Texas A&M University Class of 2026

She just checked and still no change

so basically no pattern


Both majors still have spots as of last Friday. Not sure what’s the delay.


There was a post on this site this week that said the colleges of science, geoscience and liberal arts are being merged with a deadline of Sept. 1, and it could possibly cause delays.


Just responsed.

My daughter as well. Same stats BIO major. What is UP?!


My son was #1 history #2 communications, I see communications is full. No news still.


Same here. Bio, first quarter, test optional, student leadership.


We ended up getting PSA but we had previously applied to Tarleton. This speeds up the process b/c they require transcripts instead of self reporting. You need to have your TSI reported to them too prior to student orientation. So my suggestion would be to start the process to get ahead of others.

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My son was one of them (on Reddit who got the 7 tabs this morning). It was for A&M Galveston though, and he wasn’t previously on a waitlist. His app for College Station still says under review.


Yes the application is still open for a while but I think there are only 150 spots in the program. As with anything in this process, procrastination does not pay.

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What makes you say comm is full? I spoke with admissions today and they said it is not.

Congrats on Galveston. Now, we all wait for CS…

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@Christajones1 2 days ago I reposted screenshots that @cardiqueen was given, as the only major choices left to select from. Communications was not listed.
Who did you speak to, an adult or student worker?

Hey Y’all!!! I got seven tabs for blinn team! My ais hasn’t updated and I was wondering when it would and if I for sure got blinn team. I am a forensics major went test optional 3.9 GPA top 11% fire and emt certification great ECs and essays. I am very thankful for this decision I got waitlisted in late January and chose waitlist and team. I called admissions and they said I am in the final stages of review for team. But am I for sure in? And if so when will my ais update?


Howdy managed application will get updated tomorrow. AIS later.

I received 7 tabs Friday and my AIS updated with Blinn Team admission offer yesterday. I have already signed up for an NSC and got an acceptance of admission confirmation on AIS, but under manage applications on Howdy it still says under review even though my major and program have changed to Blinn Team. Any ideas on when it will update under manage application?

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when did you get your 7 tabs? Congrats

Yes, you are for sure in. 7 Tabs and TEAM listed… well done! Congrats.

@nictelewis You got Galveston engineering? Had you had any previous movement on your app?

That’s unusual they likely just left out changing the message to “Whoop!..” Normally, they update this first. Since you already register NSC, to admission that’s their end of the process but if that bother you, you can contact them to update.