Texas A&M University Class of 2026

I can definitely see this merger causing admission delays. Ugh.


I understand how you feel, I was second quarter too and all the predictions for what I would get (back up in November if you want to see) was due to being in second quarter as A&M does place a high ranking on what quarter you are in. Are you out of state or in Texas? They accept more Texas residents than not due to a rule that Texas has imposed on them. Keep your head up, it’ll get better soon!


I’m a Texas resident. I’m sorry everyone…I think I’m hangry right now :joy:

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Totally feel ya!

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My daughter is still waiting too, top 14%, and hasn’t heard anything. We just want a resolution so we know if we should proceed ahead with Tarleton.


Haha all good, I get the feeling, I’ve vented to some friends who go to A&M too since they get the process :joy: You got this, I believe in you, you just gotta believe in yourself and realize that what’s meant to happen will!


DS just checked and saw on his AIS that he got Blinn TEAM! WHOOP! Can’t believe I have 3 Aggie kiddos!!!


Whoop! So happy for y’all.

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Do we know of anyone who has gotten Blinn Team or Gateway in the last few days that
wasn’t on a waitlist?

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I agree. It’s not rolling admissions like UH, Tech, OU, Arkansas, etc. it’s basically a deferred decision without being officially deferred like Purdue, FSU, Wisconsin and Auburn. However, they mostly give a secondary date for deferral decisions with regular decision.

When you’re admitted, you should get the patient Aggie of the Year award.


I am a BU grad and recently began working for the Online MBA program at Baylor. Baylor is a special place! If you can afford it, do it. My son loves it there!


I wish I could believe that no news is good news. Not a peep. Nothing. We’re waiting with fingers and toes crossed and saying lots of prayers. My son is getting down. It breaks my heart. If he doesn’t get in Or blinn team he will go blinn and transfer in. His sister graduated A&M in 2020 and knows this is his chill.


My daughter is waitlist and Blinn Team review. Today on Howdy, her second choice major went away, but that was the only change. Any thoughts?

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Could I message you?

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Is the ‘change major’ button still there?

Our daughter applied for Physics 1st choice. She received a Gateway offer 2 weeks ago. I am guessing A&M wanted her but just not for Physics. Either way we are happy and relieved she has a chance to really look into other majors first.


Is no news really good news? I feel like if they didn’t want to offer my son anything, they would have sent a PSA on Friday or Yesterday. Thoughts?

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After Gateway your daughter can still choose the path of Physics major. Since Freshmen admission is decided by admission office (not by department) so it is not the department not wanting your daughter, it may be just subjective opinion of admission office.



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