorrow will be the day we all hear something :crossed_fingers:t3:


No movement here, applied October 1. 2nd Qtr Kinesiology.

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Forgive me for asking a question that I am sure has been answered dozens of times. We are Waitlist/Team consideration as well and nothing. If you are Waitlist/Team consideration, are you pretty much guaranteed some sort of spot? I am just worried because our daughter is now certain she wants to attend A&M is some capacity.

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No guarantee. Could be offered PSA

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LOL. the university isn’t closed. That’s weird. My son has an exam in 30 minutes and already had 2 classes.

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Nothing this morning here either! Tomorrow is a new day! At least I’ve stopped checking after 5pm. I’ve made some progress :wink:


I just checked so not there yet.


Nada today @ 7:30am

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No change to WAITLIST and BLINN TEAM Consideration here.

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In Review STILL, Homeshool 1st quarter, 41 dual credit hours with a 4.0, graduating HS in 3 years, decent activities, we went test optional because he didn’t take it till Dec. Applied October, COLA History

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No change for us either

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Nothing here :frowning:

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Looks like another weekend + Monday of no change. Also, we’re visiting College Station this weekend. We had a trip planned long ago, assuming we’d know by now. We’re thinking of looking at BLINN only. Can anyone recommend a specific physical campus to look at/ walk around in?


Just in case… have a Plan B. A&M has PTA (look it up on A&M website) it’s been mentioned before. It’s a great back up plan. It’s how my now sophomore Aggie got in. Still keeping fingers crossed for some movement on Monday. :crossed_fingers:t3:Thought for sure today we’d hear something.


I really thought we would see some action today too. From what I’m seeing on forums and at my daughter’s school, a lot of offers came out Tuesday, then total silence after that. Makes me wonder what they’re up to!

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