Texas A&M University Class of 2026

There is no change for my daughter either. She is 1st quarter. Change of major button still there so haven’t given up yet!


I messaged you. Just reply when ya can.

Hey guys, I started a PSA thread. Thought it might help streamline the convo since a lot of these decisions are being released.

Tamu PSA class of 2026


@ALN thanks for calling admissions and updating! We’ve already put housing deposits (refundable) on 2 colleges. Even if I do somehow get into A&M my housing choices are going to be horrible-ugh.

Still no changes on my portal.

Good luck to all! Another week in limbo :pensive:


I called as well, and was basically told the same thing. He did say Gateway and Blinn still had spots, and very few full admits. They’re hoping to have decisions out by Friday, March 11.

I need to plan our summer. Her backup school does not let you see orientation dates until you accept. At least I can see NSC dates and can somewhat plan.


Thanks for sharing!

My daughter’s friend who is also a Biology major was just offered TEAM. This friend is ranked 24%, SAT 1250, 8 AP’s, a few EC’s, 3.6/4.7. She is super excited! This has just been such a long, maddening wait for everyone.


@AnnKiVe I’ve never heard of refundable housing deposits anywhere, so that’s a plus!
Being honest…unless a student gets accepted the very first 1-2 days of earliest acceptance and pays A&M housing deposit within minutes, very few get their top dorm pick. If you get into A&M, pay housing deposit immediately. You’ve got 3 options:
*find a roommate with a much higher time
*be willing to take any bed available, and switch beds during the open period
*tons of super close off campus choices

Sure hope you get an answer soon! :crossed_fingers:t3:


@EllyBelly thats great for the friend! Did the offer come today, do you know?

Yes, sometime this morning.


@EllyBelly I’m close to your daughter’s friends ranking…SAT 1330, GPA 3.68, 9APs, a few EC’s. BUT 30% rank which I think is my (A&M’s) main issue. Ugh…

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@52AG82 Thanks for this info! Yes…Univ of Tulsa, refundable until June!! Woot!
-May have to take an off campus choice for A&M IF I am admitted and decide to go …or ever find out :joy:

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@AnnKiVe This stat should be very favorable for your first choice major (English?), so this is one mindboggling but good luck!


@FriscoDad Right? I thought my stats weren’t too bad. But you brought up another point awhile ago…about SAT scores being “equal”- like my math is a lot lower than my english… so that could be an issue. And I know my second qtr rank is a problem too! And yes, English major.

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Good luck. It seems crazy how much rides on a few percentage points of ranking despite having a 1330 and strong rigor. My daughter was second quarter and lower SAT with lots of ECs but has a 3.7 GPA at a private college. You’ll do great wherever you land.


@AnnKiVe , my son is first quarter, Math SAT score is 710 , 10 APs, mostly 4s and some 3 , no C grades on transcript :frowning: Still under review and waiting.

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@ALN Yes your son’s late decision is another odd one. This score for Math degree should be easy decision for admission or at least Blinn Team Math contract.
Transfer barrier for Maths is not that high and your son should have little competition. Don’t give up on Maths in TAMU as it is one of the highest ranking program in the country. Good Luck!


@ALN It’s strange. I know A&M doesn’t super score but my highest Reading/Writing SAT was 740. You would think that would look good for an English major…but who am I? Highest math was 640, so not the best, but that’s why I’m not majoring in math!!
Good luck to your son!!!


@ALN what was the overall SAT? Like @FriscoDad dad has said, an evened-out/balanced score is more beneficial vs one that is heavily weighted to one subject. Maybe that’s the issue?

@AnnKiVe , good luck to you too. Hang in there, Spring Break is around the corner and hopefully we will hear something and can move on.