Texas A&M University Class of 2026

To be completely honest that’s what I thought. It’s a bit of a bummer because academically I’m more than qualified than at least around 1/4 of the ppl admitted in Mays…only thing keeping me back was the timing of my application being sent (which was actually out of my control and I tried to appeal but it’s a long story).

Admissions told me exchanging was possible due to the nature of the situation and said that it could be done. 2 admissions representatives told me the same thing. Nobody was more shocked than me to find out.

If you aren’t top ten percent, you don’t need to send in your transcript proving your rank, just SRAR. What are you blaming your hs counselor for? Was your counselor filling out your app? YOU are responsible for the timing of YOUR application. Sounds like you sent your app late, Mays filled up, you were accepted, and now you are pleading your case that you belong in Mays.


@Eggscapgoats absolutely agree.
@sk_420 you’ve either talked to some really misinformed student workers, or perhaps you’ve just heard them incorrectly. Very little you’re saying makes sense. They would not auto admit anyone, simply based off the school they attend, they would NEVER allow students to switch majors with someone else. Like NEVER.
Mays does fill quickly-EVERY YEAR-with those who apply early. It isn’t guaranteed anyone will get accepted, just because they apply early, but it’s a fact that if you apply late, your chances are slim. When it’s full, it’s full…with highly qualified students.
And again, the paperwork may say they’ll take transfers at 3.5, reality is you’ll need 3.9-4.0
With WAY more than 100 applying for change of major, obviously they’ll take those with the higher stats and gpa. My Aggie is a junior, I’ve watched the trend for the past 2.5 years. Things are only getting progressively more competitive, not getting easier or more lax.

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I think academic admit actually went away 2 years ago. My oldest was one of the last groups to get in that way.


@Aggiewife21 , agreed on transfer being more easy than freshman. I was told by a TAMU advisor that departments have more control on admitting transfer students than incoming freshman so if my son wanted to transfer next Fall ( which he will not), he can do so much more easily as long as he maintains a decent GPA. Maybe it is because students that were admitted or auto admit in their freshman year end up switching majors or dropping out thus making room for transfer students.

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Just found out last night that I got a PSA offer (-was not expecting it over spring break or not to be notified of it). 1390 SAT, 3.72 GPA, class rank 28% - and lots of major-related volunteer hours.

And to think A&M was one of my safety schools… This year is crazy! Best of luck to everyone and condolences to those who are disappointed at the results. I’m sure I’ll have fun at UTD :slight_smile:


My son might be the last one got in Mays last week of January. But then of course the order of acceptance is based on the time of application.

If you are not auto admit or top ten percent, transcript is optional and required only after you graduate from high school. So as review admit you cannot use counselor delay as an excuse.

Outside top ten percent, A&M won’t look at school ranking, even the most prestigious high school like St Mark or TAMS. Admission office will also never tell people over the phone of their chance of getting in. Mays admission director has no say in freshmen decision they work on transfer, change of major and graduate schools.

Economics and freshmen business have a lot of similar classes, if you maintain 4.0 GPA you should have no problem changing major to Business.

And to extend what @LuviasTexas said, last year A&M admitted 2166 freshmen planning 1100 enrollment, turned out 1207 enrolled. So your chance of appealing Mays to open door for you is better than hoping someone “exchange” with you. And as many here said even if Mays has spots open they will go to the order of wait list and auto-admit gets priority.


@ghost_dog Such great stats! They missed out on so many good candidates this year. Best of luck at UTD- it’s a great school!

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Not necessarily, my HS counselor sent the wrong student’s transcript. And Admissions only said that top 10 filled out about half of the spots. I sent my application on September 23rd. My counselor didn’t send my transcript until October 25th.

I had a 3.8 HS GPA, 1520 SAT, and stacked with extracurriculars and good essays. For that reason, I believe I have reason to be upset.

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I had to send in my transcript because I go to a public charter school which is unranked to prove I was in the top quartile with a counselors note attached to it confirming rank. School policy.

Last week of January this year? That is impossible as Mays filled up before the end of November according to them. I don’t see why they would lie about that.

The thing is that there’s no waitlist. And since my school is “unranked” I was assured that rank wouldn’t hurt me because of the prestigious school which I come from as school profile would play a big role in admittance.

January 20th was when the last May’s acceptance was given to multiple people

They don’t consider what school you go to, you’re being reviewed against all applications equally regardless of the school (info from an admissions counselor)

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Wait…for this year? SERIOUSLY? I’m appalled if that’s true. I got an email from the Head of Mays Undergraduate Studies saying that it ended in November.

If that’s true, I need to bring that to his attention and ask why he’d tell me that (I contacted him and he contacted me before Jan 20th).

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That’s unfortunate but at least I got in. Transferring shouldn’t be hard (for me at least) but I was planning on minoring in Economics anyways so I can get those classes out of the way.

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I’m not sure what information they were talking about but multiple people reported getting Mays acceptance then, however, Mays doesn’t decide who gets in or not unless it’s transfer as AO deals with freshman applications.


That is exactly what my son did. Now graduating mays mgmt pre law with Econ minor. No wasted classes while doing Econ first 3 semesters.

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I sent a personal message

He will do awesome. What does he plan to major in at Texas State? It’s on son’s final list since its close to home, but also considering Colorado, Colorado State, Arkansas, and University of Arizona. From a cost perspective with scholarship money Texas St. is a great deal.

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