Texas A&M University Class of 2026

thank you! I’m very interested in Galveston. Now - he just has to do one minor detail, get admitted. Haha. We’ll apply asap.


Yes, that’s what makes me so angry about the Admissions process. It truly isn’t reflective of A&M as a whole. If you can get past AO, it really IS a great university!

This is a great time of year to visit the island-not too hot yet, lots of activity & excitement with spring break.

Based on what @FriscoDad has mentioned on the 2027 page, I think it would be worth reaching out to him, to make sure your son fills out the application perfectly. I don’t know a thing about the SRAR stuff, but he does.


Haha definitely but I believe in y’all! If you need any information as to what the campus feel is like feel free to reach out and I can give more information on that and I still have the brochures I was given from my tour if you want to see them :slight_smile:

A&M is not the only university who does not send out emails about application status. That has been common with a few other universities my daughter applied to. If you did not apply out of State than maybe you are not familiar, my daughter found all acceptances/rejections in the university portals. Nothing more. The only universities we receive numerous emails from is the ones (egTexas Tech, Arkansas) which are not difficult to receive an acceptance.


thanks. My son applied and received many emails and acceptances, scholarships etc and VERY good communication from Admissions people at: Wheaton (Illinois), Colorado State University (Ft. Collins), Auburn University, Harding University (Arkansas), University of Arkansas (Fayatteville), Abilene Christian (Abilene). Several of those colleges have texted him as well after he visited, following up with him. A&M is the only one that didn’t send him any emails. Also, he received happy birthday greetings from all the colleges except A&M as well. Ha! EDIT: I just checked and he did receive a birthday email from A&M but it was on the wrong day and went to his spam


I agree with everything that is being said about Galveston. One of my twins was PSA’d but had been admitted last fall in Galveston. We scheduled another visit after hearing his major at main campus was full…we knew PSA was likely. Galveston “rolled out the red carpet” and he had another great visit. They are much smaller, and the classes for his major are max 30 kids but most likely 15-20. He toured the dorms for the maritime academy and met the commandant and commander. He LOVED IT. He came home and “pulled the trigger” immediately. He is so excited and I’m excited for him. Everyone was really friendly and excited to meet him. He can always change majors but I’m betting he stays the full four years. It’s a fun campus. A few weeks ago the admin/food services had a crawfish boil for lunch for the students….that would never happen at the main campus. Have your son check it out but don’t delay…the deadline is soon. Btw. The degree says Texas A&M, NOT Texas A&M at Galveston. Same for the Aggie ring :+1::+1::+1:


@Gillian28 - I’ve applied to 25+ colleges and many out of state…all sent an email to check the portal for admissions decision. Except UF, who sent an email telling us the exact date and time! to check the portal. I have no doubt many colleges do not send emails- and really that’s the least of my issues with A&M’s handling of all of this.

@misterhemmings -Sorry about your son’s PSA offer… !! Argh… so frustrating. I hope he figures out where he wants to go! I am torn about having a 4 year vs 3yr experience as well- (I may do the UT CAP offer)- but also am considering a few more smaller & more personal places. Aggie blood runs deep, so obviously that is a consideration for your family. Good luck with everything! I’ll be curious where he decides to go. Heck, I’m curious where I’ll decide to go! Ha!


@misterhemmings I thought for sure your son would have gotten in. We have been contemplating all the options and reading the info you provided above has been very helpful since my son also applied for Biology and got PSA. I would sincerely appreciate if you continued to share your journey.
I agree this choice is your sons. It’s ok to hear others opinions but it should be his choice without pressure from family. I have mentioned Blinn to my son and he is also not hip on CC. For now, we are sticking with the the plan of go where he was accepted and try to transfer as a Sophomore if he still wants to be in CSTAT. We planned and are still attending the an in person tour on 3/25 along with checking out Blinn while we are in the area.



I’m going to TAMU next year and you’d mentioned that you were a Mays parent. I didn’t get Mays because my high school counselor messed up sending my transcript with another students and that caused a huge delay. I’ve already been accepted into TAMU. Do you know how to get into Mays as a first-year student by any chance?

So can you clarify a couple things-what major were you accepted to? Starting Fall 2022 as an incoming freshman, correct?
If the counselor had not mixed up transcript, would you have been auto admit?

