Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Nothing at all. The big speculation over on Reddit is whether the vanishing buttons for about 80-100 people polled means PSA for every one, or it could mean other things. Seems like basically EVERYONE’s buttons vanished, and everyone who was WAITLIST and TEAM changed back to IN REVIEW. So people are dissecting what it could mean, and if it could mean literally everyone left is getting PSA

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FYI people on Reddit have just started to get this offer yesterday:

@aalv shoot. I’m a Mays parent, so can’t help ya out. Hopefully you can find a current student.

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Best is looking at the degree plan. Because excelling in computer science or Biology will not help much in ETAM.

The main focus should be on M151/M152/CHEM107/CHEM120/PHY206. These all better be “A” so even if less important classes get “B”, the holistic review will favor students with good foundation.

If your student took AP Calculus AB/BC, AP CHEM and AP PHYSIC 1 and got good College Board scores (4 or 5), the ETAM should be very easy. Getting “A” in high school may not be a good indicator because high school can give easy “A”, not all students take the CB tests and most important of all, many teachers do not finish teaching the syllabus required due to weather or other unexpected factors.

Even if not taking the CB test, try doing a practice and see if what the student stands.


My daughter’s major button went away yesterday like many, man others and I just logged in and her PSA letter is there.

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PSA letter arrived for my daughter too

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My son just received PSA. He’ll be headed to UTD. Best wishes to everyone !


Same here for my son. Best of luck to everyone.


PSA for us here. Boomer!!!


I spoke to a few folks and wondering about bringing this to the tv news at an investigative report? This process is broken.


Mine too. They have no idea what they are doing. Nothing makes sense.


I love my rejection slips. They show me I try. - Sylvia Plath
PSA for me too :-1::disappointed:
Let’s take this weekend to celebrate us. We have made it through 4 years of hard work, dedication and crazy peer pressure. We’ve applied to colleges at a time when we have to have stellar grades, perfect test results, and a top rank- we also have to be involved in several extracurricular activities, have amazing leadership roles, and hundreds of volunteer hours. We have to make connections with teachers to make sure we get those perfect LORS and tons of friends so we know the inside scoop. So for those who DIDN’T achieve all of that, let’s celebrate US; for spending time with family first. For putting aside the homework to talk to a friend. For sleeping in a little extra to get a mental break. WE will succeed in this life because we have learned balance and what is truly important. And to me, that means a heck of a lot more than getting into a 4 year college that doesn’t even know YOU.
We are so smart and so motivated and so, so special. We are going to SOAR! All of us. And never let a college letter make you feel less than the amazing person you are.
And for those parents on this board - thanks for loving your kids so much that you are hurting as much as they are now. You are the reason they will overcome this. We will all find our place and in a year, it’ll be just a blip in time… meaningless… and we’ll all be the happier for it.:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


For all those in this forum who have been telling us that TAMU is a highly competitive school so don’t blame the school if the student who you think has good stats didn’t make it, we’ll let me tell you , that is absolutely wrong. I personally know kids with much much lower stats and low class ranking that have gotten either full or Gateway. My child might not have cracked a 1500 SAT but there are several kids here and on Reddit with exemplary credentials that have received PSA in the last day or two. Making students wait for 7 long months only to mass reject is not only unfair but absolutely unprofessional.


You didn’t say howdy loud enough so avoided the cult. Count your blessings.


I bleed maroon, was a 4-year student athlete - very invested in my school, but this is a low for me. I have donated to the century club every year for 25 years, and it’s hard to be this disappointed in my school (in the rejection and the way it’s been handled). Tamu should have done better for all of our kids. Even if it’s a “no,” at least treat all applicants with dignity and respect. They don’t even have the decency to send emails; you’re left to “check” your portal. Give me a break. This process is completely broken, I agree. Thank goodness my other daughter wants to go elsewhere. We aren’t dealing with this again.


Well, my parents aren’t happy about my stressful 7 month wait to be hit with PSA the weekend before spring break — in what they call shabby treatment by a university — that they aren’t that supportive of me even considering it. Well, good luck everyone! (Bio, first quarter)


@Shanetchlewis , I will be telling my family and friends to avoid this school at all cost if they don’t want to deal with a broken admission system. My son heard from UTD in 2 weeks. It doesn’t take 7 months for the school to know this kid didn’t make the cut.


My kiddo got PSA too. Biology… it’s not on the Major List. Microbiology or Molecular & Cell Biology are not on the PSA list. These are the only Majors he has ever been interested in. So is it possible to even go the PSA route? Also, where do you find the System school that they are approved for? Do you have to click the participate button to see that? If we click it, does that mean he would be accepting that route without being able to investigate it more?
Is the best choice (for him) to go where he’s been accepted to and transfer in to the Major he wanted to begin with but as a Sophomore?

So many questions…. Are the Admissions Counsellors in the office next week to answer these questions?

This is all terrible. I still haven’t heard yet. But, they did exactly the worst thing they could do in terms of the timing. It’s very cynical to do this right on Friday end of day, so that it hits on Saturday night at the start of spring break, without any sort of emails or letters first. We’ve applied at so many other universities and the communication has been polite and humble, but A&M feels very arrogant and rude. To people who say ‘well they are just more competitive’ - I don’t think that’s true. It feels based on the scores and stats I know at my kids school that some kids get in, others didn’t and there seems to be no rhyme or reason. There are kids I know just won’t really likely make it, who got in. And other kids who definitely will, who didn’t. Anyway - do we think that everyone who received ‘WAITLIST and TEAM’ are now the ones tonight who all received PSA?


@misterhemmings did your son also get PSA tonight? It almost looks like so many that got it this round were Bio/College of Science majors.

I’m just trying to keep a positive outlook. COS majors versus Engineering majors… maybe their stats didn’t look as good but they were going for Engineering and they had other great things on their resume. Your son had a fantastic looking resume, was the Bio Major selection what pushed him below the proverbial line?