Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Just to clarify I’ll need 30 hours at Galveston before I’m able to transfer?

Sharing my daughter’s stats for anyone who looks next year as I think we have all found this forum helpful. Top 10.6% of her class at application (one body from being in the top 10%), GPA: 100.083, will graduate with 24 DC hours, College 4 point: 3.979, AP classes, cheerleader, varsity volleyball player, 4-H, STUCO all 4 years and Executive President of STUCO her senior year, BPA Secretary, NHS, PAL, she has community service and worked (I could list even more but no need to write a book here)! Frustrating for me too is A&M invited her to Discover Aggieland in September and basically “wined and dined” her for three days. She was already set on A&M and attending Discover Aggieland got her hopes up even more. She applied August 10 and received PSA on March 13. She is now in the top 7% of her class and per A&M could sit out of taking any summer/fall classes and could apply for spring enrollment and would have automatic acceptance. That’s not in her best interest just to attend A&M so she will not be doing that nor will she go the PSA route. We want her to give Tarleton a fair chance and if she still wants to transfer, we will cross that bridge when we get there. @TxMomof02 my daughter is @hadley.gee on Instagram if your daughter would like to reach out and talk to someone in similar shoes!


@ambergee did your daughter submit test scores, and what majors did she apply for?
My heart truly hurts for y’all. I just can’t even imagine being sooooo close, and having to wait that long… just to get PSA.
I hear nothing but great things about Tarleton! They’ll be lucky to have her!

If she graduates top 10%, and if she is willing to take zero college courses in the fall to preserve her true freshman status, wouldn’t she be an auto admit at A&M for Spring '23? That could be another option but it is essential to not take any post-high-school-graduation college courses.

Yes. 30 at Tamu Galveston.

@ambergee , I feel for your daughter. I was feeling bad that my son couldn’t attend any of the Aggie land events but now when I look back, I am glad the dates didn’t work out for him since he would have high hopes only to be crushed like this. There are some kids with 1400 SAT and got PSA. TAMU is a good school but what I wouldn’t want my child in a school where students are not treated with respect. To send mass rejection Friday before Spring Break is the most evil thing you can do to a kid.


Just for everyone’s info anyone who wants to do Maritime Majors at TAMU Galveston (any major in the Academy process) has to join the Corp of Cadets so I would sign up for the tours over there for more info since they’re a bit diff than the CSTAT one

@D_B2 is that new? We have several high school friends who started out Maritime Business at Galveston in 2019, moved to College Station as sophomores, now majoring in AgriBusiness. They definitely weren’t in the Corps.

I think D_B2 meant Maitime Academy, which includes some engineering majors that don’t need the ETAM. Maritime Academy is another application process and upon graduation, still need to compete to get to serve in US Navy.

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Gotcha, that makes sense.

Yup that’s the one! Sorry @52AG82 I just reworded it but thanks for catching the unclarity!

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Hi everyone- my son received PSA on Sunday, I guess after the wave of Saturday night or maybe it just took awhile. Thank you all for your help here-- this forum has been helpful thanks to a few key people who have a TON of great knowledge and are willing to share it. My feelings about A&M are still positive but I will say that the fact that A&M needs to have a forum with tens of thousands of messages to explain what things mean shows that something is really broken with their admission system. Today I’ve been emailing with the Biology advisor at TAMU who has been really helpful in her suggestions of what my son, specifically, should do. PSA isn’t offered for Biology so she recommends a straight transfer route. She is giving me clear and complete answers, unlike admissions. Before anyone here decides to either accept PSA or try for community college then transfer in, or they decide to apply to Galveston I would highly recommend emailing advisors at A&M to make sure what you’re attempting can be done if the goal is being at College Station. (For example we were all set to take PSA and switch to Chemistry Major but the advisor at TAMU discouraged that and said straight transfer was a better option.) I also would recommend setting up a Zoom with a TAMU Advisor in your major. We already have a zoom appointment set for tomorrow. At the end of the day my son has to decide how important his major and life choice of being a doctor is, weighed with attending A&M College Station. Despite the fact that 30 percent of his wardrobe has been A&M stuff since he was five years old, he is in a heartbroken place mostly because A&M dropped the PSA on him right at the beginning of spring break after leading him on with ‘TEAM Consideration, WAITLIST’ and admissions on the phone saying encouraging things to him like ‘Choose both and your options are open and look good!’ He also of course is upset, like we are, that ‘test optional’ (Your test optional status will not hurt you) seems to have been bogus. I’m just not sure if he’s still an A&M fan or how he’ll process all of this. He might keep trying but having been accepted to so many other universities with friendly emails coming to him daily – who knows. (Zero emails from TAMU btw). He is even getting texts from professors at two of his other colleges! Alright, enough negativity. Onward!


