Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Uh oh, same here​:grimacing::grimacing:

@AnnKiVe oh absolutely. I still can’t believe they’re rejecting hundreds of students all at once. If they knew these students weren’t good enough for TAMU, why wait 7 months ? That is brutal.


same here

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Will it update around 7:30 or will we have to wait until noonish to find out, or do we just have to play the dumb waiting game again?

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Hi / need some help for a friends kid. They just lost the change major button … what does this mean. …

@ALN If what we suspect is true, and we get PSA… I am going to comment on UT-D. That’s your son’s back-up, right? So last year we had a guy graduate, he was in the top 10 kids of 1000 kids…like not top 10% but tope 10 (think he was #5 or something). His dad is an anesthesiologist, mom is a judge, siblings all dr’s, etc. Super smart family. This kid was brilliant. So nice, too. BUT he chose UT-D. Everyone asked him why… he said, he visited lots of places and “found his people” at UT-D. So…just saying…there are always smarty pants I talk to a lot who are going to UT-D…they say they feel at home there. Really hope your son finds his people wherever he lands!


@Lauren_VanAckeren , in the past, it meant PSA or soft rejection.

Bummer ok thanks. Still have hope tho

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@AnnKiVe , thank you for such a beautiful comment. You made my day. I told my son , rejection could be coming soon from TAMU and he said I don’t care, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine :heart:


@Lauren_VanAckeren , it’s not over until it’s over :blush:


We are one of the many that had movement around noon yesterday in Howdy: change of major button disappeared.

Two over night changes in AIS: “you’ve been placed on the waitlist and being considered for TEAM” changed to “your application is complete and in review” and “change of major disappeared”. Withdraw app is still there on both Howdy and AIS.

I’ve read on Reddit and CC something similar happened to someone and it was not a PSA offer. Anyone remember that post / outcome?


As of this morning both change major buttons are now gone :disappointed:


“You’ve been placed on Waitlist/Team consideration” is also gone.

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Same here. This morning my son’s AIS changed from 'You Are Being Considered for TEAM and on the Waitlist. If you do not receive either, you will receive PSA" – which it’s been since January-- to just “Your App Is In Review”.What in the world does this mean? Waitlist/TEAM since Jan. In Howdy, still the same regular number of tabs.


Wow… what a rollercoaster!
Admissions is now like some super dramatic movie with a lot of twists and turns.
What is happening???

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in my son’s AIS, the 'You Are On the Waitlist and Being COnsidered for TEAM. If we cannot offer you either, you will be offered PSA." has been replaced by a shorter sentence “Your App Is In Review.” My wife and I this morning’s first reaction was that we’re glad we took a screen shot of what it said before, since if they reject fully and don’t give PSA that would be really lame. Tabs same in Howdy but all ‘Change Major’ buttons are gone everywhere.

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I totally agree!!! This is so unprofessional in my opinion.


The whole waitlist choices thing and the way they have it structured during the middle of the decision season kind of baffles me. I’ve not seen that done that way at any other colleges I can think of. Maybe it’s because of the way they release decisions, I don’t know, but it’s just unusual.

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@misterhemmings our daughter’s best friend chose to be waitlisted for TAMU and for Blinn, like y’all… and received Blinn team this week.

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Same! I was on this all day yesterday despite assuming there would be no changes after working hours-slightly obsessed. The change major button disappeared in the middle of the night but all the tabs are the same.