Texas A&M University Class of 2026

It showed up in Howdy in his financial aid portal- he was accepted last November and the scholarships didn’t arrive until February!

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This person obviously had the stuff to get it done. So they applied to the Engineering Academy at Blinn Brehnam? Thats a great option for engineers - but spots are limited, first come, first serve.

No, he was offered Blinn Academy in Bryan. Needless to say he was shocked to not get in, but he hunkered down and has crushed it every semester since and with fantastic internships during the summers (even during covid). So where there’s a will, there’s a way.

The Brenham Blinn Academy that you’re referring to, is fantastic. AND they get to be a part of TAMU events as well even though it’s a totally different application process. Last I heard, they took 100 engineering students, but they may be wrong now.

Could it be that he turned in his application really late so that all the engineering spots on main campus were full? Curious about when he got his application to “complete and in review”

The Brenham Engineering Academy sounds like a great option. If a student applies there, does it affect their A&M application at all? Meaning A&M sees you’ve applied there and been accepted so you wouldn’t be offered full admit to A&M or Blinn Rellis when they otherwise may have given you that offer. Hopefully this question makes sense.

It makes total sense and I do not have an answer. I had the same question regarding applying straight to galveston. It’s the same howdy system, so they definitely see it. I don’t know if TAMU sees Blinn applications though. Since it’s specifically geared toward TAMU engineering, I would assume they do.

Whether or not it effects your chances, is the question I would love to know the answer to!

@eggscapgoats… no he applied in September of his year. And when he called admissions to ask why he wasn’t fully accepted (per his moms request to call), he was told it was because of his SAT score. I can’t remember when Engineering review started, but I know it was pretty new at the time (Applied Fall 2017).


I don’t think applying to both TAMU and TAMU Galveston will have a negative impact on your application to either. I have twins currently applying to both. My older sons ‘20 (Ag major) and ‘23 (mechanical engineering) applied to both and were accepted to both.


That is great to hear. I was totally leery of that, so I’m happy to hear that it didn’t play a role! Thank you for sharing!!!

Thank-you! Thats great admissions told him what the issue was. Sounds like he was determined and it all worked out for him.

In case anyone is interested in the Engineering Academy at Blinn Brehnam, info is below. Applications opens Sept 2021 for Fall 2022 and its Apply Texas.


Mail just came… still no banner today.

The banner can take weeks….

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Thanks for letting me know! It said it was mailed 9/23, so I was looking for it sometime this week. Will stop stalking the mail carrier - haha.

It tells you when the banner was mailed? Where does it say that? Must be new, in 2019 it just appeared…2+ weeks after acceptance showed up on AIS, some people never got the banner.

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Thank you so much for this feedback. You have made my heart a little lighter. I am terrible at waiting LOL :wink:

My daughter has 4.89 GPA in top 10%, been very math focused since 7th grade and was bussed to the high school for pre-ap math in 8th grade, 13 AP courses, 4 years of engineering courses, robotics for 3 years, leadership in 2 clubs (one as president), stage manager for theater for 4 years. She has attended a SWE camp (virtual) and the A&M Honors STEM camp. I think she had great essays and a very good recommendation letter from her engineering teacher. But her SAT was not as high as she would have liked.

So we wait…but your input has really calmed my nerves. Thank you sooo sooo much.

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AIS tells me the acceptance letter was mailed to my home address 9/23. I guess that does not mean that the banner was mailed at the same time. But still haven’t received the acceptance letter in the mail (though I can view a copy in AIS).

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My son is in the engineering academy in San Antonio. He applied to A&M first, and then applied to the academy. I have also heard students apply to the academy, and then A&M after academy acceptance to save money on the A&M application fee.

It is a great program and he is really enjoying it. The students in the program are in almost the same classes, (engineering, calculus, chemistry), etc, so they really get to know each other, and get together for study groups. They do several trips a year to the main campus as well. I love that his advisor is mainly for the academy, so she’s always available for any questions and gets to know the students on a more personable level.


SRAR question. My son submitted his SRAR a couple of weeks ago. He recently went into his SRAR again to update his new school counselor. Now the SRAR is in “edit mode” and in order to get out of edit mode he needs to hit submit again, which it looks like the SRAR will resubmit to the schools he already submitted it to. Will this affect his application? He can’t leave it in that mode because he needs to submit to another university.

My son has had to do that a couple times. He originally submitted the SRAR to TAMU first, U of MN 2nd, and then a couple others later. For whatever reason, every time he closes it to resend to a new school it also resends to MN (but nowhere else).

The TAMU website says not to change/edit the SRAR after it’s been submitted but to email them with the update instead. Well now we are in a bind because he’s going to have to hit resubmit to save the change and be able to get out of edit mode to be able to link to another university. He sent an inquiry to the couple of schools he’s already submitted the SRAR to. Hopefully they’ll allow him to resubmit without any issues. It too bad all the schools are linked in this way.

Howdy All!! Was seeing if anyone has done the Discover Aggieland tour?