No, I wasn’t an auto admit but I was accepted within one month of sending my application and was told by admissions it was because my application “stood out” amongst the other ones in the same pool. Yes, I’ll be an incoming freshman this fall. I am an economics major as of now but am desperately trying to find my way out of it (before I’m stuck for a year doing the change of major process). Admissions had told me over the phone that if my application was processed a week earlier, I would’ve been in Mays.

I do feel screwed so for that reason, I’m trying to find someone to trade majors with. If there’s any other way, I would love to know.

TAMU looked at my school profile and because of that, the auto admit process had “no effect” on my application according to admissions as my school profile is one of the factors for why I got admitted so quickly. It’s a nationally high ranked charter school.

I was so rooting for your son!!!

My advice: Want the school that wants you. We were in your place this time last year and now my son can’t even remember ever even being upset over his PSA decision or the hurt/sting.


Hmmm, I guess if you can prove the counselor did in fact mix up your transcript, you can appeal it. I don’t know much about the appeals process, but I know you have to have hard facts to back up your appeal. That being said, if you haven’t started the appeal process by now, not sure how successful you’ll be.

You definitely can’t just find someone to switch majors with. You can start out Econ, and be very intentional about trying to take classes that will count towards Mays change of major. Be aware that Mays won’t accept change of major with anyone that has more than 60 hours. So if you have a lot of dual credit, it could get dicey. And you’ll definitely need a 3.9-4.0.

Scroll down to #3 On Campus Change of Major to see the requirements-



Well actually Mays changed their policies and stated that you only need a 3.5 GPA in required courses and general courses to make the switch as well as 30 graded hours at TAMU. That is of course my secondary option but seeing whether a change of major is viable or not is what I’m trying to figure out. I know for a FACT that many students have much worse HS applications than mine and got in because they sent theirs by August, which is ridiculous. The director of admissions stated that they “admit aggressively” but how do they do so if people with worse GPAs and overall applications get in?

I was told by admissions by finding someone who would “want” to change majors and talking with my department and theirs could lead to me getting into Mays. I’m on this forum to see if anyone is planning on switching out of business or is considering to decline their offer.

PSA here. I guess what makes it sting a little more, besides the 7 month wait, is if my son was just one year older and applied last year, he would’ve been fully admitted as an “academic admit”. 1380 SAT, top 16% of a competitive 6A hs, DC and AP classes, marching band, clubs, all the things he was “supposed” to have. Not good enough this year. Interesting.

I’m thankful my son researched other universities on his own and has fallen in love with TX State. Accepted in 2 days and is truly excited about it. If he’s happy, I’m happy!

It will still be a head scratcher, though. Why is it so much easier to transfer in than get accepted as a freshman?


@sk_420 it may say 3.5, but I’m telling you realistically it needs to be 3.9-4.0, due to the volume of those applying for Change of Major.
Mays does fill quickly, and it’s always best to apply early…many apply August 1. When Mays is full, it’s full. In 2019, it was full by the end of October.
Is it too late to try and change your major? I highly recommend AgriBusiness. They take some of the same Mays classes, very popular major.
Being honest, because Mays is so sought after, you may have a very difficult time trying to find someone to switch majors with you. Interesting that said you could do that?!

I appreciate you taking the time to respond! No, I made sure to speak with the Mays Undergrad Advising and Head of Undergrad Advising and they assured me that a 3.5 was all that was needed. Last year, TAMU changed A LOT of their policies due to COVID and haven’t reverted.

I can’t change my major because Howdy change of major is now closed and I’m restricted from doing so. Economics is also capped and so is Agribusiness according to admissions. Econ would’ve been my second choice anyways, but I’ve been trying to get into business since December 3rd. Exchanging majors is the only thing admissions said could be done when I called them, so I’m trying to find people that got into McCombs and are planning on declining Mays.

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You have been given terrible Information. Switch majors? What the heck. Literally would never happen.

Yes you may be able to appeal. When did you apply?

My son did Econ then mays. The requirements they set out there is the minimum to just apply for change of major. They only take 100 total change of majors per year. You have to complete 30 credits at Tamu before you can apply (included in that are some required courses). Go check out Mays website.

Change can be done, but it’s not easy. Keep us posted if you appeal. That would be the only way you’ll get in as a freshman. I’ve seen the appeal process work for Mays once before.


Wow! Even new to the game know there is no such thing as “exchange majors”. All colleges admission based on yield. Admitted not enrolling won’t open up spot.

Mays Business admits about 2000 freshmen and expect 1125 enrolling. They don’t just admit 1125 and expects these 1125 open up spots for others.