Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Not sure about what the majority stats are but I know people that chose both waitlist and team and got one or the other and I also know people who didn’t get either option and got PSA. Not sure how things were decided but hope that information helps you

For those who got PSA, @ChristiR93 set up a PSA board to assist with navigating through this option. Hopefully y’all will also find it helpful!
Link: TAMU PSA decision Class of 2026


My son, who applied to Construction Science, got PSA offer 3/12 at 5:30pm. He was still on straight review, not Waitlist or TEAM.

I’m thankful both of my twins got in…one in main campus and one in Galveston. However , I am amazed at the quality of kids that were turned down for admission to TAMU. Kids with crazy high scores and activities, who would be a great asset to this school. I’ve always thought the “moderately easy” to get into label for TAMU was incorrect. I think the admission rate for FULL admission (no pathway, Blinn TEAM (yes I know these kids are considered full admits but it’s still not a full admission with no strings…I get it), academy, PSA, Gateway etc) is closer to 20%….most of which is taken up by top 10% students. My
point is that people have the impression that TAMU is one of the easiest schools to get into but in reality, if you want full admission (and aren’t too 10%), it’s one of the most difficult schools to gain full admission. I do think tamu is doing a good job of giving pathways but I’m not sure the expectations of admission and the reality match up. TAMU could do a much better job of communication, that is for sure. I’m not sure what the answer is but Texas schools are trying to admit many more students in different ways (hence tamu is the largest school in the nation) and they are still losing thousands of students to Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama each year. Other top students stay in state and don’t leave…my Aggie engineer wouldn’t apply to the Ivy League schools despite top grades and activities because he said “unless I’m a purple unicorn :unicorn: with a horn coming out of my head, they aren’t letting me in, so why bother applying”. Too many schools have crazy quotas and metrics. I’m not sure what the answer is but I agree tamu should be more transparent with full admission so expectations on admission are more realistic. Many people wouldn’t wait around so long if they knew the true likelihood of getting in was much lower. Good luck to everyone.


I am really sad for all who didn’t get the decision they wanted. It isn’t easy. I get that Tamu admissions can do better on getting psa and rejection decisions out sooner than later. Like maybe January early February.

@aln I know you are really mad and I get that. I just think you shouldn’t @ those of us who have just tried to advise , encourage and educate on this forum.

Tamu received more than 50k apps. They review all non Top 10% apps at a minimum twice. They review every engineering app twice. That’s a lot. Like the rest of the country, I’m sure they are short staffed, over worked and under paid. The admissions page and office clearly states students will hear their decision by mid March which is exactly what they’ve done for most students.

With over 50k apps they offer about 60% admissions (which includes top 10%). That yields a freshman class of 10-12k. The pathways offered are AMAZING and guaranteed. Then on top of that they have PTA. If your student still has the want to, they can make it to Aggieland. If they have a sour taste(I get that and had that with my DD) then they will find a different path and still have an amazing journey.

@all I’m happy to help with planning if you want it. After spring break tho!!! :heart::hugs:


My daughter also got PSA this morning. She doesn’t know yet as she’s asked me to let her check her Howdy portal. I’m dreading witnessing her broken heart but also know she’s ready to move on. We have prayed about this and have trusted God’s plan for her. I too am disappointed with the AO but maybe it takes so long because they are trying everything possible to get these kids in. As her mom, I’m somewhat relieved to see her start at a smaller school, adjust to college life, etc. After a year, she can decide if she loves where she is or then still wants to be an Aggie! This forum has been so helpful especially in realizing that my daughter, who was in the top 10.6% when she applied, is amongst so many bright kids and not alone in this A&M journey of PSA.


My daughter also received PSA last night after being waitlist/TEAM. I am so disappointed for her. She had been top 10% every semester until spring of her junior year. Her class size decreased by 100 kids due to kids leaving to do homeschool or online school because of COVID. Her placement in the class has only gone up consistently since her freshman year, but with fewer kids her rank went down. She was 10.4% in her class at application time. Most of those kids have since returned, so I expect she will still graduate in the top 10%. Her unweighted GPA according to her school is 3.79, but is still weighted in that you have to get 100 to get 4 grade points. A 99 gets 3.95grade points, a 98 get 3.9 etc. My daughter has received one B, an 87, in one class for one 9 weeks grading period. Every other grade in high school has been an A. She has taken several AP and dual credit classes, she plays a varsity sport, and got a 1360 on the SAT. I am truly shocked that she didn’t get in. There are people at her high school that I know are ranked below her who applied and got in and heard of their acceptance weeks after applying. One applied Dec 1 and got in before Christmas. Neither of those two are actually attending TAMU, which really just kind of rubs salt in the wound. I really, truly don’t understand their decision making criteria. I do realize that it’s holistic and not just grades and test scores, but it’s still hard to understand their reasoning. PSA won’t help her because she wants to go to nursing school, and one of the criteria for getting in to TAMU School of Nursing is taking most of your prerequisite courses in Brazos County. My husband and are also Aggies, and she has wanted to be an Aggie her whole life. There’s no point to this really long post except for me to have a place to vent to people who understand the disappointment.


I am shocked she didn’t get straight admit. Truly shocked. Have y’all thought about straight transfer from blinn!


I feel sick this morning for all of us. I am so sorry.

The admissions process is clearly so broken. I did not feel this badly when I was CAP’d at UT, or flat out rejected by Univ. of Florida. Mostly because of how the colleges handled the rejection.

