Texas A&M University Class of 2026

I see. We will just wait then. He has technically applied early and since they have rolling admissions, I am hoping we don’t have to wait more than 4-6 weeks before we find out either way.

What are his test scores and Gpa and what major?

Sadly, most holistic reviews hear back in January and February. There are a small group that’ll hear in 2021, but it truly is a long process.

If his scores are really good, then he could hear by December. Tamu doesn’t have early admission, but the earlier you apply the better. So he does have that going for him.

If engineering than they do have that oct 15th app date for early acceptance but that too doesn’t guarantee you’ll hear til before January. They defer a lot of decisions til after the new year. If not accepted to Tamu, he won’t know that til March.

Just trying to keep it real with you so you aren’t disappointed. Hoping for the best tho!!!

Missed to mention that he is applying to Engg-(Mech Engg). GPA is 3.83 (UWtd) and 34 ACT. We wanted to send it before the Oct15th deadline. Totally appreciate you educating me on the timelines. Definitely helps to set right expectations

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I don’t foresee him having an issue getting into engineering with that score if his course rigor is engineering focused for math!

You guys are aware of the general engineering program for all freshman and then applying to mechanical at the end of freshman year after meeting certain requirements. Google ETAM if you have not.

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Hopefully both of our kids will hear in the next week or so!

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What do you think they consider excellent scores for engineering to be from OOS?

Over 1400 with solid math. That’s excellent. 1360 is great too but not sure it would be enough tto year early for non top 10.

I’m going to go back to last years thread later this morning to see what scores were hearing back. I’ll let you know.


@aalv My son just started his Sophomore year in Engineering, but I can give you his info from when he applied. Of course, our experience will be different as there was the Academic Admit category back then. We were sweating it out during our wait, as we were reading about so many other kids with much higher scores. We were also OOS (coming from Denver). He was in the 1Q for ranking, 3.65 GPA, SAT 1230/ACT 29 at time of application but retook the ACT and scored a 31 in Sept - which qualified him for academic admit. He got his 6 tabs mid October and his engineering acceptance in November (which is completely holistic so had nothing to do with his academic admit). He had a pretty good essay, very nice recommendation letters from teachers, and was a captain on the HS and also club hockey teams…so not sure if the leadership position helped. But…if he can do it with his gpa and scores, I have high hopes for lots of kids who are waiting this year. Also - don’t fret, as he had several friends who had much higher scores and gpa’s who did not hear back until February and March. It’s hard, but we have to be patient with the process.
Also…he received a $2000 Maroon Merit scholarship and was also awarded a $2500 scholarship from his local recruiter which was completely unexpected (so stay in touch with your local recruiter and attend all the dinners/informationals they they put together). Unfortunately, neither apply toward qualifying for instate tuition, but every bit helps. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you!

Regarding engineering review, in the past few years, I don’t recall anyone reporting that they were accepted into Tamu but then did NOT pass the engineering review. Yes, it probably happens with auto admits with minimal math/science classes.

So, don’t sweat the engineering review, especially if you have a decent foundation in math/science and decent math/science test scores.
As a review applicant, the hard part is getting into the university and that isn’t dependent on your desired major but how you stack up to the other review canditates.

Please, please…take the sat/act/residual act before the dec deadline if you feel your score could be better. You don’t want January to come and then regret not pushing to retake/take those tests.


I went back to review admissions for Sept 29th (the first holistic review wave).

Most SAT scores were high 1300s plus. ACT were 32 plus. A lot posted they were top 15%. I did see one 2nd quarter with only a 30 on the ACT and there was a 1q with a 24 ACT (not sure how).

Most were Engineering and Mays but there were some other majors posting. Engineering students already admitted were also hearing that they had passed the review and were full admit to Cstat campus.

Another round went out in early October and then mid to late October. OOS firt notice was in early December (according to this thread-unless I missed it).

We seem to be on pace. Hang in there.


Is there any pattern related to when each wave occurs related to day of the week released, etc.? Also, when does TAMU start releasing scholarship information?

My son is a Freshman this year and we didn’t receive scholarship information until February.

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Great information. Thank you. I thought they could apply for scholarship after the application was submitted. But now in AIS the scholarship section says to be submitted at time of application. Is it too late to apply for scholarship now?

I’m hoping someone else can answer the scholarship info. That is out of my realm of expertise!


I answered above, but my son who is a freshman this year was admitted (holistic) in November and the scholarships were not listed until February.

You can still apply! My son applied about a month after he submitted his application.


Thank you!

@hockeymom987 scholarships don’t start going out until early spring. Just know that A&M is known for giving very little scholarship money, outside of the big scholarships listed on the main scholarship A&M scholarship page. They won’t be dangling and matching scholarships, like many schools will. Departmental scholarships can come after freshman year, but aren’t a given. A&M also doesn’t stack academic scholarships (and pretty much the Academic Scholarships go to NM/NMSF/NMCommended).
It’s a reoccurring post on the Aggie Parent pages, incoming freshman parents, wondering why their valedictorian & salutatorian students with 4.0+ haven’t been offered TAMU scholarships. Asked all the time…


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Yeah, this was the question I didn’t know about it… if they can apply after submitting. Thank you!!!

But last year did it give you the statement that you had to apply at the time of college application? Or was it like prior years and you apply later? It seems this is new this year.