Texas A&M University Class of 2026

There are always those moments where you wish you would’ve waited 24 hours before posting something


Can you tell me more about rellis. We’re looking and it seems confusing

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Rellis is just an extension of Blinn CC but also has the option of some 4 year degrees from some Tamu system schools. There are no aggie perks or aggie ring but they can attend rellis and then transfer to Tamu cstat. OR complete bachelors there under system school.

Clear as mud?

My son also received PSA yesterday around 5:30. However, he had applied to A&M Galveston at the the same time as TAMU CSAT last August and was offered admission to TAMUG back in November. He accepted TAMUG admission today after PSA yesterday. From all accounts, TAMUG is a great pathway to TAMU CSTAT. For those not sure about PSA, perhaps TAMUG is a consideration for some degrees. Application for Fall 2022 goes through May 1 if I am not mistaken. I am not admissions expert, but just thought I’d share our experience.


Yes agreed. Great pathway to cstat. Change of major only. No application.

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Hello to all prospective Aggie parents!
Please feel free to join the below Facebook group created as a network of support to help navigate, share experiences, and provide resources for the PSA/PTA route to TAMU!

My son got PSA as well early this morning. He applied for Psychology major. Got into Univ. of Houston’s (with scholarship) Psychology and UTD Psychology (Brain Sciences department). Like many here in this group, he is set on TAMU, partly bcos two of his best friends are going there and we like TAMU as well bcos our daughter is a Junior there. His choices are 1) UH 2) UTD or 3)Apply to Rellis and transfer to TAMU as a sophmore. Does Rellis have a Psychology major? Need suggestions please.

Blinn/rellis does have a psych associates degree. But you would just make sure he’s taking the psych transfer requirements. Will need 24 graded credits (can include dual credit but not AP).

So what you are saying is that, it is possible to transfer from Rellis to TAMU CSTAT after 1 yr at Rellis? I am under the impression that only TEAM Blinn can transfer to TAMU after 2 semesters. I guess the main difference is that TEAM Blinn is guaranteed admission after 1yr, but not Rellis, right? Can he apply directly to Rellis or does he need to get an offer from TAMU to attend Rellis?

Oh girl hang on. I am going to slow roll this…

Team is 2 years. Unless you petition for earlier because you have everything done.

Blinn at rellis campus is just a junior college site. There’s also a Bryan location and you can take classes at both but will have a home campus that you’ll designate.

Whenever you hit the 24 graded credits and major specific requirements, you can apply for transfer for the following semester. Some will try before and get deferred. Some will try before and get denied and told to send in that semesters grades to be considered for the semester you want.

Please take the team thought out of your mind because it is irrelevant. When you go straight transfer it’s all about thw 24 credits and major requirements.

Does this help?

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Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. Appreciate your advice and time spent on this forum.

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Of course. I know it’s confusing.

How are my friends? I’ve really gotten attached to all of y’all!


I’m doing good! How are you?


Blinn has the Bryan campus and the Rellis campus in the College Station area. The Rellis campus is TAMU property and that is where the Blinn Team students go. More of a college feel. They say the Brenham campus is more like a high school. My daugher took one class at Bryan.

For some reason…on spring break…I woke up to check the portal :woman_facepalming:t2: Old habits die hard.

I am wondering who on this forum has not heard anything yet? Has @misterhemmings heard?

@AnnKiVe , we signed up for orientation at UTD over the weekend and so did his best friend. My son is excited and looking forward to making new friends and enjoying college life in a more diverse setting. Good Luck to you.


@ALN Oh my gosh! And his best friend! SO awesome! I actually went ahead and submitted my application there! We have plans to visit in 2 weeks! So excited for ya’ll!!!


I’m looking to take the Galveston route and change my major into cstat. Does anyone know if I could switch to business or would Mays still be considered full? What are the chances of this actually working?

They only allow 100 change of majors per academic year. You’ll have the same chance as any other aggie wanting to change to mays. Make sure you follow the curriculum for Mays and you’ll need to complete 30 Tamu hours and 4 out of 10 or so specific courses. Make as close to a 4.0 as possible. My son had a 3.8 and found out within 24 hours.

Also, by going to Galveston and doing maritime business, you’ll have access to mays classes that most majors don’t have access to. That will position you well.