@misterhemmings oh man, I just knew your son was going to be ‘the one’ to get a better offer.
Agree :100: % that the lack of communication from A&M Admissions office is horrible. The entire office, process and system needs to be overhauled and revamped.
I hate that they’ve handled things so poorly, because once students are at A&M, we have nothing but great things to say. But 1st impressions are key…and AO has failed greatly.

How great that your son has already been in touch with an advisor, gotten some good guidance and direction! And he’s fortunate he’s got some solid other school offers. Keep us posted on what he decides!


thank you so much. And thanks for your help on this forum, and encouraging words. In terms of what my son decides. My wife and I (and my mother and father, his grandparents) view it as him taking a HUGE risk to turn down all these other great college offers with scholarships - to move to College STation and attend a community college in the hopes that TAMU decides they want him next year. On the other hand, my wife’s family who all bleed maroon and attended A&M - they think it’s a “no brainer” to just turn down all the other universities and go to Blinn. My extended family is doing a big tug of war over my son and what he decides. I know that whatever he decides will be right for him, but it’s hard not to see it as a huge and bold thing for him to shut the door to university admission just to keep chasing this dream of being an Aggie. Especially that is difficult right now after the Admissions process treated my son poorly. I don’t know if anyone else here feels that way. Is it worth the risk to shut the door on all these other 4 year universities with prestige, and instead go be part of a community college? He would lose the opportunity forever to attend those other universities that want him. What would you guys do? Risk it all and attend Community College because TAMU is so wonderful?


@misterhemmings , my son immediately said no to PSA. I cannot believe that TAMU admissions still hasn’t notified students via email about the offers/rejections and that goes to show the utter disrespect they have for these kids. I wouldn’t turn down offers from good schools to go to a community college and transfer to TAMU unless TAMU is where he wants to graduate from. There are so many good schools to choose from. I wish him well and with a parent like yourself, he will shine wherever the road may take him.


@misterhemmings it would be a slam dunk, no brainer for me…go to the real 4 year universities, where he can stay the whole time, start out with a true college experience AND get scholarship $!
There’s something to be said for being a true freshman, having the true freshman year experience…and despite what many may say, he won’t get that at Blinn.
Do what’s best for your son, don’t let other influence.


thank you. What would you think about Galveston? He’s interested in their ‘Oceans and One Health’ pre-med major there. He hasn’t even applied but they take apps until May 1st. After he’s there for a year if he dislikes it and has good grades he could change major to College Station. In many ways that seems preferable to Blinn. It’s a real college. I will say that the Aggies in my wife’s family are ADAMANT that he should go to Blinn and be in College Station, nowhere else would be good enough haha. They are HARD CORE aggies.

My husband is a hard core Ag, he would say absolutely NO to Blinn. Easy for others to suggest it, but they won’t be the ones living off campus, not having a sports pass, taking community college classes. Tell your relatives they can let their own kids do that😅

Not familiar with that Galveston program, but it sounds great! We have friends who started out at Galveston, and some who have graduated from Galveston. I got to hear the head Galveston Yell Leader recently at an Aggie Mom event-I didn’t know until then, that they have their own Yell Leaders. He completely sold me on the campus! I’ve never heard anyone say a bad thing about the Galveston campus, those that intentionally go there just for a year-Engineering overflow-are sad to leave.
There are carpools that travel to CS during football season, the dorms are right on the water, classes are small, very personalized attention & a supportive atmosphere.
We love Galveston, the town/island. My husband has worked there off and on for years, so we’re very familiar with it. Great way of life down there.
I would absolutely schedule a visit & apply!


thank you! Yep - visit already scheduled to visit TAMU Galveston and I’ve been emailing with an advisor today. It’s funny – advisors both at College Station in Science, and TAMU Galveston in their science/ health department – are just so fast to email back, so polite and friendly and so full of straight easy to read answers. The opposite of Admissions.


Hey! First off I’m so sorry to hear about your son, I know that whatever he decides he will excel at. I don’t have much information on which route he should take, however, I have been to Galveston and can tell you about the campus. It is much smaller than CSTAT in that you can go to all buildings in less than a 10 minute walk and should he want to leave campus he would need a car or a friend with one as you will need to cross a car-only bridge to get to campus. The dining cafeteria is similar to the one in CSTAT, however, there are much less restaurants fast food places unless you leave campus. However, everyone there is EXTREMELY friendly! I got to actually meet up and talk to one of their yell leaders spontaneously and I 100/10 recommend joining the TAMUG Parents Facebook Page (students are there too). It’s lovely over there and you really are an Aggie all the way, in fact pulling tickets is easier at TAMUG than at TAMU as you get first pull and it’s an online pull. Plus the dorms over there are huge and extremely well kept! They even have someone that comes in and cleans your dorm once a week!