Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@kstahrlong , they’re not notified. You just have to keep monitoring AIS. Somebody could write a thesis on TAMU’s admission process :flushed:


so how does anyone know if they are admitted, offered TEAM/Gateway, or PSA if they aren’t notified via AIS and/or Howdy??? Im so confused!!

Haha I just DMed you my instagram! & They should be begging for you to attend LOL

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@acoc14071 @AnnKiVe , so happy something positive came out of this stressful process. Wishing you both success and best wishes on your friendship :heart:


@kstahrlong , from what I’ve understood, students find out about different pathways by logging in on AIS.

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Was Tarleton one of your son’s PSA options?

Part of me kind of wonders if this is like the infamous “admission offered” glitch from September. I think that happened in the Manage Application area, too. Given that it’s March, though, seems unlikely that it’s a glitch. But still makes me wonder, given what happened before.


Doubtful because admissions told people on the phone to check at 5 PM… but obviously that did not happen.


On Reddit I saw two posts saying people called admissions who said the vanishing button in howdy means they are now trying to match you with your major. Do I believe that? Don’t know: thoughts ?


Don’t worry there are other schools with similar discussions :slight_smile:

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Every time someone calls, they are given a different story. Who knows what’s going on.

Everyone have a great weekend and I hope the stress is kept at a minimal level. Cheers to good news soon.


@ShanJones Yes, he had a list of all of them. He only chose Tarleton but I think A&M still sends them to all the schools Bc he got an email from West A&M that he was accepted and we never chose them.

My button is gone and so is my friends. We’ve both had no movement up to this point.

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A lot of us lost our change major button in manage applications. Do you still have the change major button in AIS like the rest of us?

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Yes I do, I’m in the same boat as y’all. Hoping for good news since it’s been a longgggg wait😬

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By the start term and location!

Hi, do you know anyone that got into Mays and Mccombs this year?


Is this where it is suppose to be (change major)

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Yes, yours is gone.

I have it in AIS but not manage applications but honestly I never looked there before so never saw change major button so not sure when that happened.

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