I encourage all of you to write the interim Provost, Timothy Scott, at: provost@tamu.edu

Tell him their admissions system is broken. Explain your journey. Give him details of how everything about this process was confusing, and that we had to seek details on college forums to get answers. Compare their process with other colleges you have dealt with and how the other colleges handled it better. Tell him that you felt like cattle being pushed through the system. How somehow it has gotten to the point where the applicant is a number…a nobody…someone who gets a soft reject on a Saturday before a break. Someone who doesn’t get an email to check their status. How we got so many different answers when we called admissions. How decisions rolled out randomly. How perhaps they should not call this rolling admissions (because by definition it is not,) and how they should at the very least have more rhyme or reason to releases. Write and write and write.

I truly believe A&M has outgrown their capabilities with their current admissions system. They need an overhaul. There were so many wrongs this year.

Anyway…I’m thankful for all of you. It was not the ending I wanted, but I’m so glad the journey is over. I have colleges out there that really want me, so it’s time to focus my attention on them.

Good luck!!

Write the Provost!!!


@ChristiR93 , I am not mad at you or anyone that has offered to help and advice and I am sorry if you felt thar my anger was directed towards you all but I’m sure you’ll understand that the advice from experienced people have also misled parents and student , not intentionally though. Saying TAMU is highly competitive while a kid with optional test score and a low GPA getting in doesn’t quite match the “highly competitive and straight admit” narrative. What is holistic anyway ? Does one have to be a certain demographic regardless of your grade ? Does an excellent essay make up a low GPA. I’m not assuming thing but speaking from knowing kids who barely passed Math but have been admitted. At least with UT , most parents and student know what to expect because they are consistent. My son’s best fried who ranked 3rd from a very competitive high school with 13 AP and Varsity sport was auto admit but didn’t get into the intended major in UT but wasn’t surprised because UT is clear on admission policy.


She has thought about it. I’m not sure how a full year of Blinn would affect her chances at TAMU nursing school, though. It’s tough enough to get in as it is. She has decided, though, that an accelerated nursing program after a BS in either Allied Health or Public Health would be a decent option for her as well. We will be discussing options today. She’s just really disappointed to lose out on all of the freshman year experiences…games, clubs, dorm life, inter murals and so on. A group of her friends was together last night and all got PSA except for one who was outright denied, and one who got Blinn Friday night. There’s a lot to talk about today.

@ALN… agree, agree, agree. This is why admissions needs an overhaul. A&M DOES rely heavily on ECs also…they want the “rah-rah” kids. The other issue is the 10% Texas rule which imo needs to GO. Most states do not have that. FWIW, UTD students have amazing stats- better than A&M-I was looking over it the other day because I’m actually considering applying. And what a modern cool looking campus. Maybe I’ll see you guys there…who knows! Good luck!


Hi All! I have started a Facebook Group for Parents of Class of 2026 PSA/PTA students for information and support. Feel free to share!


PSA here as well. Been bleeding maroon for as long as I can remember and half my clothes are A&M related​:sob::cry:

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My daughter was given PSA as well. I am devastated for her. She has been bleeding maroon since 1st grade. She’s top 15-16%, submitted SAT scores, in NHS, 8+ AP classes, athlete running track and cross country, a member of FFA with raising goats for 4 years, other extra curriculars, and she has her own dog walking/pet sitting business. Since 7th grade, she has attended a week long summer camp at A&M (except for 2020), and did two last year. If all of that does not stand out, I don’t know what does.

She was accepted to the other 4 schools she applied to within a month of applying. One of those she was offered a decent scholarship. In the end, she still wants to be an Aggie. She will most likely go to Tarelton and transfer in as they do not have a PSA pathway for Animal Science.

I am absolutely baffled by the admissions process. Kids with much lower stats are getting in left and right. You call admissions and are given 10 different stories. The admissions process is broken and needs to be revamped. The last 7 months have been emotionally exhausting, and to do this to these kids during Spring Break is what really upsets me.

Good luck to everyone on your future endeavors. I have no doubt that you will all succeed wherever you attend college.

I’m going to bill A&M for a new wardrobe as literally all of her shirts are A&M. :grin::grin:


Have your daughter start at Blinn. Mine did first year at Blinn Rellis campus and transferred to TAMU Allied Health soph year. Mine is not nursing.


Stupid, your daughter sounds cool and should’ve gotten accepted. This system needs to be fixed ASAP.

after no movement for monthes I was offered psa. So disappointing that I waited so long. First quarter, 3.9uw/5.0 weighted. 1220 sat submitted. 5 APs and 15 dc hours. NHS,math honor society, and job. Statistics major. Off to UTSA I go!!


@sammy_parras "so disappointing that I waited so long… " Is exactly the sentiment shared by most of us, I think.
EVERY other college I applied to set a date for an admissions decision timeline and then released decisions either sooner or on time… like, Baylor told me I’d hear April 1st. I heard a few weeks ago. Trinity told me a decision would be released March 15th. I heard 3 days ago. UF told me Feb 25th and it was Feb 25th. UT told me some date that I don’t remember, and I heard back way sooner. ALL rolling admissions I heard from in 2-3weeks. That is the point of rolling admissions- decisions are on a rolling basis as they receive apps(which A&M DID NOT do for many)SO, TAMU needs to learn from other colleges about how to set decision expectations. They need to be more clear on pathways. They need to send more communication. The fact that A&M has 5400 comments on this board compared to let’s say, UT or UF… yeah, that says it all.


Well, all the way from Italy, my daughter just found out she got PSA. Her major doesn’t participate so she is going to Tarleton since she’s already accepted. She is going to apply to the Honors college since she is eligible. Her major there is perfect for what she wants to do (Zookeeper at Fort Worth Zoo where she has been a camp counselor). We are just glad to finally have a decision and be able to proceed with future plans💜 Thank you to everyone for all the great info and advice!