Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@avalav The disappearance of change of major button 99% precludes a PSA offer.

Ahh, ok. Thanks!

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@avalav unfortunately, losing Change Major button does mean PSA offer is coming.

@Kathryn_Craig personally, I would hold out to sign an off campus lease, at least until dorm selection. If she’s still Wait List, and not Overflow, there’s a good chance she’ll get a spot. People have until May 1 to cancel Housing contract w/o a fee. And those who ONLY want Hullabaloo & don’t get it, will cancel their dorm contract, freeing up space for your daughter to move up.
There is an abundance of off campus housing super close, but once you sign a contract…there is NO backing out.
3/8 is right on the borderline of getting a guaranteed spot. I would wait it out.

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@avalav - that’s great that there is movement though…at least if you don’t want the PSA offer you can now consider your other options. I’m sorry-

Nothing has changed on my portal yet!

Don’t worry, admissions is probably working overtime to get everything done by tomorrow or 15th, so everybody still hanging might get something!


I’m pulling for ya! :crossed_fingers:t2: Sending good vibes your way! And to all those still waiting, I know this has been brutal!


Even some of the nicer apartments are filling up fast. I called a few days ago to reserve a 2X2 for my son and his friend, and was told they only have nine slots available.


Some complexes do completely fill, especially the 1 bedroom and 2x2 units, but there will always be an opening somewhere close. There are parents who post daily, needing to fill 1-3 spots in houses they own, condos, etc. B/CS is saturated with off campus housing.


Okay thank you

No change as of this morning. No news is good news :blush:. (Waitlist/Team consideration).


Yay for movement! At least the stressful part of waiting is over and you can move forward with decisions. Good luck to you.

Still nada for my daughter.


Fyi Tamu staff only gets one day off for spring break. Admissions will be working.


It is full and I’m assuming if they offer admissions, then they’ll ask you to pick another major or go in as general studies.

That is definitely what happens. PSA is coming.

Yep, I’m just waiting for one other university and then I’ll make my decision.


do you know if Biology is full? Our AIS still has us in review. Is there still a chance for admittance?

Biology has been weird this year. There are so many bio majors with pretty good stats waiting. BUT another poster listed what was still showing open for majors, and bio isn’t one of them.

All that being said… no one knows. Until you receive a decision, stay hopeful.

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It has been mentioned before that your portal changes at 7:30 AM. Do we know if this been confirmed? Is it pointless for me to keep checking the portal all day?


So yes, the tabs come in the morning, but we have seen status/majors change during the day to TEAM and then tabs the next morning.

And let’s be honest, if we said only check in the morning… you know you’d still check throughout the day. LOL… it’s what we do!

Hang in there.